From my recent blog...

Today January 12, 2017 I am putting it out there....I AM FAT! Ok, anyone looking at me knows this so it really is not that big of a news story but isnt admitting it half the battle? Well it should be!

My fat is deceiving fat. You can see my picture attached to this blog.....do I look almost 300 lbs in the pic? Yep, it is true. Around the 275-280 mark on the old scale at time picture was taken. See me in the front seat of a car I look pretty good for being someones grandma. Then I get out of the car and you see me and you see the (near) 300 lbs. I carry all my weight from my belly to my knees. sure I have the big boobs and flabby arms but I can hide that pretty well but the booty, the big old thighs are a deal breaker. Nothing, I mean nothing can make you look smaller when you are big. I am a fat bottomed girl and not in the Kim Kardashian, Nikki Minaj way.

I can sit here and tell you I am losing weight because I have a younger husband, my grandson or I am tired of trying to find clothes that fit -lets face it, nothing looks cute in a 3x (and higher) on. That is my fact! My weight loss plan is from one simple thing and one simple thing only, I am tired of being fat! Lifting this big butt up everyday, walking is a lot of work! Not to mention what it is doing to my knees. I am praying my left knee holds out long enough to lose some weight to ease up on it. Of course I know the damage is already done but I got to try right? Well trying I am. I got on the scale on January 1, 2017 and felt my stomach turn, 275.8 lbs (bmi 40.7)...how did I let this happen? Nope, not going to dwell on it....truth is I did and here I am. So I set a date for January 8, 2017 will be the day I change my life style. That is right, I am not on a diet, I am on a life style change. Diets to me are short lived but my life, well that goes on until I do not and I am not ready to do not! Turns out I began between the 1st watching what I was eating. I wasnt doing portion control and calorie counting as I planned to do starting on the 8th but I was aware of what I was eating. The 8th came and I put myself on a no more then 1200 calories a day meal plan with portion control and workouts. Today is January 12, 2017 and I am at 266.6 lbs (bmi 39.4)! This is big for me and I am pretty excited. I am not having cravings much at all. I have healthy alternatives that work for me.

I think we can do anything if we want it enough. 2 1/2 years ago I was tired after 30 years of smoking so I quit. No gum, no patches, nothing just cold turkey, put them down!

I know I will never be the tiny waist girl I was growing up and into my late 20s...(5'9" 110-120 lbs). I hope to reach 160-180 lbs. I will be excited at 200. Really, 199 lbs will be big. I am 46 years old....I have not seen that side of 200 on a scale in many, many years so I will cry when I do. Not an if, but when I do. I hope to be able to share this journey with you. I hope I can in some way inspire you...if your not happy with something, anything - ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE IT!


Reno, NV


  • cheryls1mx3
    cheryls1mx3 Posts: 97 Member
    Dont beat yourself up add me and I can help you
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    You can do this. Log your meals daily, aim for modest calorie deficits daily, try to get some physical activity daily. If you make it a habit, the weight will go.

    1200 calories is a strict diet for someone your size. If you find yourself with strong cravings, let MFP guide you as to an appropriate 2 lb/week calorie target.

    Good luck. You got this.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I sent you a PM, but I missed the bit in your original post about the 1200 calories. Why??? At that size you can easily lose 2+ lbs a week at a much more modest deficit and make it more likely you will stick with it long term. Definitely enter your stats & a 2 lb/week goal and go for that! Save the low calories for much later when it gets harder to create a deficit. :)
  • cheryls1mx3
    cheryls1mx3 Posts: 97 Member
    You will burn fat quicker on alternative day dieting so use your recommendation calories with MFP then in settings set goal calories every 2nd day to 1200cal theres articles MFP posted on this supporting it and thats what I teach my clients
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    You will burn fat quicker on alternative day dieting so use your recommendation calories with MFP then in settings set goal calories every 2nd day to 1200cal theres articles MFP posted on this supporting it and thats what I teach my clients

    Timing of caloric intake is irrelevant and does not accelerate weight loss beyond what creating *any* deficit will accomplish.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Welcome to MFP my fat friend! I carry my weight the same as you...pictures (headshots) lie, as do mirrors (if they are mounted on the wall). I'm happy you found your way here and have seen such great success to get your started on your new lifestyle!

    Set small goals for motivation, your body will feel better at even 5% lost. When you lose that first 13 lbs (5%) go ahead and do a little happy dance...your knees will be able to handle it that much better! Then when you hit 10% do a bigger happy dance!

    This is a big lifestyle change for sure. I also think you need to find things you love to eat that fit within your lower calorie life. I have a few that have became favorites. Turkey burgers topped with blue cheese and mushrooms, squash soup with a dollop of sour cream are 2 that come to mind quickly.

    you might have set backs, some meals, days, or longer stretches that don't fit in with the new you...just come on back and get back at it. Don't let it derail you long term!

    Friend me if you want...happy losing!

    PS....take a full body shot for your records...you will be happy you did as the weight comes off!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I agree OP--just keep it simple for now. Take the calorie goal MFP gives you, buy a digital food scale, weigh and measure everything you eat and drink, and try to stay within your goal everyday. Then move a little more--walking is fine at first. Once you get all this down and start losing, you can look around and see if you'd be happier doing fasting, low carb....there're a million different things. Watch the boards and learn. Good luck.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    @Reno_Amber : How tall are you?

    And welcome. :)
  • Reno_Amber
    Reno_Amber Posts: 10 Member
    @Reno_Amber : How tall are you?

    And welcome. :)

    I am 5'9" on a good day ;)
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    RickyLuvsMary4ever Posts: 56 Member
    I rebooted on 1/12/17 also! We can do it! ::High Five::
    Don't beat yourself up! It's easy to be negative about the fat and the issue that we even have to lose a large amount of weight (SW 320, CW 260, 5'3") but admit to yourself your already doing something correctly and making progress. Keep at it! Small progress is progress! And KEEP IT SIMPLE, as you go down you will hit plateaus. When you hit a plateau research how to switch it up to break the plateau.
  • Gotogallinda
    Gotogallinda Posts: 3 Member
    This is an amazing thread. I am 5'10" and weight 347. This reboot for 2017 is absolutely necessary to better my lifestyle.
  • Reno_Amber
    Reno_Amber Posts: 10 Member
    This is an amazing thread. I am 5'10" and weight 347. This reboot for 2017 is absolutely necessary to better my lifestyle.

    2017 is our year! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome aboard! I'm 47 and weigh the same. Got tired of running out of breath just putting my clothes on. I know what you mean when enough is enough. You are off to a great start.
  • 1skholloway
    1skholloway Posts: 341 Member
    Yes you can do it! I lost 100 pounds last year. I feel so much better physically. I look better in clothes. Today is my 48th birthday. You find what works for you and you work it. Having MFP friends definitely helps me. You, and anyone else, are welcome to friend me. I know the weight loss struggle. I lost 100 pounds 4 years ago and gained it all back. I agree our journey has to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I am actually starting to like exercise and enjoy the feeling I have as a result of a workout. I meet some nice people at the gym. Like you, I started out eating about 1,200 calories a day. I try to never go over 1,400 calories a day. I have a very low metabolism. I can gain weight eating that few calories. I'm 5'6" and now weigh about 150. I am happy at my present weight but wouldn't mind if I lost 5 more pounds.

    Much success to you!
  • Mrsbarlowbee
    Mrsbarlowbee Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 41 and feeling exactly the same...right beside you lady . clean slate and onwards and ( weight ) downwards x
  • timjmartin23
    timjmartin23 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 44 & on a similar journey, I am going to lose another 100 lbs this year, already lost 24lbs since I started with a PT in mid November.

    If I can share what I've found, denying yourself food or foods doesn't work - eat clean, unprocessed food for your main diet & moderation on the rest - stay in your MFP target & log everything - even if it puts you over!

    Exercise is everything & don't shy from the weights as well as cardio - it accelerates your base metabolism rate & really helps.

    Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better

    Add if you wish... I don't ramble on quite as much but do log every day!

  • tmharrison1985
    tmharrison1985 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, all ... I'm 5'2" and 31 years old with a little over 100 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!!! The more friends and supporters the better. I have an open diary and my daily calorie goal is 1200-1400. Hope to see some of you on my friends list.
  • TattooedAries
    TattooedAries Posts: 20 Member
    added you
    I'm 5'8 and currently at 270 ...give or take. Trying hard to get back into tracking regularly