Help with abdomen distension?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Too much fiber?

    My guess as well. Eating more fruits and veggies means more fibre, but you need to balance that out with fluids and fat.
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    Jesus, how do people survive there when a doctors appointment takes weeks?!
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jesus, how do people survive there when a doctors appointment takes weeks?!

    My family's never had to wait for longer than 2 hours for an emergency appointment with our regular doctors/pediatrician/dentist. And for evenings/weekends we just go to a local urgent care clinic and for $150 we can get just about anything checked out (x-rays are a bit extra, but they'll do them right there as well). I guess having a crappy HSA/high deductible insurance plan does have its perks because most times we're paying cash and they can always fit us in :p
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Here in Canada long waits are not unusual especially for referrals. Been waiting over 3 months to get in with a colorectal surgeon and haven't even gotten a call for my consultantion appointment (you usually get the call a few months before you the appointment). Just sooo frustrating.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Here in Canada long waits are not unusual especially for referrals. Been waiting over 3 months to get in with a colorectal surgeon and haven't even gotten a call for my consultantion appointment (you usually get the call a few months before you the appointment). Just sooo frustrating.

    That's awful!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Get sent to a GI specialist and have them test for celiac disease. Those were my symptoms. Even after going gluten free because I didn't understand how bad cross contamination was. You need to be eating gluten daily for a month or more for accurate results. Also, a biopsy is really the best way to get diagnosed.

    They were going to take my gallbladder out but I fought to keep it. I'm glad I did because I later learned gallbladder disease and stones are linked to celiac. I've not had problems with it since I've been very careful with gluten.

    Other foods that cause me bloating are corn, dairy, oats, and some beans. Corn, oats, and buckwheat also cause bad inflammation and pain in my joints. I feel much better when I eat a paleo type diet. I say type because I still eat occasional rice and quinoa and white potatoes and raw cheese. I've been indulging too much and my neck is very bad again so I know I need to stop. If course everybody is different so these foods may not bother you. Good luck!
  • ArcticSero
    ArcticSero Posts: 63 Member
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    It worries me that this is not the result of a change in diet but you said your diet has been getting "better"- what does better mean to you? What did you change?

    Also if it is a blockage it doesn't matter what you do you need to get medical intervention to fix that so if you are not having bowel movements see a doctor asap do not wait.

    Normal bowel movements and better as in more fruits and vegetables than I used to eat and I cut down heavily on how much grains/red meat that I eat. I meant no change as in nothing out of the ordinary since I started my diet 2 months ago but also better than I used to eat where it was more red meat/grains and little vegetables/fruits. Could that have caused anything?

    I am meeting the fiber recommendation on site but I tend to go over that usually due to the vegetables I eat.

    I could go to the urgent care at my hospital but they're garbage and will just give a narcotic/some other type of pain pill to help the pain and tell me to follow up with my doctor. That or you get a huge attitude there about something minor.

    I'll try to cut out more grain products, I do tend to eat cereal for breakfast and I could change that to some type of fruit salad until I can get in to see my doctor. I don't tend to eat much dairy, but I'll pick up on the yogurt then.

    Have you been staying within your calories limit? Could it be set incorrectly? It's completely possible to over eat healthy foods and gain weight. It could be actual weight gain if you're eating too much. What is your height and weight and activity level and current calorie goal? Also how are you doing on your macronutrients? Do you find yourself way over on carbs? Low in protein? Of the opposite?

    Also maybe your body is having trouble with the increased fiber? Most people benefit from increased fiber but some people actually react badly. If it's that then ignore my previous advice about prune juice and dried fruit etc - but do still try taking a probiotic supplement.

    Also I would cut out gluten/wheat for now just in case. I had issues with gluten my whole life and never knew what it was til I cut it out and felt better. I used to get symptoms like bloated stomach, gas, sharp stomach pains, itregular movements, lethargy, etc from consuming foods with gluten but it was in my diet multiple times a day and you don't always get the symptoms immediately after eating it and it has to be out of your system a while (like a few days to a few weeks even) before things improve so it took me a long time to figure it out.

    Also look up "fodmap" online and see if anything there seems to correlate. Not all allergies are gluten- and you might be more along the lines of fodmap since you are having issues after eating healthier...

    Sometimes it just takes your flora a while to adjust to a new diet. It took me a good couple weeks to a month to adjust when I increased my protein intake and all kinds of tummy distress at first, but now I'm fine.

    My calorie limit is 1,450 and I've been staying well within that, being sure to log everything I put in my mouth and if I can't log it then I try not to eat it (such as when someone brings something in at work). So far been going good with this. I'm 5'8" and 210ish is where I've been hovering at. My activity level is about 30 mins of high intensity exercise but I also do a lot of walking due to my job and due to interning at a farm.

    I was thinking the increased fiber as well, but it's not like I sharply increased it. I've been on the diet for a 3-4 months now and lost quite a bit of weight.

    I'll be sure to look up the fodmap online though, thank you a lot of your advice!
  • ArcticSero
    ArcticSero Posts: 63 Member
    Double posting, triple posting, to say Thank you to everyone who responded and gave me some tips! I tried to edit the first post but it won't let me now lmao.

    I'll definitely try to fill out the ICE form for the hospital, problem is this is the same hospital where my mom's gallbladder was rupturing told her it was just indigestion she was having. Eventually she screamed at them until they did a proper blood testing and CT scan and it turns out it wasn't indigestion, her gallbladder was actively about to burst or w/e. She was then rushed for emergency surgery where the surgeon lectured her about coming in sooner and how if she waited a little longer she could have died. (Despite her coming in and making a ton of doctor appointments and going to the ER a lot it was still her fault somehow ;) )

    Also the same hospital that looked over lung cancer that one of our neighbors had, claiming it was just pneumonia. He died sadly.

    Overall, terrible hospital and it's starting to slowly close down as we lost the ER section of it but we're not getting transferred yet to a civilian hospital (sadly) as it'll take some time to find out who gets the contract.

    I'll definitely head to an urgent care if the discomfort/distension/pain gets worse. A lot of our urgent cares aren't that great though either. Medical care in this town kinda sucks.

    Just thank you a lot guys! I'll try to implement all of your advice.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    Double posting, triple posting, to say Thank you to everyone who responded and gave me some tips! I tried to edit the first post but it won't let me now lmao.

    I'll definitely try to fill out the ICE form for the hospital, problem is this is the same hospital where my mom's gallbladder was rupturing told her it was just indigestion she was having. Eventually she screamed at them until they did a proper blood testing and CT scan and it turns out it wasn't indigestion, her gallbladder was actively about to burst or w/e. She was then rushed for emergency surgery where the surgeon lectured her about coming in sooner and how if she waited a little longer she could have died. (Despite her coming in and making a ton of doctor appointments and going to the ER a lot it was still her fault somehow ;) )

    Also the same hospital that looked over lung cancer that one of our neighbors had, claiming it was just pneumonia. He died sadly.

    Overall, terrible hospital and it's starting to slowly close down as we lost the ER section of it but we're not getting transferred yet to a civilian hospital (sadly) as it'll take some time to find out who gets the contract.

    I'll definitely head to an urgent care if the discomfort/distension/pain gets worse. A lot of our urgent cares aren't that great though either. Medical care in this town kinda sucks.

    Just thank you a lot guys! I'll try to implement all of your advice.

    Dear lord.... I hate to say maybe you should just "visit" a friend or relative or empty hotel room out of town and go into an urgent care or ER elsewhere! This hospital you describe sounds more like a death chamber where hope of accurate diagnosis is not likely.
  • giovanna8830
    giovanna8830 Posts: 80 Member
    In serious cases of constipazion do The Enema. You buy at The pharmacy
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    Double posting, triple posting, to say Thank you to everyone who responded and gave me some tips! I tried to edit the first post but it won't let me now lmao.

    I'll definitely try to fill out the ICE form for the hospital, problem is this is the same hospital where my mom's gallbladder was rupturing told her it was just indigestion she was having. Eventually she screamed at them until they did a proper blood testing and CT scan and it turns out it wasn't indigestion, her gallbladder was actively about to burst or w/e. She was then rushed for emergency surgery where the surgeon lectured her about coming in sooner and how if she waited a little longer she could have died. (Despite her coming in and making a ton of doctor appointments and going to the ER a lot it was still her fault somehow ;) )

    Also the same hospital that looked over lung cancer that one of our neighbors had, claiming it was just pneumonia. He died sadly.

    Overall, terrible hospital and it's starting to slowly close down as we lost the ER section of it but we're not getting transferred yet to a civilian hospital (sadly) as it'll take some time to find out who gets the contract.

    I'll definitely head to an urgent care if the discomfort/distension/pain gets worse. A lot of our urgent cares aren't that great though either. Medical care in this town kinda sucks.

    Just thank you a lot guys! I'll try to implement all of your advice.

    Are you able to change your Tricare plan? It might be worth it, to be able to go literally anywhere else. Definitely fill out an ICE form any time you go to that clinic, and make sure everyone you know is doing it as well. But at this point in time, your best option might be to go to the ER. Do not let them push you out the door until you have answers. I hope you start feeling better soon
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    In serious cases of constipazion do The Enema. You buy at The pharmacy

    She said she is not constipated and is having regular bowel movements, so that is not the cause of the bloating.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    In serious cases of constipazion do The Enema. You buy at The pharmacy

    She said she is not constipated and is having regular bowel movements, so that is not the cause of the bloating.
    I agree. And unless a doctor orders an enema, they can be dangerous without knowing the cause of constipation for anyone considering one.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Did you ever go to the doctor or figure this out?
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    ritzvin wrote: »
    1 possibility is a wheat allergy.

    A wheat allergy so late in life? (Granted I'm not that old, 21) but could it really develop that late and so suddenly?

    I developed my allergy to wheat as an adult and was formally diagnosed at 30. It happens. Constipation, painful bloating, and recurring hives were symptoms.
  • CaffeinatedRats
    CaffeinatedRats Posts: 20 Member
    ArcticSero wrote: »
    ritzvin wrote: »
    1 possibility is a wheat allergy.

    A wheat allergy so late in life? (Granted I'm not that old, 21) but could it really develop that late and so suddenly?

    You can develop allergies at any time. My mom developed a latex allergy in her 30's.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    You need to go to the doctor. I had the same symptoms and it was an ovarian cyst that suddenly grew really fast over a number of months.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited February 2017
    A few years ago, I got what I thought were several bouts of food poisoning or norovirus, and it turned out to be my gall bladder. It gave out while I was away on vacation 1000 miles from home. Last year, I was having problems with digestion, pains, and thought the symptoms indicated I might be becoming lactose intolerant. Turns out it was a hernia -- I went to the doctor when I started developing a bump.

    People here are (mostly) not doctors, and my guess is you're not either. Rather than looking for advice here, get it from someone who knows what he/she is doing. Having people speculate that it might be this or that isn't going to do you any good. If I had done an enema or taken "home remedies" it could have made both my conditions worse.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    Were you able to figure this out? I recently had some bloating and cramps and I am almost certain beef is at the root of my problem.