Anyone Else doing "Forks Over Knives"? - Changing Lifestyle

Hi my name is Linda and I got inspired with 2 videos on Netflix; "Forks over Knives" & "Fat, Sick, & Almost Dead". Both opened my eyes and I started my journey with juicing for a 3-day program, and now I am completely on a Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet!! Im on day #23 and have had a ton of results in my body including a total loss of 10 lbs as of today (not bad for 3 weeks & 2 days). Im looking to heal my body and reverse my diabetes,....already have had amazing results with that so far, and have had to decrease my meds! Please feel free to write here and let me know if you are on these same diet/eating lifestyle plans. I am looking to find some friends on here and maybe we can support each and root each other on in our journeys together. Looking forward to meeting you :smiley: )


  • arty939
    arty939 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi m starting a 3days juice only challenge on Monday and I'll take it from there .Please add me
  • nurselinda8
    nurselinda8 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome arty! How you coming along with your diet plan?? Did you ever take it to another level?
  • eque_price
    eque_price Posts: 32 Member
    I am not but I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you have taken into your own hands to cut your medications and fight your diabetes!! I wish more people did this! Way to go. That is just amazing! Keep it up!!
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    I applaud you! I tried but only lasted a few days. I am fine for breakfast, lunch and snacks but can't get my dinners on track.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today im on Month 4/Day 9 --- When i hit my 4 month mark, I took these "before & after" pics....I have lost a total of 44 lbs on this lifestyle change so far and am continuing to lose : ) Strict Whole Food-Plant based only, this means i am not eating any animal/dairy products, no franken-food (NON GMO foods only), no sugar at all except what naturally is in fruits I eat, No processed foods at all....and I feel sooooo much better!! my cholesterol levels/triglycerides are all very low normal levels, my doctor decreased my diabetic meds & my hypertension fact, she wanted to take me off my hypertension meds altogether but i want to just make very sure I am really ready before i do....but i am feeling so much better!!hev6268qbhtg.jpg

    Well done!
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    Echo that! Nice work!
  • nurselinda8
    nurselinda8 Posts: 22 Member
    Sloth, thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about feeling like you cant get enough protein on a plant based diet, But, there is so much protein in beans & rice, peas, and some other veggies. I personally take 2-4 tablespoons of Hemp protein in my veggie juicing drink daily as well as a vita B-12 supplement every day, just to make sure that i get enough....i actually have plotted out all my meals and calculated my eating plan for several weeks and found that i do get quite a bit of protein every single fact some days more then i need, so i try not to do that. But i am confident on my protein intake!! Im so sorry that it didnt work out for you...especially when i think about the endotoxins that are present in meat, either cooked or raw meat, that is damaging to the human body (google the facts on that - its just a very bad thing). Good luck and i hope you can try again very soon.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Today im on Month 4/Day 9 --- When i hit my 4 month mark, I took these "before & after" pics....I have lost a total of 44 lbs on this lifestyle change so far and am continuing to lose : ) Strict Whole Food-Plant based only, this means i am not eating any animal/dairy products, no franken-food (NON GMO foods only), no sugar at all except what naturally is in fruits I eat, No processed foods at all....and I feel sooooo much better!! my cholesterol levels/triglycerides are all very low normal levels, my doctor decreased my diabetic meds & my hypertension fact, she wanted to take me off my hypertension meds altogether but i want to just make very sure I am really ready before i do....but i am feeling so much better!!hev6268qbhtg.jpg

    What a difference! I'll bet you feel vastly different too!

    I applaud your healthier choices and your success so far but I just want to add a cautionary note that it's my opinion that you might well have gotten to the same place while still having some dairy/animal products and even the odd treat, providing you ate the same number of calories. If the day ever comes when you get tired of this superstrict lifestyle, I'm hoping you'll open up to the idea that not every calorie is sacred.

    My husband followed a similar diet for a year or so, but eventually found the lack of protein in his diet to be a problem.

    However you choose to proceed I wish you success and good health!

  • nurselinda8
    nurselinda8 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Goldthistime; thank you for your post and your tips : )

    I am not on this lifestyle change to lose weight (that just happens to be a side effect of my lifestyle change) I saw the movies "forks over knives" and also "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" and with additional research, i am convinced that animal/dairy products are seriously detrimental to the health of the human body. I want to do this lifestyle change because I was feeling so sick ALL the time....i hated the constant physical discomfort and knowing the damage that animal products, dairy, processed foods, & sugar was doing to my body. I really did feel like I was nearly dead, thats why the movie caught my eye....boy did I ever learn a lot of information. That prompted me to research the subject thoroughly and thats how i found a ton of info supporting these facts. The cold hard facts screamed at me and i just couldnt ignore it....making this lifestyle change was the only thing i could do for my life and just start feeeling far, it has worked!!! so many changes in my body tell me i am beginning on the right track. This lifestyle change is the best I can do for my body; i feel i owe it to my body to do the very best that i can for it....i mean take a look at my before picture up above and tell me you dont agree with me....I was the poster picture girl for bad health and a heart attack just waiting to happen, not to mention cancer, stroke, etc. etc. For me, eliminating that deadly meat & dairy in my diet was the most healthiest thing that i could have done for myself : ) not to mention all that processed food. So it really has nothing to do with calories because I dont count them. So they cannot be sacred to me if i am not counting them, looking at them or logging them : ) I did not start this lifestyle with weight loss in mind...i just wanted to stop all toxins, poisons, additives, preservatives, chemicals, etc. etc. because that was hurting me....and unfortunately, there are those things in dead meat. Yikes!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    The last thing I want to do is discourage you or even try to debate the topic, but believe me, my husband and I have discussed this topic ad nauseum. He and I seem to have different nutritional requirements. I do much better eating meat and dairy, and he does better keeping his consumption very low.

    Just yesterday we reviewed together an article that critiques Forks Over Knives. I'll include the link if you're interested.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Congrats! I don't totally agree with your conclusions (or, I should say, those of FoK), but I do think WFPB is a really healthy way to eat, and I am glad you found something that works for you and that you enjoy!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Sloth, thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about feeling like you cant get enough protein on a plant based diet, But, there is so much protein in beans & rice, peas, and some other veggies. I personally take 2-4 tablespoons of Hemp protein in my veggie juicing drink daily as well as a vita B-12 supplement every day, just to make sure that i get enough....i actually have plotted out all my meals and calculated my eating plan for several weeks and found that i do get quite a bit of protein every single fact some days more then i need, so i try not to do that. But i am confident on my protein intake!! Im so sorry that it didnt work out for you...especially when i think about the endotoxins that are present in meat, either cooked or raw meat, that is damaging to the human body (google the facts on that - its just a very bad thing). Good luck and i hope you can try again very soon.

    Just remember that as a vegan, your minimum protein requirements are higher than those eating good quality protein from animal sources.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Sloth, thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about feeling like you cant get enough protein on a plant based diet, But, there is so much protein in beans & rice, peas, and some other veggies. I personally take 2-4 tablespoons of Hemp protein in my veggie juicing drink daily as well as a vita B-12 supplement every day, just to make sure that i get enough....i actually have plotted out all my meals and calculated my eating plan for several weeks and found that i do get quite a bit of protein every single fact some days more then i need, so i try not to do that. But i am confident on my protein intake!! Im so sorry that it didnt work out for you...especially when i think about the endotoxins that are present in meat, either cooked or raw meat, that is damaging to the human body (google the facts on that - its just a very bad thing). Good luck and i hope you can try again very soon.

    Just remember that as a vegan, your minimum protein requirements are higher than those eating good quality protein from animal sources.

    I've never before seen the claim that a vegan has a higher protein requirement than a non-vegan. What is your source for this?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Sloth, thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about feeling like you cant get enough protein on a plant based diet, But, there is so much protein in beans & rice, peas, and some other veggies. I personally take 2-4 tablespoons of Hemp protein in my veggie juicing drink daily as well as a vita B-12 supplement every day, just to make sure that i get enough....i actually have plotted out all my meals and calculated my eating plan for several weeks and found that i do get quite a bit of protein every single fact some days more then i need, so i try not to do that. But i am confident on my protein intake!! Im so sorry that it didnt work out for you...especially when i think about the endotoxins that are present in meat, either cooked or raw meat, that is damaging to the human body (google the facts on that - its just a very bad thing). Good luck and i hope you can try again very soon.

    Just remember that as a vegan, your minimum protein requirements are higher than those eating good quality protein from animal sources.

    I've never before seen the claim that a vegan has a higher protein requirement than a non-vegan. What is your source for this?

    I've not seen this as well. Is there a citation?
  • sarahgreensandthings
    Woohoo! I'm so happy for you! My only caution to you would be to make sure your juices contain sufficient fats and proteins from nuts and whatnot if you plan to do them long-term. Other than that, yaaay! If you want more vegan/plant-based friends, feel free to add me! I'm a vegan, and my diary is open!
  • cbrestensky
    cbrestensky Posts: 38 Member
    I have been eating a whole food plant based diet for about a year now. I had some major struggles last year going through a divorce, buying a house and massive overtime at work that made me stray for a bit. I'm back on track and would love to add some friends. I can't figure out how to send requests again, but if you send me one I will gladly accept.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sloth, thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about feeling like you cant get enough protein on a plant based diet, But, there is so much protein in beans & rice, peas, and some other veggies. I personally take 2-4 tablespoons of Hemp protein in my veggie juicing drink daily as well as a vita B-12 supplement every day, just to make sure that i get enough....i actually have plotted out all my meals and calculated my eating plan for several weeks and found that i do get quite a bit of protein every single fact some days more then i need, so i try not to do that. But i am confident on my protein intake!! Im so sorry that it didnt work out for you...especially when i think about the endotoxins that are present in meat, either cooked or raw meat, that is damaging to the human body (google the facts on that - its just a very bad thing). Good luck and i hope you can try again very soon.

    Just remember that as a vegan, your minimum protein requirements are higher than those eating good quality protein from animal sources.

    I've never before seen the claim that a vegan has a higher protein requirement than a non-vegan. What is your source for this?

    I think the idea is to be on the safe side due to plant proteins being harder to digest or less complete. Norris recommends at least 1-1.2 g/kg vs. the RDA of .8 g.

    (Either way easy enough to meet if one is sensible about it, but I assumed this was what the poster was referring to, even if stated inexactly.)