Moms, new moms and expecting moms-need your advice

elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
Sorry for all the questions/threads today, but questions keep popping up in my mind.

Even though I have 8 weeks left before delivery, OB suggested that I pack a hospital bag rather than wait, just in case baby decides to make her appearance early. That's where I need advice: what are some essentials that you would recommend packing? How did you chose a packing list etc....

Other than a few pairs of clothes I have no idea what to pack lol.


  • FlippingFins
    FlippingFins Posts: 20 Member
    Over in the UK it might be different, but my key things were maternity pads and breast pads as a top priority. Then you need all of the baby's stuff over here - starter packs of formula (whether you're bottle feeding or 'just in case'), nappies, nappy bags, wipes. More clothes than you think you'll need. And, for me, snacks.

    I took an excessive amount of snacks and everyone commented that I'd gone overboard, but I ended up stuck in hospital for five days and you can bet that they were all gone before the end. I was fed two meals a day to my bed, but giving birth and dealing with a newborn is hungry work, and breakfast wasn't brought to our bed and we were told to go and get it ourselves from the kitchen but I could never have managed to walk there and make it on my own (and wouldn't have wanted to leave my baby to do so, even if I was physically capable). So I snacked in bed instead.

    Lots of drinks, for labour and afterwards, too. Friends all recommended a spray bottle of cold water to use during labour and said it was the most important thing they packed, so I also packed one - being sprayed with water was the last thing on my mind during labour, so it ended up not being used and I forgot I even had it, but apparently it can be very useful!

    I was excessively well prepared. I had the biggest bag packed at 30 weeks and everyone commented that I'd packed a ridiculous amount, but even then I couldn't have predicted a five day stay and ran out of most things.

    Of course, I have no idea what's provided over in the US and how it all works.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Slippers (ones you don't love - you may not want to keep them after). A book. An ipod or similar and headphones. Babygros and little hats. And make sure you have a car seat, in our hospital they wouldn't let you out without one, you had to bring it in and strap the baby into it before leaving.

    This is as well as the breast pads, maternity pads, nursing bra etc
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    A brush. A spare one you don't normally use.

    I forgot mine. I didn't care but a nurse tutt tutted and went and got me a comb out of lost property which was actually a nice gesture. I'd had my first shower after a Caesar and she felt I wasn't tiptop till I brushed my hair. I still have the comb. That baby uses it for his hair :)

    Whatever you forget the SO's can bring in too.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Qskim wrote: »
    A brush. A spare one you don't normally use.

    I forgot mine. I didn't care but a nurse tutt tutted and went and got me a comb out of lost property which was actually a nice gesture. I'd had my first shower after a Caesar and she felt I wasn't tiptop till I brushed my hair. I still have the comb. That baby uses it for his hair :)

    Whatever you forget the SO's can bring in too.

    Yes, a brush or comb. Sounds stupid, but just having my hair brushed made me feel less like crap.

    Loose-fitting clothes (sweatpants) that are easy to get on/off. Ones you don't care about staining, especially underwear.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Clothes and basic toiletries, iPod, phone charger, clothes for the baby to come home in.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    My hospital had a lot of things already so I winded up overpacking. Find out what your hospital gives you for free first.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Sorry for all the questions/threads today, but questions keep popping up in my mind.

    Even though I have 8 weeks left before delivery, OB suggested that I pack a hospital bag rather than wait, just in case baby decides to make her appearance early. That's where I need advice: what are some essentials that you would recommend packing? How did you chose a packing list etc....

    Other than a few pairs of clothes I have no idea what to pack lol.

    Mom of 3 here :) I brought a new nursing nightgown, nursing bras, slippers, a change of clothes and then baby take home outfit. Plus basic toiletries.

    And make sure to bring your phone charger and also magazines or a book-there's lots of down time when baby is sleeping :)
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    Slippers (ones you don't love - you may not want to keep them after). A book. An ipod or similar and headphones. Babygros and little hats. And make sure you have a car seat, in our hospital they wouldn't let you out without one, you had to bring it in and strap the baby into it before leaving.

    This is as well as the breast pads, maternity pads, nursing bra etc

    Good reminder about car seat! Though our local hospital will give you one for free if you don't have one so that might be an option if OP doesn't have one?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    The hospital will provide everything for baby, but bring a going home outfit for baby. Bring a brush/hair tie, toothbrush for yourself. My hospital provided slipper socks, so you may be ok in that respect. Hospital floors are cold though, so yeah. Bring something comfy, probably maternity or stretchy for going home. You won't be wearing skinny jeans, for sure, lol. Underwear you don't care about. You're going to bleed all over them. Seriously. Stuff to keep you entertained. Some shelf stable snacks for after delivery. Maybe some hard candies (like jolly ranchers) for during labor. You won't be able to eat during labor, but candies will help keep the edge off. Camera. Phone. Chargers. Face wipes (sounds silly, but showering isn't on the high list when you're there even though you'll have access to one. If you CAN shower, then do so. Otherwise, a good wipe down will do wonders for you and make you feel refreshed).
  • rach021979
    rach021979 Posts: 103 Member
    I agree with above person who said hospital has almost everything..we even took home formula, diapers, wipes, shampoo! Just bring some deodorant and make sure to take a shower and do your hair every day during count down! bc believe will feel better!
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    If you have already bought a nursing pillow, you might as well bring that. For me (I'm small breasted) the boppy pillow was great (helped lift the baby to boob). I brought it with 2nd kid.

    You might want to toss some food in the bag; granola bars, nuts. You'll likely be in the hospital a couple of days; and will only get a certain # of meals provided.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    The hospital will provide everything for baby, but bring a going home outfit for baby. Bring a brush/hair tie, toothbrush for yourself. My hospital provided slipper socks, so you may be ok in that respect. Hospital floors are cold though, so yeah. Bring something comfy, probably maternity or stretchy for going home. You won't be wearing skinny jeans, for sure, lol. Underwear you don't care about. You're going to bleed all over them. Seriously. Stuff to keep you entertained. Some shelf stable snacks for after delivery. Maybe some hard candies (like jolly ranchers) for during labor. You won't be able to eat during labor, but candies will help keep the edge off. Camera. Phone. Chargers. Face wipes (sounds silly, but showering isn't on the high list when you're there even though you'll have access to one. If you CAN shower, then do so. Otherwise, a good wipe down will do wonders for you and make you feel refreshed).

    ^ Really good list. My hospital gave us pretty much everything for baby as well, except car seat and going home outfit.

    I would also stress soft socks or slippers, the face wipes and/or body spray, and some good hand lotion.

    A friend of mine (she's like all those Pinterest people you hate even though she doesn't use Pinterest) made little thank you bags for hospital nurses and staff and also had candy for people who came to visit the baby. Don't do that unless you're uber bored!

    So exciting!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My hospital supplied next to nothing, so yea definitely find out first.. they usually give you a list of stuff they provide or need to bring.

    I had two bags.. one for pre-baby, and one for post-labour/baby.
    My pre- bag: any hospital documents needed and a pen, re-fillable water bottle, big underwear, pads, Depends, crocs (or slippers), massagers, snacks (I brought some of my daughter's puree packets for quick energy, we were allowed to eat whatever we wanted during labour but that is all I could stomach), lip balm, hair-tie, ipod, phone, chargers.

    Toiletries, more Depends (best thing ever), hairbrush, black robe, nightgown, nursing bras, nipple cream, more snacks, books, really loose comfy clothes for you, makeup (if you want to freshen up for visitors), stuff for the baby diapers (they didn't provide), wipes, clothing, extra blankets, hat, carseat, baby going home outfit
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    edited January 2017
    This was my list we used for both babies:

    - Aloe Vera Face Wipes
    - Socks/Slippers/Robe
    -Boppy Pillow
    -Makeup and toiletries (I felt better even just putting mascara on for photos haha)
    - chapstick
    - camera / charger / phone chargers
    - change for vending machines
    - EMPTY BAG for all the free stuff the hospital gives you (this one is very important) lol
    - Daddy bag with PJs, books, energy drinks
    - large towel to shower with (the ones at the hospital barely covered one of my breasts lol)
    - hair elastics
    - baby book if you want to get a foot print for it
    - breast pump although i didn't end up using mine, I used the hospitals
    - outfit for me
    - outfit for baby to go home in

    Also, get depends silhouettes, it's SO much easier than getting huge granny panties and the enormous pads you need. This is regardless of your type of delivery, c-section or vaginal you will bleed for weeks and these built in pads make life just a little easier lol
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Lip balm and bottled water were top on my list. I packed light, I knew I could send my husband out for any major things I had forgotten, but after my first(they kept me in for three sleepless, noisy, uncomfortable days) I refused to stay longer than was absolutely neccisary to deem myself and my babies healthy. My second son was actually a super fast delivery in our car and once we were looked over I think I slept for 2 hours and then went home. So about 4 hours tops. My third son was less than 10 hours, we made it to hospital, he was born 30min later, sleep, eat, shower, send me home!!

    Of course your stay may be different, but don't stress about the packing list. If you have a device to communicate with you can always message a friend/family member to grab something for you, they wil want an excuse to come see that new babe anyway!
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Everyone has covered the basics. Here's a few additions:

    YOUR BIRTH PLAN - make sure you have multiple copies. 3 for nurses (one for each shift. Hand it to your nurse personally on each shift and go over it with her b/c trust me, they won't share it with each other!). One copy for your doc (although she really should go over with you in her office as well - but don't expect her to remember it). For you, a list of your food allergies (you should also post a second copy somewhere in your room where the nurses will see it easily and make sure they know where it's located). Any medications you take for your reactions. While the hospital will have them, waiting for them to get called up from a pharmacy can take a long time. Any medications you take - just in case you need them fast or they want to see the labels.

    BABIES "BIRTH" PLAN - What you do and don't want done to and for baby after birth (ie. do you want baby with you and never allowed in nursery? Baby with one parent at all times or don't care? Shots/no shots (b/c of your reactions)? etc. etc. etc.).

    Because of your food allergies - lots of shelf stable food. They will have a small refrigerator on the floor, but not likely in your room. Energy snacks for pre and post labor. Have food ready at home for your SO to bring to you for meals b/c you can't trust the cafeteria to adhere to your needs (we had to do this for our son and I remember you've already had to do this once).

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Seriously, don't forget the nursing bra or some kind of soft bra. I cried because it hurt so much when they moved and my pregnancy bras didn't fit. My mom ran out and got me some - my ex husband wasn't so good at stuff like that LMAO!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    The two hospitals where I had my babies provided most things for mom and baby, so definitely check what yours provides so you're not bringing things like diapers/wipes/etc if you don't need to. Mine were a blanket (I get cold easily and hospitals seem to always be freezing), flip flops so I could shower, toiletries (tooth care, hair care, soap, make up if you want to look nice in pictures, etc), cellphones and chargers, money for the vending machines for my husband, snacks, entertainment (I read a book during labor and when baby was sleeping), going home clothes for baby and me, socks if they don't provide the ones with the non-skid patterns, towel if you plan to shower

    You can bring clothes for yourself if you don't want to wear their gowns. I bled a lot after my first birth so I was happy to bleed on the gowns and let them worry about laundry. My second birth I barely bled at all so I wore yoga pants and tank tops.

    It does make it easier to have a labor and a postpartum bag so you're not carrying too much in initially. My husband brought a backpack to keep his clothes/snacks/etc in since he stayed overnight with me both times.

    And potentially figure out people that can bring food - I hated the hospital stuff, so we had family bring in fast food/meals from restaurants/etc and it tasted so much better, lol.

    Good luck!
  • whirlyruns
    whirlyruns Posts: 23 Member
    Loose fitting clothes and shoes. I was more swollen than expected, and my shoes didn't fit well. Also, your own underwear and pads. I was much more comfortable with my favorites that fit my body well.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Over in the UK it might be different, but my key things were maternity pads and breast pads as a top priority. Then you need all of the baby's stuff over here - starter packs of formula (whether you're bottle feeding or 'just in case'), nappies, nappy bags, wipes. More clothes than you think you'll need. And, for me, snacks.

    I took an excessive amount of snacks and everyone commented that I'd gone overboard, but I ended up stuck in hospital for five days and you can bet that they were all gone before the end. I was fed two meals a day to my bed, but giving birth and dealing with a newborn is hungry work, and breakfast wasn't brought to our bed and we were told to go and get it ourselves from the kitchen but I could never have managed to walk there and make it on my own (and wouldn't have wanted to leave my baby to do so, even if I was physically capable). So I snacked in bed instead.

    Lots of drinks, for labour and afterwards, too. Friends all recommended a spray bottle of cold water to use during labour and said it was the most important thing they packed, so I also packed one - being sprayed with water was the last thing on my mind during labour, so it ended up not being used and I forgot I even had it, but apparently it can be very useful!

    I was excessively well prepared. I had the biggest bag packed at 30 weeks and everyone commented that I'd packed a ridiculous amount, but even then I couldn't have predicted a five day stay and ran out of most things.

    Of course, I have no idea what's provided over in the US and how it all works.

    Due to food allergies I am going to have to bring all of my own food. We already worked it out that my mom is going to batch cook and bring for me.

    I'm pretty sure the hospitalmprovide maternity pads, diapers and formulasuring your stay. Will double check though.
    Slippers (ones you don't love - you may not want to keep them after). A book. An ipod or similar and headphones. Babygros and little hats. And make sure you have a car seat, in our hospital they wouldn't let you out without one, you had to bring it in and strap the baby into it before leaving.

    This is as well as the breast pads, maternity pads, nursing bra etc

    Car seat is going to be taken car of in two weeks (it's going to be one of registry gifts from family). Thankfully Male SO is a cop and has volunteered time when our local precincts to the car seat checks (anyone can go to ensure they are installed properly etc) so not too worried there. I'm actually more worried about when he sets up the crib. I'm predicting an absolute disaster.
    Qskim wrote: »
    A brush. A spare one you don't normally use.

    I forgot mine. I didn't care but a nurse tutt tutted and went and got me a comb out of lost property which was actually a nice gesture. I'd had my first shower after a Caesar and she felt I wasn't tiptop till I brushed my hair. I still have the comb. That baby uses it for his hair :)

    Whatever you forget the SO's can bring in too.
    Never would have thought of that.

    My hospital had a lot of things already so I winded up overpacking. Find out what your hospital gives you for free first.

    Will check with them.