Please Help!!

I fell off the wagon (about 2 months ago), and just recently got the motivation back to work out. I unfortunately gained back the 6lbs I lost. Any suggestions on keeping the motivation going? This seems to be the yo-yo effect I go through everytime I workout. any help would be great! Thanks!!!


  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    Add more friends and get some support when times get tough!
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    Don't look at it as 'ON' and 'OFF'. This is for life. Just do your best each day to eat healthily and get some exercise.
  • ltosti
    ltosti Posts: 27 Member
    I have found that one of my issues with yo yoing seems to come from not taking in enough calories. I get so driven to lose weight that I start exercising and really placing calorie limits on myself, then one day I get tired don't feel like exercising and I eat whatever is in sight. I have been on plan "mostly" for the last 2 months and I had to relax the calorie restrictions some and not get wrapped around numbers, which is hard for me to do since I am an accountant, lol :)

    Exercise when I can fit it in, and try to keep the calories below 1600 instead of 1300. Seems to be working a lot better for me. I just keep in mind this is not a sprint, its a marathon and we need to last to the end.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't diet - change the way you eat forever! Everything in moderation - just keep within your calories. Exercise at least 30 mins a day - sometimes a walk - sometimes a full cardio workout and some strength training! You can do this!
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    I believe there has to be a changing point where you say "it is time". It is different for everyone. Some people it is a picture, or something someone said, or medical reasons. What is your reason? When you have your answer write it down somewhere and when you start losing your motivation go and read it. Maybe that will get you back on the wagon.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    This is a life long change not temporary. You have to set your mine that you want to stay healthy. Its ok take a break for exercise but you have to stick with good eating habits. That's what makes you healthy. Welcome back!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 560 Member
    don't over do it.... I have gotten on and off the workout wagon many times and learned that I kept falling off because I was pushing myself to do more than I could sustain over a long period of time... build a plan that you will be able to maintain for the rest of your life and then stick to it...
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I agree with the more friends. What I do when I fall off I Just keep doing what I need to do and thinking of reasons why I want to be there.
  • satimmons
    satimmons Posts: 9
    I'm having trouble getting through the weekend. I did great on Saturday, but on Sunday I made the wrong snack choices. When I'm away from my house I have self control and usually make the right choices. When I'm home, I lose my self control. I weighed my self on Monday morning and I'm so disappointed. I gained two pounds overnight. Most of it is probably water weight and I shouldn't obsess over it, but it's all my fault! I sabataged myself. Beating myself isn't the answer. Any suggestion?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I fell off the wagon (about 2 months ago), and just recently got the motivation back to work out. I unfortunately gained back the 6lbs I lost. Any suggestions on keeping the motivation going? This seems to be the yo-yo effect I go through everytime I workout. any help would be great! Thanks!!!

    Success is never giving up. You coming back to MFP is the 1st step indeed. Your motiviation is never going to be the same but if you develop a good support system on MFP and with others and stay connected you should be fine. We all have ups and downs. The more you connect with your support the better. Remember your supporters can't do the work but hopefully their actions and encouragement will help to motivate you to a healthier lifestyle. Your support system can not carry your load but they can encourage you or cheer you one if and when you do make the effort yourself.

    Keep up the good work and you will re-lose those six pounds soon dear!:flowerforyou:
  • bostonbound85
    bostonbound85 Posts: 38 Member
    I do the same thing!!! All I know is life happens and we make some not so good decisions, but that is life. Don't obsess over it (I know its easier said than done!) just go to the gym, stick to your routine, and kick butt! And before you know it, you will forget about the unhealthy snacks you had yesterday.
  • bostonbound85
    bostonbound85 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm having trouble getting through the weekend. I did great on Saturday, but on Sunday I made the wrong snack choices. When I'm away from my house I have self control and usually make the right choices. I weighed my self on Monday morning and I'm so disappointed. I gained two pounds overnight. Most of it is probably water weight and I shouldn't obsess over it, but it's all my fault! I sabataged myself. Beating myself isn't the answer. Any suggestion?

    I do the same thing!!! All I know is life happens and we make some not so good decisions, but that is life. Don't obsess over it (I know its easier said than done!) just go to the gym, stick to your routine, and kick butt! And before you know it, you will forget about the unhealthy snacks you had yesterday.
  • satimmons
    satimmons Posts: 9
    Thanks for the up lifting reply. I should get of my butt, dust it off, and work it back off!:laugh: