It's a love match!

LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
I love love love MFP!!! I am so excited to have stumbled upon it while googling an answer to a dietary question I had. Wish I'd know about it sooner, but I guess this was the perfect time for me to get going on it. What an eye opener it has been. On the one hand I didn't realize how many calories/ how much fat I was consuming. On the other hand I didn't realize how much I can "get away" with eating and still stay within my limit....YAY and YAY again! The biggest bonus is that I can no longer be in denial over why it is I am not losing the weight at the rate I want to be. It's all there in black and white...and some color to :D


  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    This website helps you make a lifestyle change not just go on a diet. I love this site also.
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    I agree, this website, saved my life. I have truly changed my life, and I love it!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    knowing what your eat definitely makes you make better choices. I never knew how bad i was eating until i started logging in what i was putting into myself. Love it!