How did I get here?

Hello to anyone who cares to listen, I need to take this moment to put out into the universe that I can't even believe how i let myself get to this point. I could use all of the support I can get.
I am on my second week of healthy living and had a doctors appointment where i was weighed. Standing on the scale my heart plummeted... i had gained 26lbs from May. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
I am now closer to 300 lbs and i remember the day i broke the terrible 2's. I kept waiting for New years or Monday's to start but i never kept through and here i am.
Just thinking off the work ahead and to lose 20lbs just to be where i thought i was starting is disheartening. It's now or never my friends. i need support. i need to do something i never done and i guess writing this would be my first first.
I am done venting and ready to kick butt.


  • NavajoGirl85
    NavajoGirl85 Posts: 164 Member
    I feel a little of the same. I hope you find the strength inside and get yourself back on the track you want to be on. I myself have a ways to go so I'll be right here with you! It takes a lot of courage to start this journey. Good luck!
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    edited January 2017
    You can do this!! And, really? Once you get the hang of it, it isn't really work at all. Just make sure you get a food scale. That is going to be your best friend! Set up your stats in MFP, eat what it tells you, log completely and accurately and the weight will come off!

    ETA: You do not have to cut out anything. Monitor your portions, weigh them, take a look at where your calories tend to go and potentially readjust that so it all fits. Don't deprive yourself of things you love. If it's something you hate to eat a small bit of? Save up some extra calories and then enjoy. Look at weekly averages instead of only the daily. You want pizza on Friday? Eat 100-200 less each day during the week and save those calories so you can eat more of what you truly want.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    It happened when you weren't paying attention.

    Now that you have myfitnesspal, you have the tools to pay attention. Be honest with yourself and tell the truth to your food diary. That is what 'you paying attention' looks like. You'll be young and slim in 2018, but you do need to start now.
  • gettinghealthy2016mfp
    I'm in the same position honey....I about died when my scale said 304....down 14 lbs in 14 days
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    When I started I actually thought my scale was broken. I went to the chemist and reweighed. I got a printout to show my scales were not broken. I haven't looked back since. Stick with mfp and you will do it. Move forward from now on and don't worry about the road ahead just keep on trying
    Good luck