No time like now:

So this is my second go round on losing weight. The first time I lost 80lbs and gained 40 back. At first I was sad about gaining the weight back but now I am motivated to do it all over and lose the rest of the weight. It took a minute for me to really get back serious or maybe it's when I realized that all my clothes are too small. Lol. I have started working out again and I feel like I am starting all over. But I read this quote that said no time like now. So here I am. I'm looking for accountability friends to keep me motivated and me to keep you motivated as well. Good luck on your journey!!! Look forward to hearing from you.


  • Hello...this is my second go round as well. I lost over 45 lbs in 2012 and kept if off until until I went back to school in 2015. I have gained 22lbs back, and I have been going hard. I have also been extremely disappointed with myself, constantly thinking how did I let this happen after I worked so hard. Feel free to add me. I don't know how to add anyone. MFP has changed since I utilized it in 2012.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Good for both of you for getting back at it before you gained it all back! You see many stories on here of those who gain it all and often plus more. Good luck on both of your journeys!
  • educated16
    educated16 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you suruda. Divinenautralista we will do it right this time around. I will add you.
  • shereehamlin
    shereehamlin Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently try to loose 60lbs.
  • I lost around 70lbs in 2012, gained most of it back and now I'm out for blood to lose it again
  • LorenzoDaGREAT
    LorenzoDaGREAT Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2017
    I lost 60lbs my first time around, gained it all back due to an injury. I'm looking to lose 60-75lbs this time. Like fat guy above me I'm out for blood. You got this