Motivation friends

Just restarting my weight loss again after stopping for a while. Managed to lose 30 pounds the first round and keep it off until now. I'm 22 5'4 and 280 so I have a long way to go. Looking for friends for motivation and support.


  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    I think it is great you decided to continue your weight loss and health journey. The future you will thank you for making this decision, that is for sure ;) Feel free to add me if you like. I am on my weight loss journey too and very grateful for each and every one of my pals here. Although each journey is unique, we all share a similar goal, so let's support and help eachother reaching it!
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    I understand the struggle am 5'5 and was over 240 went down to 160 and put some back..restarting after a long break more dedicated than ever..we got this -feel free to add me = )
  • deedeetime
    deedeetime Posts: 6 Member
    I completely understand. I am back at it again also. I am the heaviest I have ever been 5'8" 230 pounds. I had two foot surgeries since April. The first was in April, and then I messed up the other foot and just had surgery in December. Needless to say, I was no very active this past year. I am on the mend and am starting physical therapy next week . Hopefully I will be able to work out again and by tracking using MyFitnessPal, loose some needed weight. Good luck everyone!