Burn rates for exercise here

Do they seem sort of inflated? I see people working out for an hour and burning 800-1000 calories. The reason I ask is that we have a bunch of fitness equipment in the basement that seems much more conservative on the calorie burn rates.


  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    Only way to truly know what you burn is to get a heart rate monitor. i love mine!
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    MFP burn rates are inflated. They base your calories burned on your height, weight, age and sex. Not accurate at all. Most exercise machines calculate your burn the same way. If you want accurate burn readings invest in a HRM (heart rate monitor). This will give you a much more accurate reading of calories burned.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    yes it dose to me two but i dont count my exercise with my food
  • YvonneMin
    YvonneMin Posts: 27
    Thanks you guys! Any HRM that you recommend? I just started the 30 day Shred today and so I'm also confused about how to handle that workout. It's only 20 minutes, as you know half of it is abs and strength (and I don't think strength work counts here).
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Only way to truly know what you burn is to get a heart rate monitor. i love mine!

    This! For me, MFP nearly doubles most cardio for me. I'm glad I have my HRM.
  • MichMunchkin1
    I agree you should get a heart rate monitor - I just got mine from Amazon last week (Sigma PC 9 Women's Heart Rate Monitor, Grey/Berry for 49.99). It even calculates the calories you burn during exercise. I was burning more calories than I thought. I love it!
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    Some things are and some are on the low end.

    Before I got a HRM I would go to the gym for 45-60 minutes and do the stationary bike. MFP would say I burned between 800-1000 calories, but with my HRM it says I burn more like 600-700 calories...considerably different.

    However on the other side, MFP says for 30 minutes of walking at 3mph I only burn like 250 calories, my HRM says I burn between 350-400 calories depending on if I'm going uphilll or not.

    I think HRM is the only semi-reliable thing to use, at least that has been my experience.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Only way to truly know what you burn is to get a heart rate monitor. i love mine!

    Everyone's body is different, so everyone's burn is different. I burn 560 calories when I teach a step class. I am much more fit than I was a year ago, when my hrm said 800 per class.