Getting back to exercise after chest infection

samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I know this has been asked before but putting it out there as I am fed up and open to suggestions to hasten progress. I have had flu, followed by a chest infection. I finish antibiotics today and while I definitely feel better than I did I still feel wiped out and cant walk very far or lift anything heavy. After never having had any chest problems for the first 45 years of my life I got pneumonia last spring which completely wiped me out for weeks. I had got back to exercise since, but never quite at the level I was at before (though this was partly due to time/ family issues). This last infection has knocked my confidence and made me realise that I will probably be more prone to infections now.
Anyway, any tips/ hints on how to get a middle aged, picky vegetarian on the road to recovery are very welcome. I usually run twice a week and do some circuit training in the gym, and ride my bike to work 3 miles, 3 times a week. At the moment I am doing a half mile school run, and then having a sit down!


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    It can take weeks for the body to fully recovere from such things. Just pace your self and rebuild as you b are able.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks. Just fed up being here again. On a plus note feeling poorly for so long means I have already lost the half stone I wanted to lose in January.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I'm sorry you've been so I'll but glad you posted as I was about to post the same question! I'm recovering from a chest infection and feel rubbish- but want to get back to my workout routine as soon as possible. I guess take it slowly and listen to your body.
    One problem I have is that I've strained a bunch of muscles in my abdomen and back from coughing :(
    Hope you feel better soon
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Owch. Hope you feel better soon too.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you :smile:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat, right now. As someone who has been prone to such infections since birth, I can tell you 3 things: 1) protein is your friend, now more than ever (I don't know why, but it always makes me feel way better); 2) STAY HYDRATED, this one is directly from a doctor and specifically about helping clear out a lung infection; 3) don't push yourself, and don't feel bad about not pushing yourself, just do what you can and get lots of rest in between.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks. I am bad about protein. I don't do meat, fish or nuts. Will try and get more in.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    One problem I have is that I've strained a bunch of muscles in my abdomen and back from coughing :(
    Hope you feel better soon

    This is the WORST. I popped a rib out of place last year when I got bronchitis, and now it pops out every time I have a cold. My best advice is don't do exercises that put too much strain on those areas until you're better, and maybe also do some recovery exercises (a.k.a. exercises that are specifically for helping you through injuries).
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Also, OP, you should definitely look into getting a pneumonia vaccine from now on.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,032 Member
    I'm sorry you've been so I'll but glad you posted as I was about to post the same question! I'm recovering from a chest infection and feel rubbish- but want to get back to my workout routine as soon as possible. I guess take it slowly and listen to your body.
    One problem I have is that I've strained a bunch of muscles in my abdomen and back from coughing :(
    Hope you feel better soon

    Yes you're right to most definitely take it slowly to get back in your routines. I've been sick since Summer time with a really deep persistent chest cough. I don't know how my chest xrays I've had since them and nothing showed up. CT scan came out fine as well. Now I find it's walking pneumonia and makes sense why I've been so worn out like you all. Having a harder time getting back to my old self.

    As was shared above our bodies need time to heal and it does take time, seems the older we get the more it takes. I don't worry too much about foods when I'm ill but do try to keep focusing on my water intake to keep that up. I don't have much desire for food when I'm sick.

    So glad to hear you're feeling much better after having taken an antibiotic! It can really get old being sick so long, right? Looking forward to getting back to my routines and not feeling so weak.

    Oh and I definitely do understand the muscle strain/pain from all that deep coughing.. I'm dealing with that as well. No fun at all. :/

    Cheers to you all getting well, SOON! @samthepanda @comptonelizabeth
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you, you too! :smile:
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks all. Hope we all get fit and well soon.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I had pneumonia 4 times last year. January to August I really had to dial my exercise back because of it, or take many weeks of completely.
    Take your time getting back into exercise. I think I started doing way too much too soon, which contributed to getting sick again and again.
    I'm not much of a runner, I mostly lift and do a little conditioning work, but it took me a long time to get back to feeling normal again. Rest and listening/taking extra care of my body, even now that I am feeling better has been huge. A few months later and I'm lifting more than I ever have before!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    following for the misery:company thing, although as far as i know all i had was the babyish little quit-whingeing flu. still got the big roomy cavernous cough but i think it's just aftermath since i don't have the pain or exhaustion bronchitis comes with.

    i was only properly sick for two days and my temp only got up to about 100 degrees. still, that was two weeks ago and i'm still discovering my strength is down by 20 to 30%. really sad about it so all the sympathy for people dealing with anything worse.

    i'll support the hydration idea. apparently it really is important to get that stuff 'out', and not just for comfort or better breathing. some doctor told me that anything you breathe in like bacteria gets trapped in that stuff, so in a literal sense if you just leave it down there you've allowing those things a better chance of breeding enough to re-infect you with something new. and i'm also being careful about anything too upper-body-heavy. i twisted a rib once by coughing or sneezing with super-tight traps. it took me months to recover from that, so it is a definite thing.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I did actually manage my workout this morning though it made me really breathless. Felt ok after. I think it's a case of taking things carefully;no point making yourself sicker. Twisted rib sounds painful - ouch!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    edited January 2017
    Well done on the workout comptonelizabeth . Take it easy. I haven't started exercising yet. Did a lot of walking yesterday which felt mainly ok though I was really tired after. Planning a gentle run with my running partner on Wednesday. If that goes ok I'll bike to work on Thurs.
    Trying to keep hydrated too!
  • cparissi
    cparissi Posts: 7 Member
    Please be very careful when dealing with respiratory issues. In 2011 I suffered two collapsed lungs due to acute pneumonia (Diagnosed ARDS) and was placed in a coma for 30 days and went to rehab for another 30. When I came home I was so weak (after being off solid food - I lost 30 lbs) that I could not even lift my telephone receiver. I was immunocompromised and anemic and was not allowed to have visitors or go out for 4 months. I had OT for 2 months and started to get stronger. I put back the 30 lbs and (unfortunately) a lot more. The moral here, never ever mess around with anything having to do with your respiratory system. If I had had a chest x-ray earlier, this might never of happened. Be good to yourself.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    cparissi wrote: »
    Please be very careful when dealing with respiratory issues. In 2011 I suffered two collapsed lungs due to acute pneumonia (Diagnosed ARDS) and was placed in a coma for 30 days and went to rehab for another 30. When I came home I was so weak (after being off solid food - I lost 30 lbs) that I could not even lift my telephone receiver. I was immunocompromised and anemic and was not allowed to have visitors or go out for 4 months. I had OT for 2 months and started to get stronger. I put back the 30 lbs and (unfortunately) a lot more. The moral here, never ever mess around with anything having to do with your respiratory system. If I had had a chest x-ray earlier, this might never of happened. Be good to yourself.

    Wow that sounds nasty. You're absolutely right and having had pneumonia and pleurisy in the past (I'm on immunosuppressant medication for a chronic condition)I should know better really! Thanks for the advice
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Hope everyone is recovering well. I finally got out for a run today. Slow 2 miler was enough, but its a start.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Well done,glad to hear you're recovering! Second lot of antibios seems to have cracked it for me and I did my workout yesterday with no problems
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