calorie cycling

Has anyone heard of calorie cycling? I read about it recently and wondered what dieters thought about it. From what I make of it, it's eating your required calorie amount one day, and then the next day, go lower. It's supposed to break plateaus and make the body believe you are not in starvation mode. I read about it on Any thoughts? Chris


  • c-grandma
    Has anyone heard of calorie cycling? I read about it recently and wondered what dieters thought about it. From what I make of it, it's eating your required calorie amount one day, and then the next day, go lower. It's supposed to break plateaus and make the body believe you are not in starvation mode. I read about it on Any thoughts? Chris
  • throughHisstrength
    I don't know anything about it, but it does sound interesting to me. I'm going to go take a look at what you read. Thanks.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    When I search the topic everything costs money...I just can't find out what it is w/o paying to join?:angry:

    I am interested so lets keep looking!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    6 steps to calorie cycling also known as the zig zag diet

  • RLCoach
    RLCoach Posts: 65 Member
    The way I understand is if your calorie intake is supposed to be 1800 per day, you eat different amounts of that each day to equal an average of 1800 a week, it is supposed to keep your metabolism guessing and help when you get to a plataeu.


    monday - 1600
    tuesday- 2200
    wednesday- 1700
    thursday- 2100
    Friday - 1700
    Saturday- 1700
    Sunday- 2000

    Hope that helps, it personally didn't work for me, but I only tried it for one week. The only thing that has worked for me is upping my cardio work by 20 or more percent.
  • krazykayzy
    krazykayzy Posts: 51 Member
    I cycle my calories and it's good for keeping your body guessing.....I cycle 1400+ calories 3 days straight and then bump it up to 1800+ (I add the + because I'm not a stickler and quite often go as much as 100 calories over) I have lost 21 lbs since mid November....I also work out 5 days a week. It works...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I've done it was effective, but too much counting for my busy self. I like to eat the same g of everything each day, I have them memorized for my ratios. I generally carb/calorie cycle when I plateau.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I have and I have a whole bunch of info at work I'll post on Monday....

    I did it for a bit but then stopped....I did see a big loss though! Don't know if its the best way or not....I do remember having certain restrictions....but I could just be having a senior moment LOL...sigh