I am sick and tired...


CW 139
GW 145
HW 233

I have lost a significant amount of weight and am now pretty much maintaining. I now have three pet peeves.
1) When people ask if I am sick or if I am taking pills or if I had gastric bypass.... Seriously people have asked me if I am sick and not just one but multiple people. No, I am not sick, No I am not taking a magical pill that does not exist and No I did not have gastric bypass. (not that there is anything wrong with people who have it)
2) When people say I am way to skinny. First and foremost. I am at the high end of my BMI. 5'3" 139. I did get down to 135 and my favorite weight was between 136 and 138 so I am probably going to try to lose 3 lbs but I am not fretting really over it. I could probably lose a few more pounds but I am very happy with where I am at.
3) Ask me how I did it. I tell them and they say... Oh I could never do that.

When I was trying to lose weight I HATED when people would ask...
1) Me to eat things. People would say things like... Its just one why can't you eat that, or its not going to hurt you. I was very strict and what I would do was politely decline but then I would get the stink eye or the whatever look...
2) I know your not eating, or I know your anorexic. (then of course they would laugh but eating disorders are nothing to laugh at.) and no I ate and I am not anorexic. It was all hard work and dedication.
3) Your done dieting so now you can eat whatever you want. No, No I can't made a lifestyle change that I am going to keep forever and ever. Because If I go back to the way I was eating I am going to gain back all the weight I lost and I refuse to do that. I worked to hard to get to where I am today.

So my question is what do you say to people who say those things to you. Either if you are losing weight or maintaining? And I am sure everyone gets it. It just makes me so mad...


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I eat what ever I want wether I'm wanting to lose or gain weight.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,899 Member
    So my question is what do you say to people who say those things to you. Either if you are losing weight or maintaining? And I am sure everyone gets it. It just makes me so mad...

    I just smile and change the subject. I compliment their shoes or something. :)

    BTW - I work in the health industry, and yes, the question about whether I had lost weight because I was sick did come up several times ... especially since I lost the weight relatively quickly. I expected that question.

    I also work in an environment of awareness that people have allergies and intolerances, etc. so if I refuse a food, that's OK. Nobody forces food on anyone else.

  • suzesvelte
    suzesvelte Posts: 134 Member
    I know why it makes you mad - because it is hugely disrepectful. When this has happened to me I have noticed that 1/2 the time the ppl doing this have their own weight issues and are basically jealous of my success and trying to undermine me, albeit unconscously? At the best they might be concerned because you look different, but they will get used to it.

    As for forcing food on you - maybe you find it hard to resist, so it is very challenging, you need to get some little mantras in your head to help you resist. Usually involving some choice swear-words in my head!

    AS to what to say to their face. Politeness and "broken record" saying the same thing over and over are powerful tools. Keep is simple e.g. "Thanks for your concern, but I am fine as I am". If they say something else, repeat the same phrase with a fixed smile until they stop!

    It is none of anyone's business how you nourish yourself and your saying anything that invites discussion allows them to think they ARE entited to butt in, so closing it down as soon as poss seems the best way to go, for me,
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    This is what i got. (okay i was technically underweight but i like that look. I dont want to be fitness model ripped)
    - you look gaunt
    - you need to stop now
    - you have lost your lovely bust
    - you are flat chested, what does your husband think?
    - You dont look curvy enough for men. Men like curves.
    - You need to eat *insert food here* to build yourself up
    - how much do you weigh? what dress size are you,? How much have you lost?
    - do you throw up after eating ( i eat all day long)
    - youve gone from an 8-9/10 to a 4/10.

    My responces:
    - Im 40, its not weight its age! Thanks for pointing out that im old dad. I used to have a very round face even when underweight. Ive lost volume with age. No problem, as i hated it.
    - at this point its my lifestyle dictating my weight- what and how much i like to eat and how active i am
    - i prefer small breasts and its my body. Im entilted to look how i want to. My husband doesnt come into it. (his tastes are for small chests anyway)
    - curvy is a body shape not a fat percentage. (as an hour
    - glass, i have plenty of curves at a iow weight and a big ol round booty! - even as a child )
    - I eat the way i like, thanks
    - my weight is none of your business
    - no, i dont throw up. I dont have an eatibg disorder, and please dont ask me again. (complained to manager about this)
    - to the last one- whatevs! (to the office creep who hit on all the women).

    It upsets me how much i get judged for being slim- like i have it so easy - no cares in the world and every man must want me. It must be oh so effortless for me! None of this is true in the slightest, but no one wants to hear that.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I get this all the time: "It's not fair. You're so lucky. I hate you." As if I just magically got fit. I think some people want to believe that fitness is dependent on something out of their control, something like luck rather than effort, so they have an excuse for not doing what needs to be done. When you say, "I could never do that," or "I can't help it, it's in my genes," you've already made up your mind to fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    But it's not luck; it's behavior. People ask me what I do and then think it's outrageous, it's too simple, and I must be lying. But it's really not that big of a deal. It just takes setting priorities and putting forth a minimum of effort (I only work out a few times a week but I make sure I hit my calorie goals most of the time - that's it!) Most importantly - it takes perseverance. You have to stick with it to make it last. I've been on maintenance for almost 6 years now!

    So yes, OP, I feel you. I've also had people ask me if I had cancer or some other dread disease. And this was at the top of the normal BMI range, not underweight or even slim. Some people are so used to seeing overweight that they have trouble recognizing "normal" weight, especially since normal weight is NOT the norm anymore. Reminds me of a national study that recently came out that said that the majority of overweight people perceive themselves to be much leaner than they actually are.

    None of this makes me mad or upset, though. Other peoples' perceptions and reactions are their baggage, not mine. I just let it roll. B)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Just look at them and say "Why do you want to know"? I've found that when people are questioning you and trying to get information, they don't expect that you're going to do the same. It always really throws them for a loop.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,818 Member
    edited January 2017
    CW 139
    GW 145
    HW 233

    I have lost a significant amount of weight and am now pretty much maintaining. I now have three pet peeves.
    1) When people ask if I am sick or if I am taking pills or if I had gastric bypass.... Seriously people have asked me if I am sick and not just one but multiple people. No, I am not sick, No I am not taking a magical pill that does not exist and No I did not have gastric bypass. (not that there is anything wrong with people who have it)
    2) When people say I am way to skinny. First and foremost. I am at the high end of my BMI. 5'3" 139. I did get down to 135 and my favorite weight was between 136 and 138 so I am probably going to try to lose 3 lbs but I am not fretting really over it. I could probably lose a few more pounds but I am very happy with where I am at.
    3) Ask me how I did it. I tell them and they say... Oh I could never do that.

    When I was trying to lose weight I HATED when people would ask...
    1) Me to eat things. People would say things like... Its just one why can't you eat that, or its not going to hurt you. I was very strict and what I would do was politely decline but then I would get the stink eye or the whatever look...
    2) I know your not eating, or I know your anorexic. (then of course they would laugh but eating disorders are nothing to laugh at.) and no I ate and I am not anorexic. It was all hard work and dedication.
    3) Your done dieting so now you can eat whatever you want. No, No I can't made a lifestyle change that I am going to keep forever and ever. Because If I go back to the way I was eating I am going to gain back all the weight I lost and I refuse to do that. I worked to hard to get to where I am today.

    So my question is what do you say to people who say those things to you. Either if you are losing weight or maintaining? And I am sure everyone gets it. It just makes me so mad...

    That's because they probably cant do it. Let's face it, if everyone could do it no-one would be obese or overweight.

    I have a friend who lost a significant amount of weight and someone started a rumor that he was a drug addict.

    Personally I don't engage. I smile and wave and walk away.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I have the same problem and yes,it annoys me. I wouldn't dream of asking an overweight person why they don't eat less or are they bulimic etc. Even if it's said out of concern it still gets to me but I've learned to just smile,say I'm fine and thank you for your concern,then change the subject.
    I also think - and can only speak for myself here- that it gets under my skin because it taps into a lack of self esteem about my body. Which is my problem,not theirs
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't get annoyed. People are a. want to show they care b. curious and want to know, or think they know and want to help c. need time to accept change d. want to express opinion (human nature) e. want to share the joy of food and f. just want something to talk about.

    I see no reason why these comments would annoy me. People are just being people. I'm "people", and I'm sure I make dumb and meaningless comments that I don't realize are "offensive" about various subjects too.

    Could you be feeling like your hard work is not being recognized causing you to get upset?
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    You got to where you are without relying on validation of others, maintain your goal with the same grace and ignore the rest.
    Drops the mic;)
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    I hate this too! I hate people who say things like "No way you weight that much!" "You're not fat, you're a little plump" I was morbidly obese at the time. My own GP was telling me I would die if i didn't lose.
    When i lost weight i got to 155lbs at 5'3 so BMI wise i was still overweight and people were constantly telling me i was too thin. I wish people would just back off and let me get to my goals and let me decide what I'm happy with but sadly people don't.

    I've also had people ask me how i lost weight and refuse to believe it's as simple as calories in and out, then get mad at me as if i'm keeping some magic pill a secret.

    Best to be your own judge and if many people say something similar, then maybe talk to a professional just to make sure you are still healthy. I don't think people mean to be rude or sabotage us.. well some of them. If they want to know how you lost it, tell them and if they don't believe you it's their loss.
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    Why does it make you mad? I don't understand. People are obviously just concerned. Even if you feel they are wrong to be concerned, why do you have to get angry about it? Most people like it when others care.

    Why would it upset you if people say "Oh, I could never do that" in response to your telling them how you achieved your results? It is a reflection of them, not you. Why waste your energy on anger over something so insignificant!?

    And eating disorders are hard work, by the way. That's why they can be so deadly. Maybe I am over-reading, but your post came across as your feeling superior to those suffering with EDs and I think you should re-think that attitude.

    You can only control you; ultimately, you get angry because you want to get angry. You have other choices: figure out why you want to be angry and come up with a way to deal with it, smile and nod at whatever stupid or insensitive thing someone says, walk away, tell them you're happy with your results, thank you for your concern. But anger over even misplaced concern? No. Be thankful you have friends.

    It makes me frustrated because it feels like they want me to fail. Trust me when I say they are not concerned. These are the same people who when I was heavier would say, do you really need to eat that. and are now the people who joke and e.g. when I eat something and then go to the bathroom say ohhhh there she goes to throw up. Which gets old very quickly.

    I am not sure about your comment about eating disorders being hard work? What I am saying is I used hard work and dedication to lose the weight so that doesn't make sense to me.

    My actual friends would not be so cruel. And understand where I am coming from. I am angry because I am very tired of having to constantly, CONSTANTLY defend myself.

    And I am thankful for my friends but the people who say things to me are not my friends. I guess I should say I work with the public and people see me frequently who are not my friends just people I know from work.

    Also your comment about getting angry, I don't get angry, I get frustrated and to stay motivated it can be very difficult. Having low self esteem issues along with people saying I am to skinny and having health problems and that is why I am skinny gets me frustrated. And I wanted to see how other people dealt with this situation. Which I know I am not the only one.
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I just smile and change the subject. I compliment their shoes or something. :)

    BTW - I work in the health industry, and yes, the question about whether I had lost weight because I was sick did come up several times ... especially since I lost the weight relatively quickly. I expected that question

    lol That is what I usually do, Complement them on something. I also work in the healthcare field and one would think people would be more sensitive on the subject. But alas they are not and sometimes quite mean about it.

  • Scotty2HotPie
    Scotty2HotPie Posts: 143 Member
    edited January 2017
    People want to believe that you somehow cheated to lose weight.

    - Surgery
    - Being sick (yes, some people even believe weight loss due to sickness is cheating)
    - A Magic Pill

    Anything but hard work and diet. Because it makes them feel guilty for their own crappy lifestyle instead of being happy for you that you made a positive change.

    They'll also try to tempt you to get you to fall off the wagon and return back with the herd.

    Misery loves company I guess
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    suzesvelte wrote: »
    I know why it makes you mad - because it is hugely disrepectful. When this has happened to me I have noticed that 1/2 the time the ppl doing this have their own weight issues and are basically jealous of my success and trying to undermine me, albeit unconscously? At the best they might be concerned because you look different, but they will get used to it.

    As for forcing food on you - maybe you find it hard to resist, so it is very challenging, you need to get some little mantras in your head to help you resist. Usually involving some choice swear-words in my head!

    Ugh... I hear that. And you are correct it is usually the people who have the weight issues that say it. At the very beginning of my journey it killed me to resist but now it is no big thing and because I am at my goal weight I can nibble on something and not feel guilty or stressed. lol

    My mantra through this whole process is "I control the food, the food does not control me" lol

  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    - you need to stop now
    - you are flat chested, what does your husband think?
    - You dont look curvy enough for men. Men like curves.
    - You need to eat *insert food here* to build yourself up
    - how much do you weigh? what dress size are you,? How much have you lost?
    - do you throw up after eating ( i eat all day long)
    - youve gone from an 8-9/10 to a 4/10.

    It upsets me how much i get judged for being slim- like i have it so easy - no cares in the world and every man must want me. It must be oh so effortless for me! None of this is true in the slightest, but no one wants to hear that.

    Seriously!!!! Girl, I hear every word you are saying. Another one I really hate is when people ask me what my husband thinks. My response is, Well my husband was watching me kill myself slowly the other way so I "think" he is happy I am going to be around longer. lol ugh.

    When people say you make it effortless (because I get that a lot as well) I say "every single day is an effort" It is not an easy journey but rather a very difficult one that is going to be on going forever.
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same problem and yes,it annoys me. I wouldn't dream of asking an overweight person why they don't eat less or are they bulimic etc. Even if it's said out of concern it still gets to me but I've learned to just smile,say I'm fine and thank you for your concern,then change the subject.
    I also think - and can only speak for myself here- that it gets under my skin because it taps into a lack of self esteem about my body. Which is my problem,not theirs

    Yes, Yes, Yes on all levels!
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member

    Could you be feeling like your hard work is not being recognized causing you to get upset?

    No, I don't think that is what it is. I just think it is because I feel like I am constantly defending myself. Not that I have to by any means but feel that I need to. I don't know. I have been in maintenance mode for a couple of months so it is still new to be at this weight and maybe in a year or so people will be over it but as of right now it just gets frustrating.