Thoughts on Carb counting v/s calorie counting? ?



  • Tgmcmonigle
    Tgmcmonigle Posts: 7 Member
    red99ryder wrote: »
    I think any time your limiting food choices you are limiting calories indirectly ..

    Maybe. I have seen people cutting carbs absolutely go crazy with protein and fat intake. Results were frustrated people who lost no weight while craving the things they were cutting out of their diet.

  • susan12c2001
    susan12c2001 Posts: 20 Member
    I think that being more aware of my carbs, not focusing on my carb intake it could help me. I have low blood sugar levels and eating sweets or breads always seem to set me off. By set me off I mean I literally want to pass out after eating them, zoned out and low energy.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I think that being more aware of my carbs, not focusing on my carb intake it could help me. I have low blood sugar levels and eating sweets or breads always seem to set me off. By set me off I mean I literally want to pass out after eating them, zoned out and low energy.

    If this is the case why are you asking an internet forum and not just doing it? And leaving this nifty bit of advice out until after we'd all wasted time giving responses to a post that didn't contain the most important bit of info XD
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    If you're going to count stuff, I'd count calories before I would count carbs. If you're looking for a way to reduce weight without counting stuff then reducing carbs can work because carbs are less filling than other stuff and people tend to keep eating them to excess. If you are interested in athletic performance then it can make sense to add counting carbs to counting calories.

    Go try to eat your calories in potatoes/sweet potatoes and come back and tell me carbs arent filling

    Potatoes don't fill me up. At all. The only way I can eat potatoes, without over eating them, is a very small amount (maybe a half cup) with at least a tbsp of butter, a cup or two of green beans or broccoli (also with butter), and a 10 oz ribeye. Then I'm full and in no danger of over doing the potatoes.

    But just potatoes? Gah. I could eat pounds of those *kitten*. And I used to do just that, and I used to be 50lbs heavier. Going low carb did help me, because I don't find sugar or starch particularly filling (if anything it awakens the hunger monster, big time!).

  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited January 2017
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    If you're going to count stuff, I'd count calories before I would count carbs. If you're looking for a way to reduce weight without counting stuff then reducing carbs can work because carbs are less filling than other stuff and people tend to keep eating them to excess. If you are interested in athletic performance then it can make sense to add counting carbs to counting calories.

    Go try to eat your calories in potatoes/sweet potatoes and come back and tell me carbs arent filling

    Potatoes don't fill me up. At all. The only way I can eat potatoes, without over eating them, is a very small amount (maybe a half cup) with at least a tbsp of butter, a cup or two of green beans or broccoli (also with butter), and a 10 oz ribeye. Then I'm full and in no danger of over doing the potatoes.

    But just potatoes? Gah. I could eat pounds of those *kitten*. And I used to do just that, and I used to be 50lbs heavier. Going low carb did help me, because I don't find sugar or starch particularly filling (if anything it awakens the hunger monster, big time!).

    Hah i go through a 10-20 pound bag of potatoes a week XD Yum. I could fit 4-5 pounds of potatoes into my daily calorie allowance if i wanted to (i dont) But i imagine id feel full was my point lol
  • susan12c2001
    susan12c2001 Posts: 20 Member
    I wasn't trying to "waste" anyone's time.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I wasn't trying to "waste" anyone's time.

    No your right i apologize for my wording, Simply meant thats pretty important info that would have drastically changed many of the answers you got.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I did ketosis levels of low-carb and lost 61 lbs in about six months. I found that it was a natural appetite suppressant and due to the limits on what kind of foods I could eat, I naturally only ate about 1,200 calories / day anyway.

    It was difficult at times. I missed fresh fruit and pizza the most.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I aim for low carb (under 100g/day) just because it keeps me from getting hangry and cravey all the time
  • eliza46142
    eliza46142 Posts: 26 Member
    I have type 1 diabetes, so I watch EVERYTHING I eat, no matter what. Counting carbs is helpful because when you consume a large amount of carbs at one meal, your body needs a large amount of insulin to keep the sugar levels in the blood from spiking. As a result, it often drops sharply after (1-2 hours, depending on the diabetic), and results in sugar going low. This can leave you feeling sluggish, weak, and especially hungry.

    I don't follow a low carb diet, but I do moderate carb consumption, and watch my calories. Also, I try to get my carbs from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. For example, if following a low cal diet, I eat around 30-45 g of carbohydrate at every meal, with a couple of snacks (15-20g of carb). I usually get around 100g-115g of carb a day. That keeps my sugar from spiking, and I avoid the low sugar later. By also watching calories, I can usually lose weight at a healthy rate.

    If you get most of your carbs from non processed fruits, veggies, and grains, you will not have any issues keeping a healthy calorie count, and these types of carbs have a low glycemic index, so they will not cause your sugar to rise nearly as quickly as fast acting, processed carbs.

    I always tell people - don't diet. Make livable choices that you can continue, because blood sugar issues don't usually disappear once the diet is over. Make sure you are getting enough carbs (even some fast acting ones, in moderation and carefully portioned) so that you do not feel deprived or tired. Make the changes you can keep going with from here on out, and I'm sure your sugar will be healthy as well. Best of luck!!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    If you're going to count stuff, I'd count calories before I would count carbs. If you're looking for a way to reduce weight without counting stuff then reducing carbs can work because carbs are less filling than other stuff and people tend to keep eating them to excess. If you are interested in athletic performance then it can make sense to add counting carbs to counting calories.

    Go try to eat your calories in potatoes/sweet potatoes and come back and tell me carbs arent filling

    Potatoes don't fill me up. At all. The only way I can eat potatoes, without over eating them, is a very small amount (maybe a half cup) with at least a tbsp of butter, a cup or two of green beans or broccoli (also with butter), and a 10 oz ribeye. Then I'm full and in no danger of over doing the potatoes.

    But just potatoes? Gah. I could eat pounds of those *kitten*. And I used to do just that, and I used to be 50lbs heavier. Going low carb did help me, because I don't find sugar or starch particularly filling (if anything it awakens the hunger monster, big time!).

    Hah i go through a 10-20 pound bag of potatoes a week XD Yum. I could fit 4-5 pounds of potatoes into my daily calorie allowance if i wanted to (i dont) But i imagine id feel full was my point lol

    I hear what you're saying... I was just responding to the implication that spuds are universally filling. To me, they aren't. I don't find oatmeal or brown rice filling either. I'm simply not satisfied by starch (tho I know that plenty of people are). One lb of potatoes is about 350 cal. A five lb bag would be appx my entire day's calories. And I would be ravenously hungry if that's all I got to eat the whole day. No (well, very little) protein and no fat would do that to me ;). I know lots of people go on about how "filling" potatoes, oats, and rice are, but I just never understood it. I could go all day on a stick of butter tho ;). (At only 830 cal per stick, I would not recommend it tho!!)

  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Should I count anything in particular?

    Eat a mix of macros that helps you feel satisfied, but count your calories if you count anything.
  • siraphine
    siraphine Posts: 185 Member
    One helps you lose weight, the other is purely for special medical needs. You don't lose weight by eating less of a specific macro, you lose weight by eating less in general.
  • reneec257
    reneec257 Posts: 39 Member
    You have to find out what works for you without you craving food or feeling hungry. I used to watch my carbs but then I would binge eat all the sweets and chips I could get my hands on, I always felt like I was starving. I eat a lot of carbs now but I don't eat a lot of the food I use to. I don't eat any sweets, white flour products, dairy or meat. So far it is working for me because I am not getting those cravings or feel hungry all the time. I eat all the fruits, veggies, wheat products I want. For example for breakfast I eat oatmeal with some peanut butter in it and cinnamon made with almond milk and some fruit, I eat nuts and applesauce for a morning snack, lunch I eat whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce with zucchini, my afternoon snack I will eat some wheat crackers and peaches and dinner I'll make a wheat tortilla wrap with corn, beans, brown rice, salsa, peppers and onions. Because I am eating so much fiber I always feel full. So you just have to try some things and see what works. I am doing the Daniel Fast if you are curious.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    edited January 2017
    I saw great success with lowering carbs (simple and complex), however, it got to a scary point where I had such low blood pressure and low heart rate that just standing up made me want to faint.

    I started eating more high carb fruits that I enjoyed (grapes..oh how I love grapes), having oatmeal in the morning (Qi'a superfoods oatmeal, or a mix of oats,wheatbran,chia and flax) and on occasion having a slice of Ezekiel bread with my egg. For lunch i'll have a small serving of quinoa or brown rice. It also helps a bit with cravings.

    I really do try to avoid pastas, breads, etc. But I will try to keep those simple carbs to a minimum and stock up on fruits and veggies.
  • eliza46142
    eliza46142 Posts: 26 Member
    I saw great success with lowering carbs (simple and complex), however, it got to a scary point where I had such low blood pressure and low heart rate that just standing up made me want to faint.

    I started eating more high carb fruits that I enjoyed (grapes..oh how I love grapes), having oatmeal in the morning (Qi'a superfoods oatmeal, or a mix of oats,wheatbran,chia and flax) and on occasion having a slice of Ezekiel bread with my egg. For lunch i'll have a small serving of quinoa or brown rice. It also helps a bit with cravings.

    I really do try to avoid pastas, breads, etc. But I will try to keep those simple carbs to a minimum and stock up on fruits and veggies.

    Yep!! Good advice!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Chadxx wrote: »
    Just to be clear, she didn't lose weight from changing her macros. She lost weight because she ate fewer calories whether she realized it or not.

    Losing weight is all about energy balance. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, your body will use it's stored fat to make up the difference. It really is that simple.

    Actually losing weight can be more about Macro than anything else. After I cut out sugar and all grains the weight lost just occurred naturally because my carb cravings faded after two hellish weeks which lead my energy balance to equalize without effort on my part. Two years later I am still maintaining my weight loss which is the first time I have ever been able to maintain in the last 40 years.

    When one loses 50 pounds then gains 75 pounds can bet they are eating the wrong macro in most cases.

    Now the macros will vary from person to person so a Low Carb High Fat diet is NOT a cookie cutter Way Of Eating for everyone in the world for example.

  • Libellue23
    Libellue23 Posts: 76 Member
    I think that being more aware of my carbs, not focusing on my carb intake it could help me. I have low blood sugar levels and eating sweets or breads always seem to set me off. By set me off I mean I literally want to pass out after eating them, zoned out and low energy.

    This is why LC works for me. I no longer get a 3pm slump or feel like I need to nap after a meal. Try tracking a normal day and then lower your carbs each day till you get to about 80 a day. See how you go with that.
    If you wanna talk to some LC people join the low carb daily forum group.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Changing up your macros can help with satiation, which can help someone stick to their calorie deficit.

    For me if I eat a carb, protein and fat with each meal I can feel very satiated. The carbs give me energy.

    Funny how we are all different.

    Most important is do what is a sustainable way of eating so you are set for success in maintenance!