


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I would say the whole egg is actually healthier if you want to compare in isolation as it provides a much wider range of nutrients than the white alone.
  • AmandaOmega
    AmandaOmega Posts: 70 Member
    edited January 2017
    I generally will have a whole egg and a slice with toast with minimal butter. I found it's more effective at keeping me full, (and has less calories) than alternatives such as oatmeal (doens't keep me full), cereal (doesn't keep me full, high in sugar/calories), etc.

    I don't think you're doing yourself a huge favor by discarding the yolk. The calories you save are minimal, and you miss out on micro-nutrients. Just using egg whites can be beneficial for things like omelets or "breakfast sandwiches" so that you can add other ingredients without having a high calorie count.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I do both, whole eggs or just egg whites, depending on my mood and calorie counts. If I separate the egg for the whites, I add the yolk to my kids' scramble or give it to the pets. I don't just throw it away.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Whole egg again here. Its a whole nutrient dense food containing all the nutrients one requires. I'm not suggesting one lives solely on eggs, that would be boring and not overly filling. The body makes its own cholesterol because it is an essential fatty acid, problems of over production can stem from an endocrine imbalance hardly ever investigated and so it is most often treated as a stand alone issue.
  • katrina6823
    katrina6823 Posts: 69 Member
    If you've got a doggy give it to them, they love it and gives them a great coat :)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I guess I will be the dissenting voice here.

    I hate eggs. I think they taste gross and avoid them at all costs.

    I don't think they are bad for me, I just have never liked the taste. If there was one food I could learn to like, it would be eggs but they make me gag.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    eggs are like marmite, love or loath, each to their own. As for 2/3 dozen to ones self, I think its what suits you.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Whole egg, without a doubt!
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    For the last 10 months I have been eating 2 eggs in the morning, whole egg. I believe it is one of the foundational reasons for staying on track during the day....No negative outcomes with blood work either. I vote whole egg!
  • tcay584
    tcay584 Posts: 55 Member
    Eat all the egg! It's wholesome, LOL!
  • RedolentTome
    RedolentTome Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone, I'll stick to the whole egg then. And yeah, I must've been thinking off egg substitutes which I can't cook because they freak me out.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I eat the whole egg -- and see no point from a taste perspective to eating them without the yolk; all the flavor's there. I have them maybe once a week on the average, but sometimes I'll eat egg salad sandwiches every day for lunch or have them for breakfast. I believe in moderation -- I personally wouldn't eat 2-3 dozen a week but that's me. As far as I know, latest research has found the amount of cholesterol in your diet isn't related to the amount of cholesterol in your blood.
  • lisaatswitch
    lisaatswitch Posts: 1 Member
    I never used to particularly enjoy eggs but since following a low carb 'regime', they are an essential ingredient for my diet and I have grown to love them. I find best to eat in morning as they keep me full for around 4 hours, my fave breakfast at the moment is baked eggs on bed of spinach, about 5 cherry tomatoes halved and 30 grams feta cheese - bake in oven for just 11 minutes on 240 degrees, bingo, such a tasty start to the day and soo healthy, low carb and around 370 calories.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    kdtodd1124 wrote: »
    I absolutely love eggs and breakfast in general. I know egg whites are healthier but I feel like I'm wasteful if I throw away the yolk and prepackaged egg whites are pricy and seem like they'd be overprocessed. What do you guys do about this? Also if you have any healthy breakfast ideas I'd love to hear them!

    Look at your entire diet for the day, not just each food individually. if you have room for the extra calories and fat, just eat the whole egg. I only eat egg whites if I just want to add some protein.. but I get those from a carton so there's no extra yolk.
  • Zarka_91
    Zarka_91 Posts: 99 Member
    i take the yolks out of two of my eggs and one whole egg to make scrambled eggs. egg whites work better for me. and i have it with a slice of toast sometimes otherwise just with avocados for breakfast usually..
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Whole egg. Boiled. Each weekday morning. On weekends, I'll usually fix an omelette. Always the whole egg.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    3 thoughts:

    1) I only eat pastured eggs
    2) I ate 4 pastured eggs cooked in duck fat, with sea salt and black pepper, and 5 oz. of organic blueberries, for breakfast this morning
    3) You can use the egg yolks to make Hollandaise sauce to serve over your egg whites:

    OK, 4 thoughts...:

    4) My total cholesterol, HDL/LDL ratio, and triglycerides are perfect. My doctor loves me.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    kdtodd1124 wrote: »
    I absolutely love eggs and breakfast in general. I know egg whites are healthier but I feel like I'm wasteful if I throw away the yolk and prepackaged egg whites are pricy and seem like they'd be overprocessed. What do you guys do about this? Also if you have any healthy breakfast ideas I'd love to hear them!

    Actually, most of the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. I only use whites to bulk up my omelettes for fewer calories.

    Also, cartons of egg whites are just egg whites...they aren't overly processed...they're just egg whites in a carton and have been pasteurized. Maybe you're thinking of egg substitutes.

    This. I'm a volume eater, so I do make use of packaged egg whites, but it's not because they're "healthier", it's because I can eat more for less calories. I mix packaged whites together with whole eggs when I make myself omelets. I'd be ethically uncomfortable trashing the yolks.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I typically use egg whites simply because they allow me to eat larger portions but there is nothing wrong with whole egs and sometimes I still eat them as well.