Working out sucks!

Should I still workout even tho I am hurting from three days ago ? And how to stay motivated when I hate working out . I have about 15 pounds to lose and I am 5 feet tall .


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Calorie restriction is all that is needed for weight loss
    Exercise is for overall health

    That being said, find something you love. Don't have to do something just to do it, but try new things until you find something you enjoy.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yes, it'll actually make you feel better. You get more sore and stiff when you just sit there. As for staying motivated when you hate working out, you just need to find something you enjoy. Try different things. Do you enjoy running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, playing soccer, basketball, kickball, dancing, yoga, walking....? You get my drift, the possibilities are endless, you just need to find what you like.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    edited January 2017
    fencing, ice skating, hockey, skiing, hiking, paddle boarding, kayaking, pole dancing, aerial silks, trapeze, gymnastics, wii video games, martial arts...
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I think a couple days rest is may find that a little workout will help ease away the soreness.

    I'm also trying to psych myself up to go to the gym this morning. I'm sure I wouldn't actually go if I didn't have an appointment with a trainer. I HATE mornings, I hate working out in the morning, I hate feeling this way - but it's the best time to reliably get in a workout before my work sucks me in.

    I know most people will laugh when I say working out at 10:30 constitutes a morning workout, but I am really not a morning person.

    Things that have helped:
    - working out with a friend or a trainer. Helps keep me accountable.
    - not working out with the intention to lose weight, but rather to feel strong and healthy. Otherwise, I get disappointed that I'm not losing with every workout. Sometimes my weight even jumps a little, because my muscles are all swollen. I know it's all part of the CICO equation, but I just don't burn that many calories weightlifting for it to be a big part of my weight loss.
    - being part of a fitness "club." I recognize a few people at the gym now, and it's nice to see others plugging along, everyone at their own level.

    Try to go, even for just 5 minutes. I find once I'm there, I can do a pretty decent workout just about every time. It's the getting there that's so hard.
  • goalsforever03
    goalsforever03 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you !!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    mstein5195 wrote: »
    Should I still workout even tho I am hurting from three days ago ? And how to stay motivated when I hate working out . I have about 15 pounds to lose and I am 5 feet tall .

    Yes, if you're not injured and you're talking about simple soreness, simply do something different. Walk it out, stretch, and recover. Once you're up to it, go back to doing the workout you were doing before. You may just need more recovery time.
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    I know that exercise is good in so many ways and it’s easy to suggest that someone just “find something they love” but I honestly believe that some people do not enjoy physical activity. I have tried every type of work out there is – some are more enjoyable than others for sure, but I would still rather be napping than doing a designated exercise. I like to walk or be out doing things but that’s not always an option.

    I will echo the above poster and say that you really only need to be in a deficit with your diet to lose. I did WW without exercising and lost 60 pounds. Exercise will shape your body, but you can easily lose without going to a gym or *gasp* running.
  • bouchakl
    bouchakl Posts: 21 Member
    Personally, i find that the combination works best, but by all means, rest the area that sounds overworked. Or find something using a different muscle group. I hate working out, so your caption caught my attention. reduced calories definitely will get you there, but you'll feel better and look better with the combination.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    A light workout can actually help with the symptoms of DOMS.

    If you're suffering that much after a workout I'd suggest dialing it back a bit. The old adage no pain, no gain is not a maxim to follow. The head coach of my tri club alwyas says that every workout should leave you wanting more.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Actually, I've usually found that working out helps with soreness.

    You also want to make sure you are stretching, working out with good form, and not trying to do too much, too soon. All of those things help with not getting so sore.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I agree with Brian...maybe you are doing too much too soon. I started a program that I want to do...after two weeks I had accept that it was a little ambitious. I wasn't recovering by the time the next workout was scheduled. I dropped down to a lower program and now I am seeing progress. By the time I finish this program I should be ready for the harder one.
  • Dana_Styles
    Dana_Styles Posts: 11 Member
    The older you get, the more important exercise is for health. Does it make you stronger? Breathe harder? Stretch? Balance? That's what you need to do. If you're not used to moving, it will probably make you sore and might not be enjoyable, but very soon it can be. Find something that's actually fun and do that. When the 15 pounds are gone, your body will still need exercise. And your old-lady self will love you for starting today!
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    The soreness will get better I promise!

    You're going too hard or not eating enough to recover. My guess is it's a combination of both.

    I've been on this site for years and people are constantly starting programs and complaining about soreness or full blown injury. You can't ask your body to do a bunch of work and not give it the fuel it needs to do it. That's why people hate working out and never stick to it.

    I made that mistake over and over. I tried to force myself to do exercises I hated. Like tons of boring cardio or programs like insanity that left me feeling so beat up I could hardly walk the next day.

    Just work on forming an exercise habit. Start very slow but be consistent. I promise you will see results. Once you get use to it you will get addicted. Exercise will become a self care habit versus a punishment.

    I never miss the gym. My workouts are the highlight of my week. Don't give up! It is really worth it.
  • goalsforever03
    goalsforever03 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you guys for the positivity!!
  • GoldenGirlLiv
    GoldenGirlLiv Posts: 19 Member
    I strongly suggest finding other types of exercise you like so there can be variety. I get bored of the gym and running and especially weights (though never of dancing lol) but I find that if I switch it up, I am more motivated to go out and get it done consistently.