Happy Loser Mom checking in!

I am new to this fitness tracker. My old calorie tracking app is closing so I found this one as a replacement. I like tracking what I eat and how much exercise I can do. I find it really helps me stay on track. I am not a fanatic about it but I do have these spurts where I really crack down on the calories and amp up the activity. I have lost 35 lbs over the past year and have about 60 to go to reach my goal. After losing close to 50 lbs I took a break in October from all the dieting and exercise. Bad move! I packed on 11 lbs over 3 months. Now I am ready to get back on track! I know what works for me and diet, exercise and encouragement from friends, family and strangers on these apps really does. Here is to the next step in a thinner and healthier me!


  • tominokrz
    tominokrz Posts: 3 Member
    Knock the dust off and get right back on that horse! You got this!! Good luck and feel free to reach out if you need anything!