New Snack Ideas

Hello everyone! I have been on this app for 3 weeks now and I have went from my starting weight of 146 to 138 so far! One thing that absolutely KILLS me during this process is snacking. I can say honestly whenever I get bored the idea of eating comes to my mind, even when i'm not hungry. For snacking i typically lean towards fruit, protein bars, and oatmeal, but i'm getting so bored. Someone please help me out with some new ideas!


  • ChillAndRigor
    ChillAndRigor Posts: 6 Member
    Sugar free chewing gum - but sweet, and with different flavours - is a solid one. You treat them like you would candy. They last long and trick your brain into thinking it is eating something. Or tea, good to meet the water quota and even the process of making it can be a suitable distraction.
    Or just plain old get up and go for a walk the minute you notice the boredom. The key really is in the distraction, not the snacking.
  • Pomegranate fruit (the whole fruit is around 275 calories and takes forever to finish)

    Dry Cheerios (100 calories per cup)

    Drink water (keeps you busy and sometimes when your hungry your actually thirsty)

  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    I think some of my favorites would be soy bean mixes (honey roasted, chocolate covered, sunflower seeds and dries cranberries mixed in pretty much a soy based trail mix) and if I'm craving stuff like french fries my friend introduced me to homemade bombay mix which actually turned out really great for that..

    Other than that though Gherkins are satisfyingly crunchy with only 5 calories each, sardines in water are good on their own if you're not vegetarian, you can thinly slice a banana and microwave it into a comforting hot mush of under 100 calories so long as you're sticking to a reasonable amount of banana and add in some nuts or granola to this for something more substantial. On the subject of banana banana chips are good. And on the subject of chips seaweed snacks are surprisingly satisfying too but rather expensive for how long they end up lasting. I have more snack suggestions but I don't want to flood the thread too much aha just say if you'd like them though.

    I also have a chewable necklace - which is for other reasons but honestly strikes me as something lots of people with chewing habits could benefit from without having to be chewing on gum all day. :^0 Which is fine! Just kind of impractical at times and the cost can build up depending on how much you do it.

    Outside of snacks though in terms of cravings usually my first approach is to try and distract myself through some form of art (drawing, writing, photography - it works because it's just something I'm interested in and enjoy) or learning something new or alternatively something kind of weird but food relqted like trying to gather all the sweet rolls in the world of skyrim. That or just something alternatively stimulating - climbing out on a roof to stargaze or practicing a parkour move for a while or whatever sport I'm most interested in at the time.

    Time pressure things such as multiplayer chess online also work pretty well, just anything which gets you involved in something else without really trying to force yourself into a state of concentration on another subject (which, in my experience, can even have the opposite effect I'm trying for). Heck actually as I write this post I was trying to resist the urge to eat something in my backpack until later and I just realized I got involved enough in writing that I don't feel it anymore.

    Kind of weird perhaps but sometimes it's even helped to do something cooking related such as learning how to make oreo butter or some other way of taking a snack food and turning it into a form which is harder for me personally to just start eating parts of without prior thought and planning (and also doesn't result in the food being wasted in the end). For me this works with things like making easily grabbable things like cookies and nuts into things like butters which I'd have to spread on something but that's just me it might be different for you.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited January 2017
    If you aren't hungry and you want to lose weight, and you eat just because you are bored, and you're even bored with what you're snacking on - it sounds like sticking to just meals and not snack is a good idea. But that's up to you.
  • thielke2015
    thielke2015 Posts: 212 Member
    Popcorn, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks and low fat humous,
  • goalsforever03
    goalsforever03 Posts: 60 Member
    I like apples w peanut butter
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    I am a bored eater too, I now stock up on a variety of teas and have a cup of tea if I'm bored and want to occupy my craving... I drink them without milk or sweetener (I get fruity or floral flavors).

    Edamame is a satisfying snack if you want something savory and warm. Very easy to pop in the microwave and sprinkle with salt/seasonings.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins. An oldie but a goodie.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    I find having something to do with my hands helps. Harder to eat if your hands are occupied