Binge eating

Does anyone here have advice on how to stop doing this?

I have came back to mfp after regaining the weight I lost on here last year for my wedding. I always end up giving in after I binge and then feel totally demoralised.

I am 2 weeks in atm, I had one binge the first week but still lost 5lb. This week I had three ☹. I skipped the weigh in at work this morning as I didn't want to see if I had gained.

It just feels like I am never going to be able to lose the weight and keep it off when I can't cut out the binges.


  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    I have the same problem. I have read books, I have gone to groups I have done everything. This time, I set MFP to lose a half pound a week, I figured if I have extra calories to play with I won't be so tempted to binge. So far in January I have had a few binge days but many more days not binging. It is a DAILY mental struggle. Hang in there.
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you! It really is a daily struggle. I feel like such a failure when I give in
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you. I am reluctant to seek professional help, partly because I am embarrassed, and partly because I have seeked help for some diagnosed MH issues (depression and social phobia) and never found it very useful
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,059 Member
    edited January 2017
    For me a binge is usually because I haven't been eating enough, or if I start eating sweets or other foods that I tend to have trouble stopping.

    Set your goals reasonably, your body will win if you are under eating by too much.

    @fourtherecord how much are you trying to lose?

    Also start taking note of your emotions when you eat. Try eating only at mealtimes.
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    For me a binge is usually because I haven't been eating enough, or if I start eating sweets or other foods that I tend to have trouble stopping.

    Set your goals reasonably, your body will win if you are under eating by too much.

    @fourtherecord how much are you trying to lose?

    Also start taking note of your emotions when you eat. Try eating only at mealtimes.

    I am trying to lose about 40lb. I'm set on mfp to lose 1lb a week so 1400 calories
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Thank you! It really is a daily struggle. I feel like such a failure when I give in

    What do you constitute as a binge in terms of calories?
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    Last week I ate over 2200 in 1h
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Last week I ate over 2200 in 1h

    Do you know how many calories total you ate that day? I only ask because over the holiday, I ate 6,000 calories one day. I didn't see it as a binge though because I didn't have any negative feelings attached to it. I just ate loads of food because I hadn't eaten my mom's cooking in over a year. So, I agree with Look its Kriss. Was it a binge or are you concerned that you have a disorder?
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    aflane wrote: »
    I'd like to offer a suggestion, if you don't mind, since I have binged in the past. I threw out all the bad stuff (cookies, ice cream, etc.) and replaced the junk with healthy alternatives (fruit, yogurt, olives, etc). I have a BIG problem with baked goods, and can keep eating them until I felt sick. Substitute good items for bad, stuff that will fill you up and be nutritious without the excessive guilt.

    Now when I go on a binge, I find myself eating two oranges instead of a bag of Oreo's. If I go over on my daily calorie allowance, it's only 100 calories or so, and I don't feel deprived since I got to eat.

    I have heard of people binging on "healthy" food too. Also, I have heard that some folks will throw away everything and when the overwhelming urge to binge hits, they just go buy more. I honestly believe if OP truly has a disorder, she really needs to seek the advice of a therapist. I don't think these tricks work for people with a mental disorder. This may be more for folks who just overeat and lose control. So, they put mechanisms in place like you mentioned above to help with the chronic overeating.
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Last week I ate over 2200 in 1h

    Do you know how many calories total you ate that day? I only ask because over the holiday, I ate 6,000 calories one day. I didn't see it as a binge though because I didn't have any negative feelings attached to it. I just ate loads of food because I hadn't eaten my mom's cooking in over a year. So, I agree with Look its Kriss. Was it a binge or are you concerned that you have a disorder?

    I ate about 3000 total that day because the bung happened about noon, so restricted myself afterwards.
    I suppose what I class as a binge rather than just over eating for a reason is how it happens. I wasn't even hungry, but as soon as the idea had came into my head it is very difficult to not do it. My husband and son had went out and I ate anything I could get my hands on that didn't require preparation, so crisps, chocolate, biscuits etc. I only stopped when I felt physically ill. When I've eaten a similar number of calories because I have been out for a meal and had dessert, wine etc, I don't feel the shame and physical pain that I do after a binge

    I don't know enough about binge eating disorder to know whether this is normal or whether it is indicative of a disorder.
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    aflane wrote: »
    I'd like to offer a suggestion, if you don't mind, since I have binged in the past. I threw out all the bad stuff (cookies, ice cream, etc.) and replaced the junk with healthy alternatives (fruit, yogurt, olives, etc). I have a BIG problem with baked goods, and can keep eating them until I felt sick. Substitute good items for bad, stuff that will fill you up and be nutritious without the excessive guilt.

    Now when I go on a binge, I find myself eating two oranges instead of a bag of Oreo's. If I go over on my daily calorie allowance, it's only 100 calories or so, and I don't feel deprived since I got to eat.

    Thank you for your advice. This I'm sure would help (although I have in the past made special trips to buy food to binge on :neutral: However my husband eats biscuits, crisps etc and wouldn't agree not to have it in the house
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Thank you! It really is a daily struggle. I feel like such a failure when I give in

    What do you constitute as a binge in terms of calories?

    I was going to ask. For some people it's just going over daily calories. Binge eating disorder is usually where you are eating a days worth or more in a few hours.

    But in either case seeing a professional could help.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    aflane wrote: »
    I'd like to offer a suggestion, if you don't mind, since I have binged in the past. I threw out all the bad stuff (cookies, ice cream, etc.) and replaced the junk with healthy alternatives (fruit, yogurt, olives, etc). I have a BIG problem with baked goods, and can keep eating them until I felt sick. Substitute good items for bad, stuff that will fill you up and be nutritious without the excessive guilt.

    Now when I go on a binge, I find myself eating two oranges instead of a bag of Oreo's. If I go over on my daily calorie allowance, it's only 100 calories or so, and I don't feel deprived since I got to eat.

    Thank you for your advice. This I'm sure would help (although I have in the past made special trips to buy food to binge on :neutral: However my husband eats biscuits, crisps etc and wouldn't agree not to have it in the house

    Would he be willing to have at least the most tempting things in a locked container that only he has the key or combination for?
  • fourtherecord
    fourtherecord Posts: 103 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    leejoyce31 wrote: »
    Thank you! It really is a daily struggle. I feel like such a failure when I give in

    What do you constitute as a binge in terms of calories?

    I was going to ask. For some people it's just going over daily calories. Binge eating disorder is usually where you are eating a days worth or more in a few hours.

    But in either case seeing a professional could help.

    Like I said before, in a binge last week I ate over 2200 calories in about an hour (I couldn't remember everything when I tried to log it). I don't know enough to know it that is normal or disordered.