mom's of little ones, how do you find the time?

missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
To exercise? I take walks and go swimming with my daughter, but I rarely work up a good sweat. My husband is a fireman and works crazy hours so he's never on a consistent schedule and is gone a lot. I work full time during the school year but I am lucky enough to have the summer off. But I watch my niece and nephew over the summer so going anywhere during the day is out of the question. I want to go to the gym more often but can only go about 1 day a week, if I'm lucky. I can get some cardio by walking and such but struggle with any type of weight training (besides picking up and carrying around my daughter:)

Anyone have any good home programs that they use? I have yet to lose this baby weight and could use some motivation to kick this into high gear. I want this weight gone, I feel like such a slug. Thanks!


  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30D Shred is only 27 minutes. Maybe if the kids are napping or sleeping or heck! even before they wake up .. you can get at least half an hour to yourself.. :smile: glad you are still trying your best.. Keep it up.. it'll all pay off in the end. :flowerforyou:
  • Tnrbeaner
    Tnrbeaner Posts: 51
    I highly recommend 30 day shred. It's only about a 20 minute work-out and really works up a sweat quick. Now if I could only find the gumption to stick to it!
  • NicholeTrussell
    NicholeTrussell Posts: 22 Member
    Kettle get a wicked is great for cardio and strength training for your whole body! in half the can burn 400 cals in 20 minutes!! I just picked some up at walmart for $30.00...
  • I have an almost 4 year old daughter, and am a full time student, so I feel you on the difficulty finding time to do workouts.

    I personally like doing my stationary bike, workout videos, etc. Things that I can still keep an eye on my daughter and possibly study while getting a burn in. If the weather is nice, I'll take her and walk the neighborhood a few times. Gets us both out of the house, and gets me moving. Good luck!
  • aml31
    aml31 Posts: 57
    I know how you feel, I have 3 kids ages 8, 4 and 18 months. I use leslie sansone walk at home video's and jillian Michaels dvd's. Just wait till my lil ones napping (which is rare). It works fairly well for me. good luck.
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    I've got 2 and my Husband works 6-7 days a week.. I like Turbo Jam so if I can get my daughter down for a nap I'll do that, and get my 3 year old to do it with me.. He likes it.. =It is hard to find time with little ones.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Make time....You have prioritize it and really stick with it. The shred helps because its only 30 minutes and try doing things with your kid(s) to keep them active with you. My daughter rides her bike while I chase her. hahaha
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in your boat honestly, little time to do much. But I could suggest using steps in your house and running them a bit that way you can still be with the kiddos.

    My hubby is also a fireman and I wonder how in the world I can have weight issues when I'm doing all this work on my own most of the time! I was lugging all the trash from a big party we had up the hill last night for the garbage collectors to take away today and had this very thought! How can I have extra weight on me when I have to do all the hard work around here because his job keeps him away so much?!

    Also, I think you are pretty new here so hopefully I can say this without seeming to ignore reality! I have found that couting calories has really helped to keep my eating habits in line with the level of activity I CAN manage. When I used to just rely on upping my activity level I would always gain weight eventually when I couldn't maintain the level anymore for whatever reason. This time I have put my effort into lowering my intake and I have taken off weight without really having to up my activity level a lot.

    I still want to, in order to be a more fit me, but being a less heavy me is a good start to that pursuit anyway!

    Good luck!!!
  • haha! on the 30 day shred too - on my good days :) i do stuff when my 2 year old goes down for naps. AND... I'll march/jog/walk/kick in place/keep my feet moving (and sometimes arms too) while I'm washing dishes or doing laundry. did 60 min today all while my 2 year old was playing near me and coloring. i was sweating too!
  • tashajasmine
    tashajasmine Posts: 37 Member
    I do a workout video in the morning while my 9 month old is still asleep. my older kids either play outside or workout with me. In the evening after all kids are in bed is also a great time to get some exercise time in without kids.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I am a SAHM to my 2 y/o daughter and my husband works crazy hours too (think 10am-2am daily!). I don't have the time to go to a gym, most of which don't provide childcare to watch my daughter while I work out. What I do is rely on naptime. My daughter is a great sleeper. While she takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, I like to exercise in my living room. I like Zumba for Wii, 30 Day Shred, 10 Minute Solutions Kickboxing, and Pick Your Level Pilates. If you have Netflix, they have several workouts to do. 30 Day Shred is interval and incorporates weights, so that may be helpful for you. Most of the ones I listed are under 30 minutes, so you can do them in a pinch.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in the evening after I put the baby to bed; it'll really work up a good sweat and get your heart pumping. I also have wii fit and just started doing the Wii Zumba. I'm trying to get myself up early in the morning to do a short workout also but haven't managed that yet; my daughter doesn't sleep thru the night yet.
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    Zumba for the wii is lots of fun - any DVD or Wii workout can be done at home. Lots of people are into the P90X, or Gillian Michaels stuff, all of which can be ordered online. Just pick something up and give it a try - once you get going, you'll figure out what you like. Walk every day with the kids - use a stroller if you can. Every time hubby is home, take advantage of it & go for a walk or run! Couch to 5k is a free plan which takes you from the couch to being able to run 3.1 miles in 10 weeks - very doable! Find a friend who will do it too! Good luck, you can do it!
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I have a 4 1/2 y.o and 1 1/2 y.o. I generally exercise with a 30 minute workout video at nap/rest time. I make my oldest watch a movie so I can get a workout in after lunch! If I know I'll be gone I get up a little earlier and shoot for it before they wake up. It's tough to squeeze it in, but you can do it! My oldest would be fine to sit and watch, but my little one always wants to climb on me so that is why I try to do it when he is not up or around! Good luck!
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I am very fortunate to live close to a community center that has childcare available. I take exercise classes and use the weight/cardio room while the kids play. Otherwise, I don't know what I would do!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    My girls are 1 and 3. I wake up at 5am so I can do my workout before I have to get ready for work and get them ready for daycare. If I put it off until after work/nighttime it would never happen! I use DVDs at home, currently Chalean Extreme. It takes dedication to get up and do it, and sometimes I fall off the wagon, but I've been doing this pretty consistently for the past 3 years. I even got up early to work out when I was on maternity leave because I knew I wouldn't have time once the kids were awake for the day!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I can relate to being busy and I mean busy lol...I have twin babies and a toddler to take care of. I am fortunate enough to stay at home for now till I go back to work in about a year or two. I do my workouts at home because I would never find the time to go to a gym. I use my treadmill and found it to be effective. I have a set schedule of waking up and making sure all the kids are fed...then put my twins in their bouncers and my son is coloring, watching a show, or eating breakfast while I'm running.

    Find the time when you can, don't stress too much...once your mind is set everything else will follow. You CAN do this and even if its just a walk or something fun with the kiddos. :flowerforyou:
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks so much! I didn't know they had zumba for the wii. That just made my day. Since I get bored easily exercising I think I'll order that. And I'm going to try 30 day shred. Honestly, Jillian scares me:) But going to try during nap time.
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    I've been waking up before they do (5 am unfortunately) to work out, or right after I get them to bed.

    We started a busy mom's group, if you want to join us for support. friend me on facebook!/profile.php?id=651736167

    and i'll add you to the group! If any other mom's want to join, the invitation is open.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I am a wife and a mom to a 3-year-old. I go to the gym directly after work. I found that going in the morning was too cumbersome with an unpredictable toddler at home :smile:, and going during my lunch break caused me to spend more time undressing and dressing to beat the clock. And I treat my gym visit like it is a part of my job - I HAVE to do it. That has been working for me so far.

    My gym also has child care, so I use it on the weekends.