PMS and eating

Hi Ladies- my hardest time is about a week and a half before my cycle. I just want to eat non-stop and always put on pounds. How do you resist this urge?


  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    I'm right there with you. I give myself a bit of a break during all that. If I want something, I work it into my calories. Sometimes I go over, but in the grand scheme of things, a couple of bad days isn't going to throw me way off, especially if I make the rest of the days count.

    Maybe take a walk, chew gum, or indulge in just one serving of what you're craving?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    I don't resist it, like @jagodfrey08 I also try to just accommodate within my calories, I work out more and drink more water. At worst it takes me to about Maintenance level of calories, so don't tend to put weight on. The weight you're referring to is most likely down to water retention. I have found that since I started taking Evening Primrose Oil supplements my PMS symptoms are more subdued.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    I'm in perimenopause and the cravings are SO BAD! I just started on saffron capsules, supposed to curb urge to "emotionally" eat.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I become a carb monster about 5 days before. Doesn't matter what i eat, if no carbs, i'm still starving. I always bloat up about 3-4 lbs at this point, but i know if drops off again after so i don't stress too much about it! I'm in a bad enough mood anyway no point pissing myself off!!
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    I take a look at the calendar, remind myself that it is my hormones talking, drink a bottle of water and wait 15 minutes... that usually gets me through until the next craving hits. Repeat cycle. Sometimes I find just eating something helps if I really can't kick the craving so I just plow through a bunch of raw veggies.
  • emmarrgh
    emmarrgh Posts: 44 Member
    I watch an 80's movie and eat a billion cups of air-popped popcorn - with spray oil and copious amounts of salty seasonings on, it's low enough calories and still 'feels' like you're shovelling junkfood in lol. I try to eat at maintenance for a day or two as well but not 100% sure where that is yet.