Let run with me

I come from Croatia. I was 58 pounds, and now I came to 75 pounds. Simply, I screwed up fast food. In high school I was also 75 pounds and after I lost weight up to 58. Now I'm back again. And it's very difficult to remove. My motivation is 0 points. But I began to run 6 km per day and it is very difficult.

My recommendation to you:
Run a 3 km. then 1 km are doing sprint after 100 meters. every 200 meters rest as you need to regain your strength. Sprint you should be around 25-30 seconds. After 1 kilometer sprint Run a another 2 kilometers. and so every morning before breakfast. but it is important that before breakfast. evening let your last meal is around 6-7 hours. at 10 you have to do one aerobic training. The results are up to 6 kg per month. Trust is profitable, but you have to be very, very motivated. A little bit of me, I hope you will help. I'm with you.
