i dont buy this "Starvation mode"

i dont buy it..

why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.


  • ashleyjea1985
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    They have no muscle and they are not healthy. Your body will store the fat to protect it. After a while that is going to go away too. Then what do you have???
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Body Starvation Mode

    Starvation diets which consist of less than 800 calories per day and skipping meals do more harm than good. Starvation diets consisting of 500 calories or less can lead to gallbladder stones. When you eat too little your body switches into starvation mode and stores fat rather than using it, slowing your metabolism down. Starvation diets leave the dieters hungry and those on this type of diet tend to overeat as well as make unwise decisions.
    The dangers of getting your body into starvation mode:

    A person following a starvation diet can be left weak, dizzy, and undernourished. This dieting can also lead to more severe starvation diet problems like Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. When the body reaches starvation mode many complications occur such as:

    1. Electrolyte imbalances which cause dehydration, muscle spasms, and in severe cases it may cause cardiac arrest.
    2. Hypokalemia or potassium deficiency and chronic Hypokalemia.
    3. Depression, anxiety, irritability and anger.

    How the body gets into the starvation mode:

    The low-carbohydrate and high-protein starvation diets trick the body into starvation mode. In an attempt to improve the poor success rates found with dieting has resulted in the development of a very unhealthy approach to dealing with the hunger drive and losing weight: low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets. The basic mechanism of this popular approach involves suppressing the hunger drive by tricking the body into making adjustments usually brought on only by disease or starvation. Ketosis is a process by which the body burns stored fat for fuel and it occurs when carbohydrates are cut completely out of a diet. It puts the body in a state of starvation and the body then turns to its own vital organs and robs it of fuel.

    A well-balanced, low-fat, high in complex carbohydrates diet is the best diet approach whereby you eat a variety of foods in small portions. Instead of simple carbohydrates such as fructose and sucrose, eat complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole grains, beans and peas. Reduce fat and alcohol intake. A well balanced diet and exercise is the safest and ultimately most effective way to lose weight permanently rather than a starvation diet.

    Many people are now leaving starvation diets and turning to alternative therapies for treatment. These treatments support the body's abilities to curb your appetite so you eat less often, increase fat metabolism so you burn excess fat and have more energy and improve your mental perception and state of mind.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Many people think that starving themselves will lead to fast weight loss. A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires. The body responds by using its own reserves to provide energy, and these reserves are not just the body`s extra fat. Initially, glycogen stores are broken down for energy. Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate in our body. There is little glycogen available so this energy source is depleted during the first hours of starvation. When glycogen is used, water is released which is noticed as a drop in weight on the scale. These labile stores are quickly replenished when feeding is resumed which is noticed by an increase in weight.

    The individual`s initial weight when starting a starvation diet will dictate to what extent fat is lost. Those individuals who are not obese (Body Mass Index (BMI) < 30) will tend to lose their lean body mass more easily and quickly than those who are obese (BMI > 30). It is dangerous for these smaller individuals to go on a starvation diet because the lean mass that is lost may come from organs such as the heart. In the 1970`s there were several deaths resulting from starvation-type diets. Death is a rare side effect, though.

    The more common problem resulting from starvation-type diets is the resultant weight regain. Weight is typically regained because there has not been a change in the lifestyle that led to the original weight gain. When the starvation diet is ended, the individual returns to the same old habits. The scale will indicate the weight regain, but it will not identify the composition of the added weight. When weight is regained, it is fat. When fat replaces the muscle mass that was lost during starvation, the metabolic rate (the number of calories needed to maintain the current weight) is decreased. The frustrated individual typically initiates another starvation-type diet only to continue this cycle.

    To help an individual break this cycle, begin with a diet history, and help the client make some small changes. The goal should be 4 - 6 small meals/snacks that result in a balanced intake. Also get the patient started exercising. Weight training will be important for rebuilding the lost muscle mass. Increasing muscle mass and increasing aerobic exercise will help increase the appetite appropriately. Don`t forget to help the client identify a realistic weight loss goal. That goal should never exceed 10% of initial weight in a six-month period. After six months, the client should try to maintain the loss for a few months before considering further weight loss.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I think you are contradicting yourself - here's your quote below - you are having a net of 690 calories per day and wondering why you are not losing weight....

    I try to eat real well.

    most days ill have an english muffin eggs whites and turkey bacon.
    (300 calories)
    lunch, california roll sushi ( 360) TOTAL 660,
    then ill have ice tea for snack ( 70 ) TOTAL 730
    Dinner, maybe some pasta and chicken 400 TOTAL 1190
    before bed time, a big bowl of caultiflower 100 TOTAL 1290

    then ill go on the elliptical for an hour and burn 600.

    ive been doing this constantly ( food varies, but mostly the amounts for meals are the same)
    i am not seeing ANY WEIGHT LOSS in four WEEKS!

    im clearly not starting myself.

    im about to give up. im not in starvation mode, and im eating good food.
    havent had french fries or mcdonalds or soda in four weeks.
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    You should consider consulting a professional, that you trust, to help you with your weight loss goals.
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.

    I agree, i don't get it either.
  • loman13
    Do you know how a light goes on when you turn on the switch? Probably not but it does......People that have eating disorders lose weight because thier internal organs shut down...not the best way to lose weight. This program takes time, it's not a 4 week thing...it's a life style and it works. It's also the best and most healthy way to do it. You need to get a professional to assist you because under eating and over eating are linked to other emotional conditions. Good luck and I hope you find the right way for you.
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    From all I have read and heard and SEEN for myself there are only two reason why someone doesn'tlose weight.
    1) You are not being honest with yourself about what you are eating

    2) There is a medical issue

    Its all just math ( unless you have medical problem). 3500 calories equals a pound. If you burn 3500 more calories than you eat you will lose a pound. Sometimes (due to temporary factors) you fluctuate or retain weight fora few days but eventually it all evens out.

    I know in the past I have been guilty of #1. Go on a harsh "diet" for a week or two then crack and eat poorly, then go back on for a day or two and be upset when I havent lost any weight. This time, for whatever reason I just knew I was going to do it. About two weeks in, I was out hiking and as I was marching along I just had this burst of energy and thought "Wow, Im really going to do this" I can only relate it to what people have told me when they finally knew they were really going to stop smoking.

    I just knew I was going to lose 25 pounds before I went on vacation in December - and I did! I just knew that I was not going to gain a bunch of weight when I went on vacation - and I didnt! And I knew I was going to continue - and I have!! What is amazing is that since I was so focused for the first 3 1/2 months or so I have continued to lose weight ( although not as quickly) even though I feel like I am cheating now. I think this goes back to metabolism. Even when I dont work out as much, or go out to lunch or for drinks once or twice a week I am still losing a pound a week. I think my body is working more efficiently and even though I feel like I am really cheating alot I am still eating way less and much better than I used to.
  • avr1321
    it takes close to 1200 calories for your body just to run its organs. so if you eat 900 calories and do no exercise for 4 weeks your body will begin to eat at its own fat. if you eat 900 calories with no exercise for 3 months your body will run out of energy to burn for activities like standing and walking down the street. your body begins to close its self off to burning extra calories and only uses calories and energy to make your organs work. your digestive system will get messed up, and then your respiratory system, your body will then begin to pump and move your blood cells a lot slower then normal. ultimately you'll get very sick because your body will be struggling with the few calories your allowing it.

    starvation mode doesn't just happen over night, so if a couple days a month your at "starvation mode" you'll be fine, the warning is just that... a warning. your body can be put into starvation mode if you don't eat enough. yes, it will take time but still your body will slowly shut itself down. and if you don't believe me you should go to a clinic for the bulimic and anorexic and see what they have to say. cause i've been to one before when my friend had an eating disorder, and honestly it happens.
  • juliara
    It depends on your metabolisum. My sister and i eat, excersice, everything the same, height and all. But she eats like a horse and she is 118lbs. and i weight 172lbs. ????? i get mad too. She eats bad or healthy and she's ok. I gain weight 3 times before in my life and lost right away and now that i'm 33 yrs. i think my metabolisum slowed down cause i'm having a hard time losing. And i've been on a healthy kick for 4 yrs.???? I went to my doctor did some lab work to see why and it was my birth control but it never did affect me in my younger years? It's now. Hang in there. I'm fustrated too. So i'm concentrating on my eating for now and kill myself later on excersize when my body starts to react.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    It depends on your metabolisum. My sister and i eat, excersice, everything the same, height and all. But she eats like a horse and she is 118lbs. and i weight 172lbs. ????? i get mad too. She eats bad or healthy and she's ok. I gain weight 3 times before in my life and lost right away and now that i'm 33 yrs. i think my metabolisum slowed down cause i'm having a hard time losing. And i've been on a healthy kick for 4 yrs.???? I went to my doctor did some lab work to see why and it was my birth control but it never did affect me in my younger years? It's now. Hang in there. I'm fustrated too. So i'm concentrating on my eating for now and kill myself later on excersize when my body starts to react.

    I know. A good friend of mine eats so much. She eats and eats and eats and usually eats some of my food too and I am stuffed just looking at her. She is so skinny and beautiful. I eat less than 1/2 of what she does and I am a blimp. which is why I stand by doing what you are comfortable with.
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    Yeah, my first roomate was 5' 9" and maybe 115. If she didnt eat 4 large meals a day she would lose weight. If she got a cold she would lose 5 pounds. Ate like a horse and didnt gain weight. Had four kids, including a set of twins and her stomach was still concave ( at 44 years old).
    When we would go shopping it was so hard to hear her yell " Yay - they have size 0's!!). What a pain
  • christahollis
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.

    There are masses upon masses of studies outlining the body's natural repsonses to starvation. That is provided you can understand them. Keep it up long enough, you'll be skinny, sure...with permanent system damage...and may well die.

    I'm sure you could find some whacked out starvation website to join if you think that's the way to go.
  • krazykayzy
    krazykayzy Posts: 51 Member
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.

    you do know that people are dying in third world countries because they don't get enough food right?

    People DO DIE from not getting enough calories. Now at what point do you think your body starts to say 'I'm not getting enough'? I think for everyone it is different, but it doesn't happen over night....it happens over months and years if you continue to deny it the calories it needs. If you continue to deny your body you WILL go into starvation mode and the consequences can be very severe.

    If you are still struggling with the information we are all giving you then PLEASE...start googling. The internet is an incredible tool for research. Do your own searching and find out what it takes to be healthy/lose weight/avoid going into starvation mode.....
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    If you don't "buy it' then why don't you do some research yourself and talk to some professionals about it. Maybe then you'll "buy it'
  • michlindsay23
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.

    I agree, i don't get it either.

    Do you guys think that anerexics become 20 pounds in a month? It takes a long time for their bodies to get that way. And they do it in such an unhealthy way. If you agree with their methods, do it---but stop bringing everyone else on this sight down. I read these message boards to get support, not to doubt what I am doing. I've lost 6 pounds doing exactly what MFP has said, and your silly if you think you can starve yourself and be healthy.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Here's the quick answer:

    The only reason they weight anything at all, and aren't DEAD, is because of 'starvation mode', or a drastically slowed metabolism. If it didn't slow, they'd be dead. Their cardiac muscle would be broken down for amino acids in the protein, and they'd go into cardiac arrest. And die.

    I believe the lead singer of the Carpenters died from cardiac arrest due to anorexia, actually.
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    All i want to say is go and look at my profile page. I have lost 48lbs since I started using this site in October. I thinks thats pretty good if I do say so myself :blushing:
    And enjoy them too! :tongue:
    I have been steadily losing 2-3lbs per week.

    If that isn't enough proof then i'm sorry theres no hope.
    Good Luck. :flowerforyou:
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    All i want to say is go and look at my profile page. I have lost 48lbs since I started using this site in October. I thinks thats pretty good if I do say so myself :blushing:
    And enjoy them too! :tongue:
    I have been steadily losing 2-3lbs per week.

    If that isn't enough proof then i'm sorry theres no hope.
    Good Luck. :flowerforyou: