Shorties like me under 5'5 positive vibes only!



  • Fit4Life0428
    Fit4Life0428 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there, im 5'5 and i find it extremely difficult not only with eating healthy but working out can be task on its own I'm either that type of person that eats too much or not enough my moods change where I eat everything in the house or not eat nothing at all I recently started eating healthy and proportioning everything truly amazing how much more I used to eat that I do now I have lost 70 pounds on my own before joining MyFitnessPal I'm hoping for another 75 to 80 pounds I am that 252 pounds and new it tracking everything it's so hard when it comes down to getting everything on point from your calories or fat grams or sodium excetera feel free to add me im here to not only help with my health but also make friends in the process who can motivate me and I can motivate them best of luck to everyone
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    zeldon919 wrote: »
    I'm 5'3, down about 25lbs last year, at least 65 more to go. (My current goal is 150, still overweight but safely maintainable. I'll reassess once I get there). Being little and heavy definitely has its own challenges. Especially shopping.

    Wow! Congrats on your 25 pound loss so far! That's amazing! Don't even get me started on shopping! Ugh! You're on your way you can do it!
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    yogagirlT wrote: »
    yogagirlT wrote: »
    yogagirlT wrote: »
    Trying to lose at least 50 pounds. By being short it seems like it's much easier to gain weight. I'm like a yoyo, my weight goes up and down. I have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. I am a chef and sometimes it's hard to eat healthy. I am taking baby steps to change ingredients in my favorite dishes to make them more healthy. I'm looking for women around my size for tips and motivation!

    I am 5 ft and I know the struggle all to well. 5 lbs on us short women looks and feels like 20. I would be happy to share swap out ingredient tips to help you. I am not a chef but I love to cook and am a foodie (and love my wine--and part Sicilian!)

    You are taking a great first step. I also highly recommend starting out with some exercise. I work with a health coach and I am also a Zumba teacher. I passed along this tip to my students that I got from her. You can break up 30 minutes of exercise with 10 minute exercise breaks--one in the AM, afternoon and one later in the evening. Or even 5 minutes. Think small and work your way up. Exercise will get your metabolism revved up.

    For me, portion control is huge and watching my carbs and sugar. I got off track over the holidays but am tracking again which is my saving grace. It is all about being mindful and not beating yourself up.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have tons of ideas for recipe swaps and I live tweaking recipes to make them healthier with more wholesome and clean ingredients.

    Hang in there!

    Great! Portion control is my downfall too. I was thinking about starting Zumba but then I feel like I would be out of place( I have no rhythm what so ever)! Lol but great I would love to swap recipes!

    Seriously, just take a class and try it out. I always told my nervous students it is all about moving and having fun and you will get the hang of the routines. The choreography is repetitive and Zumba is all about having fun!

    I think someone already mentioned swapping out fat like butter in recipes. I also use less sugar in recipes or I try to replace with more natural sugar like honey, real maple sugar, or palm coconut sugar. Yes, they still have calories but it is a better alternative, in my opinion, than processed white sugar. Also, opt for homemade dressings with olive oil and I love using rice wine vinegar for marinades and dressing. As a chef, you know it's all about herbs and seasoning so add that garlic and fresh herbs to play up the food flavors instead of loading up on the salt. If you want to use salt, I love Himalayan pink salt and is loaded with nutrients. Just a few tips when I cook.

    Have you ever used a waterless pan? They are expensive but you don't need oil and meat and veggies come out amazing and less fat that way when you cook meat.

    Those are great tips! Thank you! No I haven't used a waterless pan but now I will purchase one. So far poaching, boiling and baking are my only options so I would love to try that. As for Zumba I'm going to give it a try. I'm just so shy! I'm going to join a class and update you on how it went. Lol

    Yayyy! :) Just try out a class and see how you like it. Don't worry, you aren't the only shy Zumba student out there. Just have fun and move--what dancing is all about. Yes, please keep me posted.

    I swear by the waterless pans and my slow cooker, especially when it's cold and I want to make comfort food. :) I made this delish new lemon chicken recipe tonight for dinner. I used to subscribe to emeals and this was a healthy portion control recipe for the slow cooker. Instead of light sour cream, I used plain Greek yogurt and was just as good. My neighbor gave me a ton of fresh lemons from her tree so wanted to use the lemons. Mmm yum!

    Lol ok I will and Omg! That sounds so good! What do you usually eat with that?
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi there, im 5'5 and i find it extremely difficult not only with eating healthy but working out can be task on its own I'm either that type of person that eats too much or not enough my moods change where I eat everything in the house or not eat nothing at all I recently started eating healthy and proportioning everything truly amazing how much more I used to eat that I do now I have lost 70 pounds on my own before joining MyFitnessPal I'm hoping for another 75 to 80 pounds I am that 252 pounds and new it tracking everything it's so hard when it comes down to getting everything on point from your calories or fat grams or sodium excetera feel free to add me im here to not only help with my health but also make friends in the process who can motivate me and I can motivate them best of luck to everyone

    Wow that's amazing! Congrats on your weight loss so far! Im the exact same way! I either eat the house up or just have no appetite whatsoever! It's definitely a challenge but we can do this. With time and dedication we will achieve our goals!
  • darbunk
    darbunk Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5"1' and started my fitness journey in September. Started by cutting calories and logging meals. I've since incorporated exercise and have seen good results. I even like exercising now (never thought I'd say that!). Always looking for motivational friends!
  • adelasculean
    adelasculean Posts: 10 Member
    Hi..I'm 5'4" and 150lbs and I'm looking to lose about 20lbs! Anyone can add me!.
    I've struggled with anorexia in the past and I'm looking to focus and eating healthy and staying fit. I also have an open food diary.
  • Monnie67
    Monnie67 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello everyone I'm 5'1 I have lost 18lbs so far. Because I'm short I really conscious of my weight. I have unfortunately Plateau so I have to work even harder now then before just to see 1 or 2lbs loss. I'm 142lbs and I'm 15lbs from my goal weight. I'm hoping to have it off by my 50th birthday which is in June. Wish me luck!!!
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    Monnie67 wrote: »
    Hello everyone I'm 5'1 I have lost 18lbs so far. Because I'm short I really conscious of my weight. I have unfortunately Plateau so I have to work even harder now then before just to see 1 or 2lbs loss. I'm 142lbs and I'm 15lbs from my goal weight. I'm hoping to have it off by my 50th birthday which is in June. Wish me luck!!!

    Congrats on your weight loss so far!!!! That's amazing! I know you can do it by your birthday! 50 and fabulous! Much success as you continue your weight loss journey!
  • navy_wife_001
    navy_wife_001 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have about 75 to lose. Maybe more lol. I'd love some mfp friends for support and motivation. I agree that as a shorter female the weight is definitely more obvious when we gain. Best of luck to you all!
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Hey I feel ya. I am 5'3" and it's much easier for me to gain weight than to lose. I am trying to lose 100+ pounds.
  • KusiQuyllur2015
    KusiQuyllur2015 Posts: 35 Member
    grimansey wrote: »
    I am a shortie also 5'2 and Want to lose 30lbs. I'm a stay at home mom of 4. I am new to this app and I am hoping to stay motivated this time around. Would like to have some help with staying motivated so add me if you need some motivation also.

    Just added you! Any other moms feel free to add me too! I'm 5'2, a mom to 5 kids and trying to lose 25-30lbs. Would love the motivation!

  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    I'm 5'2" and need to lose about 100 pounds.
    I don't get as much time on here as I used to though :(
    Too busy with school
  • mrskcreations
    mrskcreations Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5' and it is so hard to lose the weight and keep it off since we don't have much wiggle room in calories.

    I would definitely recommend watching Bakingmadgymaddict on youtube. She has some awesome recipes and tips for meal prepping and logging. She teaches you how to fuel your body with the right foods.

    I would love to make friends in the same height zone. When I tell people I eat between 1200-1500 calories, they think I'm being extreme, but to be honest my TDEE is 1650. I'm currently 143 trying to get to 100.
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    alarmed123 wrote: »
    I'm short as hell lol 5'1 and have to lose about 50lbs. Taller people carry the weight better, at my weight, a tall person would actually look good lol add me if you'd like. I'm always open to add new friends with goals.

    I always say the same thing...if only I was a few inches taller or foot taller ha!

    I am 5ft and my starting weight last year was 165 and am now at 148 and trying to get back down to my maintenance weight between 140-42--between 20- 30 lbs is a realistic goal for me. I have worked with a health coach for the past year and she has been awesome--she told me about MFP and it's been my saving grace. My biggest motivator is that I was tired of the yo-yo dieting I've done my entire life. I lost 40 lbs in my 30s then was dealing with a 7 lb uterus thanks to yucky fibroids, had a hysterectomy 4 years ago, and I have been up and down with my weight ever since (and was having issues with high BP).

    I am not beating myself up with weight loss because I am toned, rocking the skinny jeans in one size smaller and feel good. I know I will hit my maintenance weight and stay there. Also, my BP is great and in the healthy range--woot woot. :)

    You can do it, ladies--one step at a time! Getting ready to go to my yoga class--always inspiring and feels great!:)
  • jenniferj0417
    jenniferj0417 Posts: 96 Member
    heagler870 wrote: »
    Hey I feel ya. I am 5'3" and it's much easier for me to gain weight than to lose. I am trying to lose 100+ pounds.

    Yes it is! You can do it!
  • DailyGroomer
    DailyGroomer Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'1 and need to lose 25 to 30 lbs. I have a hard time with my legs and arms..they're both short and all of my weight seems to go to them. My torso seems to be the smallest part of me, even after my baby.
  • Gis_Mtno
    Gis_Mtno Posts: 4 Member
    I can relate. Im sending some positive vibes towarda you! We cna do it!!!
  • Airforcechloe
    Airforcechloe Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'1 trying to lose 30 lbs feel free to add:)