Shamed for CICO method at the gym

Just had a funny and frustrating run in with a personal trainer at my new gym. He pulled me aside to tell me about a free one time training session. Nice of him


  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I once had someone from Herbalife come talk to me when I was on the stationary bike. Kept showing me pictures of his own journey and his wives. Was very annoying.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,941 Member
    lseed87 wrote: »
    I once had someone from Herbalife come talk to me when I was on the stationary bike. Kept showing me pictures of his own journey and his wives. Was very annoying.

    I guess his wives didn't want to hear about it so he came to bother you instead. :-P
  • jdcabletv
    jdcabletv Posts: 1 Member
    i belong to a chain fitness center, every manager comes up to me and tells me that i should get a personal trainer because i workout so hard and i know the moves pretty well, i told the guy, ''you had three tries with me, now i dont need a trainer, because i have one now" . that manager asked me if they were certified, i told him, "lwell your trainers are certified quitters on clients.." lol (one trainer left the business, another got fired, and another one didnt want to train anyone, he just wanted dates...not with me...but he always had an excuse not to do a training session with me since i already paid him. i got my money back. lol ) lol
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Not sure why but 98% of my post didn't show.

    Long story short was just told by a PT that CICO doesn't work

    It does! Lost 20 lbs so far in 6 mo and kept it off

    People will always be trying to sell rubbish to people who are trying to lose weight. Clearly CICO is working for you and for a lot of other people, if he comes over again just shut him down immediately and tell him you're not interested, if he keeps bothering you, complain to the management. You're paying to work out, not to listen to his sales pitch.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    lseed87 wrote: »
    I once had someone from Herbalife come talk to me when I was on the stationary bike. Kept showing me pictures of his own journey and his wives. Was very annoying.

    Mormon Herbalifer?! :D
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Fyi if you used an emoji that's probably why your post got cut off - that's happened to me. You can use them in your newsfeed but not in the forums for some reason.
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    I have three people in my life that are all Beachbody Coaches..... I hear this all the dang time!!! Its annoying.
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    Gotta love it. I was in denial myself until I started really tracking accurately. I consistently gained weight while working out every single day. And not standing around looking pretty kind of working out, lol, pushing myself to my limits. Guess why? Oh yeah, because I was eating more than I was burning.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    andrea4736 wrote: »
    Gotta love it. I was in denial myself until I started really tracking accurately. I consistently gained weight while working out every single day. And not standing around looking pretty kind of working out, lol, pushing myself to my limits. Guess why? Oh yeah, because I was eating more than I was burning.

    Yeah I was in denial at first too- actually I was oblivious. Eating "clean" and healthy, working out like crazy- thought I was doing everything right but just losing and gaining the same 2 or 3 pounds over and over and couldn't figure out the issue at first because everyone who I thought should know never even mentioned calories!!! I forgot to mention in my above post I even met with a nutritionist at my gym and even she did not believe in counting calories!! She said I was not losing body fat because I was having too many carbs with my breakfast which was spiking my blood sugar and you can't lose fat when that happens. She never once mentioned needing to be in a caloric deficit!!! Ugh! It kinda makes me mad how much effort I put in for so long with no results- it's almost like they were actively trying to hide the one piece of information that would actually help me... but I genuinely think none of them actually believe in CICO!!!