Weight and Mental Health

Hey, I'm Kayla.

I've been around on this site on and off for a few years, but never really got into the "support system" aspect of the site. Always assuming I could do it alone.

Obviously the fact that I'm still here shows how wrong I was.

I am an abuse, and sexual assault survivor who is looking to finally get my life back on track.
For the past 5 years I have lived under a cloud. I have chronic depression, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.

I want this to be the year I not only work on my body, but also on my mental health. I want to give myself care for the first time in a very very long time.

I'm 24, 5'2 and weigh 161 pounds (4 pound down since the new year!)
My goal is 125.

At the moment I am doing cardio and strength on alternating days, but I am open to others ideas!
Just keep in mind my agoraphobia, and what that means for me. I cannot leave my home at this point in my mental health journey.

I would love to find other like me, who suffer from these kinds of debilitating mental health problems and who want to take back their lives.


  • Tsantos43
    Tsantos43 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Teresa.
    I am new to this site. I am an abused and sexually abused adult I ave suffered from depression for 43 years. I don't like leaving my home much at all. All my relationships
    I have been in except the one i am in now i've suffered from abuse. I am trying to change my life i have always been obese.

    I'm 43 5'4" 242 lbs. My goal is 150lbs.
  • Musicfiendasour88
    Hey Kayla! My name is Matt! Welcome to the community side of MFP

    I have depression as well which makes working out and going to the gym very hard, and has been a huge contributing factor to my eating. I think it is great that you are wanting to work on your mental health while working on your weight. I think a lot of people forget that the two go hand in hand.

    I am 28 and started on MFP in 2014 at 336lbs and got as low as 210 but because I didn't handle my mental health I have put back on almost half the weight. So I came on here to look for support and be support to others.

    I will add you!