January 2017 Weight Loss Challenge



  • Shawn_in_OKC
    Shawn_in_OKC Posts: 56 Member
    edited January 2017

    Name: Shawn
    Age: 34
    Height: 6'3"

    Start Weight: (January 1st): 479.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 460 lbs

    January 2: 478.2
    January 9: 466.4
    January 16: 465.6
    January 23: 464.2
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.4
    Weight -/+ this month: -15.2

    Successes/struggles this week: I was doing good this week, was down to 461.8 and then the weekend rolled around and I had pizza and cheeseburger.
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    edited January 2017
    Named: Rachael
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (January 9th): 169.6 lbs
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 165

    January 2:
    January 9: 169.6
    January 16: 167.6
    January 23: 168.2
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.6lbs
    Weight -/+ this month: -1.4lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Very tired this week and struggled to make it to workouts. Got the "bare minimum" done, but I also signed up for then skipped hot yoga twice this week. Obviously I didn't have my food on track, either. :\
  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Repertoire
    Age: 40

    Start Weight (January 2nd): 340.2
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 325

    January 2: 340.2
    January 9:338.4
    January 16: 333.6
    January 23:333.2
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.04
    Weight -/+ this month:-7.0

    Successes/struggles this week: I ate within my calories everyday...but slacked on the exercise. I used 'my time of the month' as an excuse to just do some gentle walking etc. I need to push myself harder and will this week!
  • Named: DC
    Age: 39
    Height:5feet 7

    Start Weight (January 9th): 207
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 195

    January 2:210
    January 9: 207
    January 16: 204.5
    January 23: 202.7
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ this month:
    Success/struggles: started a 10k running clinic that kicked my butt, not sure if I can keep up (I didn't keep up but I am trying)
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Named: Leni
    Age: 59
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (January 9th): 260.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (January 30th): 250.8 lbs

    January 9: 260.8
    January 16: 257.8
    January 23: 258.6
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1
    Weight -/+ this month: -2

    Successes/struggles this week: went to 3 parties this week all at the same person's house (pot luck). First party did well though maybe a bit too many carbs. 2nd party most of the food was leftovers from night before. Didn't want to eat that so instead ate lots of chips and dip etc. 3rd party just went for it. Today I am back. Oh, and during the week I had weight myself and was 255.6.
  • arosas30
    arosas30 Posts: 10 Member

    Named: Ada R.
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (January 9th): 299.5
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 279.5

    January 2:299.5
    January 9: 299.5
    January 16:285.0
    January 23:283.5
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week:-1.5
    Weight -/+ this month:-16lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: went out Saturday night to a cook out( fajitas / bombers/ 5 Michelob ultras)
    Sunday another cook out ( turkey leg / rib/ bombers) plenty of water , +.5lb over the weekend
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    Name: Sara
    Age: 37

    Start Weight: 166.5
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 163

    January 2: 166.5
    January 9: 165
    January 16: 164.8
    January 23: 168
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3.2
    Weight -/+ this month: +2.5

    Successes/struggles this week: Dealing with some digestive issues and havent used the bathroom for #2 in a week. Sorry to be gross. Assuming the gain is from that. Now on a medical liquid diet pending my appointment. We know it isnt gallstones again but there is a family history of colon cancer. Fingers crossed this is just from my increased protein without properly increasing my fiber too. My success is that I am continuing to get my work outs.

    I guess I did mine on the 20th so I'm updating. Back at 166 today so monthly loss of 0.5lb. My digestive issues are improving after the liquid diet and I ate normally yesterday and today without issue...I am watching that my macros are more balanced.
  • nicholajaneryan
    nicholajaneryan Posts: 76 Member
    Oops! I forgot to post yesterday! :o
    Name: Nic
    Age: 30

    Start Weight: 153.8
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 149

    January 2: 153.8
    January 9: 152.6
    January 16:152.2
    January 23:151.6
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 0.8
    Weight -/+ this month: - 2.2lbs

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Going down very slowly... I weigh every day and fluctuate a lot. At least the weekly trend is slightly down each time :) I don't think I'm going to hit my goal as the dreaded TOM bloat is approaching, wish me luck for a big whoosh after ;)
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    Name: Melanie
    Age: 29
    Height: 5' 5'

    Start weight ( Jan 2) : 201.3
    Goal weight ( Jan 31) : 195

    Weigh ins:
    Jan 2: 201.3
    Jan 9: 198.0
    Jan 16: 195.4
    Jan 23: 193.2
    Jan 31:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.2
    Weight -/+ this month: -8.1

    Successes/struggles this week: Weekends are killing me! I need to be more diligent about staying on track.
  • lecase19
    lecase19 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2017
    Named: Lauren
    Age: 26

    Start Weight (January 15th): 266 lbs
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 264

    January 2: Missed
    January 9: Missed
    January 16: 266
    January 23: 265
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: Went out to eat. Took half home. :smiley:
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    Name: Cassie
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (January 3rd): 242.5
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 235

    January 9: 242.2
    January 16: 241.4
    January 23: 239.4
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2 lbs
    Weight -/+ this month: -3.1 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Successes - I managed to start working out again this week! I am so sore today and I love it haha. Struggles, I rewarded myself with some beer and wings for the football game Sunday and even though I *know* I didn't gain weight from that because I stayed in my calories, i still retained some water weight which can be disheartening lol. I was down to 238.4 last Friday before my "cheat" meal lol. Oh well, slow and steady wins the race i guess, right? I had fun and those wings were amazing; sometimes you need that. :wink:
  • HelenHighwater1
    HelenHighwater1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    Name: Deb
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'7.5"
    Start weight: (Jan 3rd) 202
    Goal weight: (Jan 31st) 197
    Weigh-ins: Jan 9th 198
    Jan 16th 197
    Jan 23rd 195
    Weight this week -2
    Weight this month -7lbs :open_mouth:
    Successes this week - getting (just) back into the overweight range instead of obese! Sticking to calories, not eating all of exercise calories, keeping to exercise regime (1× run, 1 x body attack class, 1 x cycle class 1 x weights and yoga). Struggles - too many calories coming from WINE. I am delighted though, haven't lost weight this successfully in years. New Goal: 193
  • ceilthegreat
    ceilthegreat Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Ceil
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3

    Start Weight (January 4th): 175
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 160

    January 2: 175 (on the 4th when I started)
    January 9: 172.8
    January 16:170.2
    January 23:168.2
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: Down another two pounds
    Weight -/+ this month: 7ish lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Boredom has increased. This food is boring. I don't even know why I feel like that since I used to eat oatmeal almost every day for years and wasn't bored. Idk it's all in my head maybe. Only one week left!
  • kayma53
    kayma53 Posts: 17 Member
    I wish I saw this post when it started :( .
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    germany03 wrote: »
    I came home and found that there really is not a "good" fast food option to fall back on when trying to loose weight and not having time to grab what is at the house. Any ideas/suggestions?

    McDonalds: The Artisan Grilled Chicken is only 390 calories. Get that and a water or a black coffee. I do that when I'm out with my 8 year old daughter when she's craving a happy meal.

    A cheeseburger happy meal is only 500 calories if you have it with a water, mini-kids fries and apple slices.

  • LizzyPops2
    LizzyPops2 Posts: 27 Member
    Age: 20

    Start Weight (January 9th): 71.6kg
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 68kg (NEW GOAL as I met my goal in my last weigh in)

    January 2:
    January 9: 71.6kg
    January 16: 69kg
    January 23: 68.2kg
    January 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.8kg
    Weight -/+ this month: -3.4kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Increased hunger probably due to starting the gym back up. Need to try and incorporate more protein into my diet
  • FitnessgalBBG
    FitnessgalBBG Posts: 4 Member
    kayma53 wrote: »
    I wish I saw this post when it started :( .

    Lol me too! Maybe there will be one for February! Also, I'm afraid to even check my weight lol

  • Shawn_in_OKC
    Shawn_in_OKC Posts: 56 Member
    Not looking forward to weighing tomorrow after this weekend
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Name: Sara
    Age: 37

    Start Weight: 166.5
    Goal Weight (January 31st): 163

    January 2: 166.5
    January 9: 165
    January 16: 164.8
    January 20: 168
    January 23: 166.2
    January 29: 164.2

    Weight -/+ this week: -2
    Weight -/+ this month: -2.3

    Successes/struggles this week: Since I won't be around tomorrow doing my final January weigh in now. My success is that I lost this month. I bounced around a bit but ended up averaging .5lb per week which is my normal goal, even though I was hoping to drop a bit more with my new work out routine.

    I really hope we do this again for February.
  • borntowin4me
    borntowin4me Posts: 178 Member
    Named: Niki
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (January 9th): 162.4lbs
    Goal Weight (January 30th): 158.4 lbs

    January 9: 162.4
    January 16:158.8
    January 23:158.8
    January 30:158.6
    Weight -/+ this week: 0.2
    Weight -/+ this month:-3.8

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Success: Only being 0.2lbs away from my goal weight this month
    Struggle: Not counting calories for the entire week last week and not getting any workouts in.

    Looking forward to this challenge again next month! I know if I stick to logging and working out, I'll meet my goals.