New to weightlifting and MFP, trying to get lean and toned and looking for people who can guide me!

Been weightlifting and using MFP for a little over two weeks now and I'm new to monitoring macros. I've been reading and researching a lot about proper nutrition, but as always, the variety of info is overwhelming so I'm looking for people on here that are experienced that can help guide me. I'm a dancer and I really need to cut weight and get toned for my profession and future auditions. I'm 20 years old, 5'7" and 159 pounds. I'm trying to be consistent with 6-7 days in the gym, four of those days being weightlifting and the other being cardio and abs. I also dance about 4 times a week so I consider myself pretty active. Feel free to introduce yourself and add me as a friend!


  • 83StAyInFit41
    83StAyInFit41 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Welcome!

    My best advice for you is to reduce the quantity of your training. It might be too much.
    Lifting 3 times a week in a calorie deficit is plenty! keep your calories -15% or -20% lower than your maintenance level (while allowing yourself 1 or 2 days per week to reefeed) and you'll be on a fine cut. Boost your protein intake up to 30-35% and you'll maintain muscle mass. Choose nutritional dense food and avoid processed crap and too much sugars.
    Also stop doing heavy cardio (if you are doing any) instead walk 30-60 minutes a day. This way you won't increase hunger and still burn a fair amount of calories. Doing this while listen to audiobooks it's the best and I love to do it.

    If you do too Much too soon, it will be very hard to stick with it in the long run. Sure you'll loose weight faster, but you know what they say, what goes up fast...

    Hope it helps, and good luck with your dance career. Remember Slow and steady wins the race! - Eman