Need help with losing with 3 kids

redneckprincess15 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
Have 3 kids and its so hard to lose wieght...was doin good til winter came along... I was jogging then stopped when it got really cold. I tried once it got cold but my lungs froze and it hurt so bad!! I was over weight all my life from a heart disease. Had my first 2 kids almost 2 years apart. After my 2nd I went to the Dr got put on phentermine n lost 100 pounds in 5 months. Weight around 250 got down to 150..kept it off for 2 years n got down to 140 then got pregnant with my 3rd n gained 50-60 pounds weighting around 198...breastfed for 9 months..she is now a year old n I've lost maybe 10-15 pounds..need help!!!! Its so hard to get motivated n workout plus eating right with 3 lil ones is hard lol hoping to get a membership at the gym when I get my taxes but until then I'm stuck at home... Please help or advice would be great...really depressed :'(


  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Agreed that it's about a calorie deficit. And yes it's hard to make it work with kids. I have three young children and a single mom. Cooking what kids will eat well and knowing what you should eat is a struggle sometimes. There are nights I cook two suppers... One they will enjoy that is still healthy and one for me because my calories left are lower than normal and I need more veggies and such to fill me up.

    A suggestion I like giving other moms is to do meal prep one day a week or every second weekend. Make meals and portion them to freeze. I do this with my protein. Then I have prep cooked and weight things like roast chicken to go on a salad, stuff in a bell pepper... Etc.
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    Losing weight for me has been 75% what I ate and 25% exercise. I think by consistently logging what I ate, while it took time, has been what has helped me. I try to stick to whole foods, like whole grain bread, pasta etc. Have fresh or frozen fruits on hand, as well as some easy vegetables like baby carrots and celery. With celery, you can have that with peanut butter. Unsalted nuts are also good to have on hand. These are high in fat, so be careful with how much of this you snack on. With kids this does add an element of difficulty, since it is very easy to eat what they are eating. Maybe somehow you can incorporate some of the whole foods into their lunchbox.

    With the exercising, maybe what will work for now is to bundle yourself and the kids up and take the kids who are still at home on a brisk walk in a stroller, if you are able. Otherwise, the only other thing I can think of is while the kids are taking a nap, pick a couple of good youtube exercise videos that you like and try doing some aerobics or strengthening with that.

    Hope you figure out what will work best for you!
  • redneckprincess15
    Thanks everyone for the comments!!! Will start looking for things better to eat
  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    The food is way more important for sure. Watch Elle Ip beyond expectations on Youtube. It will inspire you to just concentrate on diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks everyone for the comments!!! Will start looking for things better to eat

    Start with eating less...
  • redneckprincess15
    Thanks everyone for the comments!!! Will start looking for things better to eat

    Start with eating less...

    I have been doin pretty good with eaten less this last this weekend I got a lil off track
  • redneckprincess15
    For breakfast I do half bowl of Cheerios with almond milk n a banana. Salad for lunch. Dinner cup of baked chicken with a lil white rice with broccoli or steamed green beans. Water all day.
  • angiejim0415
    angiejim0415 Posts: 18 Member
    I have two kids, one of which is now 3 months old. Just before I got pregnant I had started to actually lose some weight. Well that didn't last long. Now I'm having to start over. I prefer fruit over fries, so eating healthyish isn't a huge burden for me. My problem is portions. I also love to go to the gym, but I know its hard with the kiddies. So my oldest (4) and I do an exercise routine together, which he loves, while my youngest takes a nap.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks everyone for the comments!!! Will start looking for things better to eat

    Start with eating less...

    I have been doin pretty good with eaten less this last this weekend I got a lil off track

    Be consistent and the scale will move
  • jessiestevens15
    jessiestevens15 Posts: 3 Member
    Have 3 kids and its so hard to lose wieght...was doin good til winter came along... I was jogging then stopped when it got really cold. I tried once it got cold but my lungs froze and it hurt so bad!! I was over weight all my life from a heart disease. Had my first 2 kids almost 2 years apart. After my 2nd I went to the Dr got put on phentermine n lost 100 pounds in 5 months. Weight around 250 got down to 150..kept it off for 2 years n got down to 140 then got pregnant with my 3rd n gained 50-60 pounds weighting around 198...breastfed for 9 months..she is now a year old n I've lost maybe 10-15 pounds..need help!!!! Its so hard to get motivated n workout plus eating right with 3 lil ones is hard lol hoping to get a membership at the gym when I get my taxes but until then I'm stuck at home... Please help or advice would be great...really depressed :'(

    They have a free month trial at beachbodyon doing it and love it they have p90x, t25, brazillian butt lift, and 21 day fix and more i love it i quite my gym membership...they also have
  • jessiestevens15
    jessiestevens15 Posts: 3 Member

    They have a free month trial at beachbodyon doing it and love it they have p90x, t25, brazillian butt lift, and 21 day fix and more i love it i quite my gym membership...they also have i am a mother of three and my youngest is 4 months its easier for me to do it at home
  • redneckprincess15
    I have two kids, one of which is now 3 months old. Just before I got pregnant I had started to actually lose some weight. Well that didn't last long. Now I'm having to start over. I prefer fruit over fries, so eating healthyish isn't a huge burden for me. My problem is portions. I also love to go to the gym, but I know its hard with the kiddies. So my oldest (4) and I do an exercise routine together, which he loves, while my youngest takes a nap.
    Good idea!
  • LeeBGoode
    LeeBGoode Posts: 30 Member
    The food is way more important for sure. Watch Elle Ip beyond expectations on Youtube. It will inspire you to just concentrate on diet.

    Yes! This was an awesome documentary! Very practical and accessible fitness, especially for people with young kiddos.