Shorties like me under 5'5 positive vibes only!



  • mstracke05
    mstracke05 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'3" and have lost a little over 21 pounds. I have to remind myself that it takes a lot longer to take it off then it did to put it on. Just stay positive, you can do this.
  • minimel_99
    minimel_99 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'3" and currently 198lbs. My goal is 160lbs (for now) I have lost a total of 29lbs over 2 years (227 when I started MFP) BUT, I have plateaued :( I tried cutting my calories back again but I just end up going over or turning into a total b*tch. Throughout my 2 years on here I have only changed my diet, no exercise at all really. I need some motivation to start as I've never really been an active person. Honestly, not sure where to start! Feel free to add me and any advice for how or where to start working out would be appreciated! Thanks all :)
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    edited January 2017
    This topic is amazing! I'm 5'3", 191 currently. Highest was about 220.

    I put on about 40lbs after getting married 10 years ago, I think in part it was because I was sharing portions with my 6' tall man. It was such a subtle change, and I gained weight before I even knew what happened.

    MFP has been awesome, and I've lurked /tracked here for years with moderate success. I'm on track now, loosing steadily... But I think it's time to rely on community and get involved for support and motivation. Love this topic and knowing there are other shorties out there who can relate to being fun-sized!!!
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Who all logged food and exercised yesterday? Me.........yeah me! Did you?
  • I'm 5'3 and 180. I plan to get to 120 at most. I used to weigh that years ago. Please add me if you're pretty similar (maybe within a 20lb range and a few inches taller or shorter) :) would love support and to give support. Can do this daily
  • ESKIE78
    ESKIE78 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for motivation. I am 5' even and needing to lose about 40 pounds. I actually lost 30, but then because of having to take steroids I gained 20 of it back. I am just getting ready to really start back at trying to lose again(depression hit hard after the meds) I can totally use some positive reinforcements. please feel free to add me. I am really looking for support
  • menashinaye2114
    menashinaye2114 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'3 I have around 40 pounds to lose yes it is a slow process but a for sure process..feel free to add me!
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning Shorties! I just weighed in and taking it one day at a time. Are you logging your food and getting exercise? And where is everyone from? I live in east central IL.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Standing tall at 5'3 and looking to lose at least 35 pounds. Then I will assess the situation again once I get there. Need to refocus and remember why I'm doing this. Friends always welcome!
  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    Morning! I'm 5'3'' ish. I've lost and gained the same 30lbs over the past 25 years! It's much harder now! I need to lose at least 30lbs. I do good for a couple of days and the slide off the wagon. Please add me.
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning Shorties! I just weighed in and taking it one day at a time. Are you logging your food and getting exercise? And where is everyone from? I live in east central IL.

    HI, I'm also a writer too (freelance copywriter). I am from Northern California and it is pouring down rain right now. ☺
  • AprilLoveFitness
    AprilLoveFitness Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'4 I loss 43.2 lb so far I'm trying to get down to 135 or 130 what ever I want.
  • AprilLoveFitness
    AprilLoveFitness Posts: 3 Member
    Add me if your like

  • calyspencer
    calyspencer Posts: 16 Member
    Hello fellow shortie! I was 5'2 3/4" (you know how important that 3/4 inch is!) but I have shrunk to 5'1" at my most recent doctor appointment. I gained my weight after getting married and after having each of my 3 children. I have about 60 lbs to lose. Like most people I lose some weight & then I gain it back. I am looking to be consistent. 4-5 days of exercise to start, logging everything so I realize how much I am actually eating, eating more fruits & vegetables, and a positive attitude. We can do this! Please add me.
  • aliciap28
    aliciap28 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the shorty blues ! 5'1 and need to loose 30-40 lbs , add me we can tackle it together
  • I'm 5'2
    CW 212
    GW 125
    I need support. My husband is 6'3'' and losing much faster than me. Grrrrr... I have lost 13.9 lbs so far.
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    Please feel free to add me -- vertically challenged women of the world unite. :)
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    minimel_99 wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm 5'3" and currently 198lbs. My goal is 160lbs (for now) I have lost a total of 29lbs over 2 years (227 when I started MFP) BUT, I have plateaued :( I tried cutting my calories back again but I just end up going over or turning into a total b*tch. Throughout my 2 years on here I have only changed my diet, no exercise at all really. I need some motivation to start as I've never really been an active person. Honestly, not sure where to start! Feel free to add me and any advice for how or where to start working out would be appreciated! Thanks all :)

    HI, I am a Zumba teacher (taking a breather right now but hoping to teach again in 2017) and have been a student of yoga for 20 plus years. Just wanted to send you words of encouragement and offer a few tips to help you start incorporating movement/exercise into your daily routine. This is a helpful tip that was passed onto me and have shared with friends and my Zumba students. Walking is one of the best ways to start moving and is gentle.

    By breaking down your walks into 10 minutes, 3 times a day, it doesn't feel as overwhelming (or if you are busy). Also, you can start really slowly and walk 10 minutes in the AM and 10 minutes later in your day. Or if 20 minutes feels like too much, just ease in with 10 minutes and work your way up gradually each week. Also, I recommend using anapp to track steps or get a FitBit.

    You would be surprised how many steps add up in one day and you don't even realize it! Just a few tips I wanted to pass along--hope that helps.

    Also, if anyone has any questions about Zumba, dance or yoga, please feel free to ask. I don't claim expertise but am happy to pass along info! :)
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but when I only prepare dinner for myself I've been finding it much easier to stay within daily calories. My man is out of town for the week, and eating has been simple... And smaller portions! I'm excited to see what the scale says after a week of this.
  • 19juanita72
    19juanita72 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I'm 4' 10' and have at least 50 lbs to lose. I was going to the gym regularly before xmas until my mother passed away from cancer that progressed quickly. I keep telling myself I need to get healthy for my children, but something always comes up that prevents me from going. I need motivation to get me back on track. Feel free to add me.