Get Fit and Heathy Diet

I'm Laura and found this app more by accident. I struggle with staying away from sugary foods and
Drinks and lack the motivation to exercise. Hopefully keeping track of everything I'm doing will help me on my way. Any advice is welcome x


  • RosyTea
    RosyTea Posts: 49 Member
    It is expensive but working with a personal trainer helped to keep me accountable for working out, it also helped me overcome a lot of the anxiety that can be associated with trying new things/working out. I have since evolved to loving my workouts. It is important to find things that you enjoy doing and that give you a great workout without feeling like it is work. Something that leaves a huge smile on your face even if you're dying, covered in sweat and your body feels like a giant wet noodle. :p

    When I am craving sweets I usually make something with a bit of stevia in it, or I make some banana nice-cream, a smoothie or snack on a sweet fruit. One of my favourite treats is fresh pineapple cut into bits and dipped in a chocoate dip I make with 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1-2 tbsp stevia and just enough cashew/almond/coconut milk to make it a good consistency for dipping. Haha, it is hard to explain but that dessert is amazing. I don't eat it too often because it is high in carbs/sugar but it is much better than Swedish Berries (which I adore) or ice cream (which I also love).
  • laurawaller420
    laurawaller420 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!!! Z
  • beautylish241
    beautylish241 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am also new on this app. I stumbled across your post, because I am looking for another girl
    that is also going through the same as I am and that could help me through my Journey. I am 21
    years old and I am currently on my highest weight 183. I have always been in the 130's so this
    weight gain has really hit me hard. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t know who I am,
    and I am not comfortable with how I feel, I lost my confidence. My long term goal is to loose
    55 lbs. But I want to set smaller goals. Please get in contact with me if you would like to
    be weightless buddies. I really do need the motivation.
  • laurawaller420
    laurawaller420 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am also new on this app. I stumbled across your post, because I am looking for another girl
    that is also going through the same as I am and that could help me through my Journey. I am 21
    years old and I am currently on my highest weight 183. I have always been in the 130's so this
    weight gain has really hit me hard. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t know who I am,
    and I am not comfortable with how I feel, I lost my confidence. My long term goal is to loose
    55 lbs. But I want to set smaller goals. Please get in contact with me if you would like to
    be weightless buddies. I really do need the motivation.

    Hiya! I'm also 21 and would love to help you with motivation.