18 days in and this is what I've learned



  • Parsniphead
    Parsniphead Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you. I was feeling very demotivated and you have given me the kick up the backside I needed. Sometimes too much focus is on weight. It's not just about weight.
  • Butterball4679
    Butterball4679 Posts: 13 Member
    I could not have said it any better, Your post came just when I needed it. I started January 2nd. and keep thinking why haven't I lost more weight then I have. When I was younger (going to be 50 next Sunday) I could lose 5 pounds a week - but if I lose 5 pounds in 3-4 weeks I would be happy. I have been basically doing the same things you have been as far as eating better, working out etc. and I can finally say I am 1.2 pounds from hitting 10 pounds lost in January!!! My goal is to lose 10 pounds a month but realizing how hard this 10 pounds has been I am thinking that is not a realistic goal.

    Keep up with your journey-- I am hoping to be 50 and fabulous this year.... If I meet my 50 pound weight loss goal :-)
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    edited January 2017
    Stella3838 wrote: »
    I've been reading A LOT of posts lately about "I've been really awesome with my eating and working out for 2 or 3 weeks, why am I not losing weight?!" that I thought I would post about what the last 18 days have done for me.

    I started January 1st like many others. I've been cleaning up my eating and staying in my calorie target, weighing my foods, logging everything everyday (even the "bad" days), exercising 30 - 50 minutes each day, drinking lots of water, getting up from my desk at work to walk every hour, making sure I get plenty of sleep, I got an activity tracker to help me stay a little more organized (and I love it!).... all the things we're "supposed" to do. And have I lost weight?

    Well, yes and no. Two pounds. But I'm awfully sure that was water weight and a lot of people see that initial bump. But two pounds is two pounds. Great! Awesome! It that all? Nope! Wait, there's more!!

    In the past 18 days, I have gotten a lot stronger. I couldn't do pushups or sit ups to save my *kitten*, but now, I'm able to do variations of each and not feel like I'm killing myself. I can go longer with cardio and with more resistance. I'm not wheezing like my lung fell out like on Day 1. I've been able to increase the weight for my strength training. And what I feel really good about is doing weighted Russian Twists WHILE RAISING MY LEGS!! <--- (This is kinda hard just starting out.) But I have gotten so much stronger in a short period of time.

    In the past 18 days, I've been sleeping better. Good solid sleep many nights at least 7.5 hours. And I'm rested when I wake up. Generally, I feel much better. Eating healthier and drinking water has greatly reduced that horrible bloat and things are "processing" as they should timely, if you catch my drift. Sure the water makes me head to the restroom more, but heck that's just more walking!! I'm in a better mood. Waking rested and getting a workout in before work helps me set the tone of the day. I don't crave the "junk" food like I did. Now, I'm more than willing to grab an apple when I'm hungry. The list goes on.

    So have I lost weight, not really. Will I? Sticking on this path absolutely. And my clothes will fit better, I'll continue to get strong, I'll build a healthier heart and lungs, and I'll feel better about myself. It'll come. It took me several years to get where I was on January 1st and I know it'll take me the better part of this year getting back to the healthy life I want. So while my scale isn't reflecting the work I have been doing, I know of a dozen other things that have happened. Small wins. Small gains. And these will turn into large wins and large gains.

    I wish the very best to everyone on this road right now. We will get there. Be patient. Keep working. Don't give up. And do something a little better each day.

    THIS!! Thank you for sharing your journey. :) You put exactly into words how I totally transformed my relationship with food and my health journey this past year. If you just make it about weight loss, that's only part of the journey and only one goal in the big health picture. It is about the baby steps and setting small goals which ultimately lead to making permanent lifestyle changes.

    I have been incredibly lucky to work with an amazing health coach and it is the first time in my 44 years that I have finally made myself, and my health, my top priority.

    Don't get me wrong-- losing weight feels great and I love buying clothes in smaller sizes but for me, it is how I feel, physically, emotionally and mentally, at the end of the day. I struggled with high BP and thanks to getting my health back on track, my BP is in a healthy range and that is huge for me because I have a family history of stroke, heart disease and diabetes. At 44, there are too many health issues that pop up at my age, and heart disease is prevalent for women.

    I am also dealing with menopausal and hormonal issues so the more I exercise and eat healthy, the better I feel and after what I have been going through after my hysterectomy 4 years ago, I have a lot of empathy for any woman who struggles with hormonal issues.

    Just take it one day at a time -- keep the emphasis on permanent healthy lifestyle changes and try not to obsess about numbers on a scale. :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I would recommend drinking apple cider vinegar & lemon juice! Fat burnersss to the max! I've lost 10lbs with it in a matter of 2 weeks. You can look it up on google or youtube! Hope this is helpful! Don't give up ever! Trust me all the hard work you put in will show results eventually! You got this!

    No, this is silly.

    You lost weight because you were in a calorie deficit, and 10 pounds in two weeks is not healthy.

    I have tried this and it is a good cleanser but isn't recommended for long term weight loss. My NP used to put me on this to help cleanse my system and lower the bloat I was experiencing. As a matter of fact it is great for water weight. I would gain as much as 20lbs during my period and warm lemon water would get it back off quickly and safely.

    what does it cleanse that your organs dont? the water itself is what flushed excess water weight out which is what the 20lbs was(aside from any waste).
  • poojap2016
    poojap2016 Posts: 2 Member
    On d same boat...and I can relate to each aND every word you said ....cheers to healthy living
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Was secretly feeling down about my 2lb loss when some of my MFP friends have lost up to 10/15llbs already! Your post just reminded my of my small achievements too. Thank you!
  • twobuttonsandabow
    twobuttonsandabow Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you! I'm feeling the same way! I lost several lbs the first week and then have been pretty much stuck despite eating well and exercising. I'm plugging along and staying the course - I know it will pay off soon and I too feel better because I know I'm fueling my body properly and taking care of myself. Cheers to us!!

    Love all the positive, encouraging replies as well!!
  • Zekezinzi
    Zekezinzi Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! Awesome thoughts and perfect for me to read today!
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