no good at running. :(

any tricks/tips to make running a little easier to do? i think maybe its because the whole time i'm looking at the clock going "omg, its only been three minutes?!" and i already feel like i'm dying. some good music pumps me up fairly well. i guess i just need to get outta this mental state im in. :grumble:


  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    any tricks/tips to make running a little easier to do? i think maybe its because the whole time i'm looking at the clock going "omg, its only been three minutes?!" and i already feel like i'm dying. some good music pumps me up fairly well. i guess i just need to get outta this mental state im in. :grumble:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I like to have milestone's along the way. Like I'll tell myself to push it past a light post before I can walk or I'll tell myself to sprint for 15 seconds to break it up. :smile:

    I miss it, can't wait till spring! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Got me honey!
    I listen to rocking music to keep going, but my lungs catch fire during each segment of my jog! :laugh:
    I did notice the other week that I was able to run slightly easier when absorbed in a movie (Tora!Tora!Tora!... very odd to watch on mute at the gym with my running music in the background as they bombed the crap outta everyone.)

    Me personally -- I just keep going. I don't mean I keep running when my lungs are on fire. I mean I keep trying, week after week. Eventually one day it will get easier. (I mean, a year ago, I could only run for 30 sec sprints. I'm up to 5 minutes now. That is improvement!!) So stick with it dear! :flowerforyou:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I agree, watching the clock is killer! I'm using my treadmill now because of the weather and I'm glad I have it but I can't wait to get back outside. It just goes by faster when you have things to look at.

    I push through the boredom because I always feel so good when I'm done.
  • healthy_me
    Tell yourself that you will add on an extra minute, or two minutes each time you run. Tell yourself that you don't have an option BUT to do that.
    If you run on a treadmill, cover up the timer with a towel! Crank your ipod and daydream.
  • booboogmb
    I ALWAYS hated running my whole life. Then I moved in with my old roomate. She used to get on the treadmill in our living room and watch Oprah with me while I sat on the couch. Well after a few months of being the couch potato I started inquiring about her running. She basically told me it is all about weekly mini goals. So try and go as far as you can at just a pace where you have to start running just past a quick walk. Then set weekly goals above that. If it was for 7 minutes then do that pace for a week. Then the next week try and do 8 minutes. Then build on from there. Once you reach a time that you are pleased with..Try and quicken your pace. Then your time then your pace. It breaks it up and before you know it your running longer and faster than you ever thought.

    Few quick things to remember. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This controls your breathing and keeps your muscles feeling better and prevents that damn cramp on the side ;). Also run with your hands in a shape of a C. This helps your bloodflow and prevents your arms from going numb. Also try and keep your shoulders relaxed. You want to try and remain as calm as possible. Good running shoes help too!
  • ginaoakes
    I got a great tip from a runners world book. Run for 4 minutes and walk for 1 minute. Then when you can handle that run for 9 minutes and then walk for 1 minute. When I first started running I also walked for 1/4 mile and then ran for the next 3/4 of a mile and kept going until I got from 2 - 5 miles. Keep at it and you will be surprised at how your body will adapt !! Also a tip from the same book WALK is not a four letter word for runners. . . So don't see this as a set back :happy:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I hate running not to mention I suck at it- But what I do is when I do my long walks I break it up with speed walking and some jogging. I like doing that because 1 it gives me a increase in my heart rate which burns more calories and 2 - I am building myself up to jog longer
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    For me it is mostly a mind game. I have NEVER been a runner. But, last week at the gym, I hopped on that treadmill at 4.5 and (with my inner dialogue) challenged myself to see how long I could last. As I watched the minutes tick by, I would tell myself just 5 more minutes, just 3 more minutes, just 1 more minute, just 30 more seconds at this pace and then you can walk. I kept setting so many mini goals, that before I knew it, 15 minutes had passed. So I said, well, I can make it to 20, and once I got to 20, it seemed silly not to go to 30 to I did. I did it for 30 whole minutes and never lowered the pace. I was SO STOKED. I don't know if this will help, but I thought I would give it a shot.
  • campfirequeen
    Keep at it!! You can do it.
    I just started a Biggest Loser Challenge in my town and our coach has had us out running in 20 degree
    weather-AAGGHH. I have not run since I was in middle school, so I was shocked when on the first day of this challenge he tells us to run 2 miles. And the second day to run 4 miles. Crazy!!
    Just do the best you can-run as far as you think you can and then run a little further, then walk until you
    can breathe again:smile: and then run some more. Keep doing this until you are done with however many miles you have been told to run or whatever you have set your limit up to be.
    This is the 3rd week now and I still "die" when I am told to get running BUT I can say that my breathing
    is already better and I can get my breath back faster.
    I still have not been able to run even half of the way without stopping to walk, But someday I will get there.
    So, just keep plugging away and remember to breathe and you will succeed:flowerforyou:
  • mlck2323
    Options is a really fun and funny ebook for beginners that addresses anything you will encounter while beginning to run! Bodily, mentally, physically... good luck!
  • xtraquispe
    xtraquispe Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with Shannon! I set small goals while I'm running. Make it to the light pole, make it to another .25 before walking. This is what helps me.

    That and some great music!
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    haha, i'm sooo the same way!! I never ran before in my life, like REALLY ran until this past September! I'm finding it rewarding even though I can only do it for 5 minutes on a really good day :laugh: Just do what you can. Walking at a fastish speed on a steep incline will burn more calories. When i'm on the treadmill I have a schedule that's usually like this:
    Get on-2 minutes: walk at a light pace
    2-6 minutes: run
    6-8 minutes: walk at a light pace
    8-13 minutes: walk a highest incline at a fast pace
    13-15 minutes:walk at a light pace
    15-18 minutes:run
    18-20 minutes:cool down
    I think working in small intervals will eventually get me running longer distances, but for right now, running is not my strop point. But I really admire watching those next to me who run hard for 30 minutes! haha, it's do-able!
  • tlessa20
    Intervals are the best wayto train when you begin running. When I started running I'd do a 3 minute run and an 2 minute brisk walk. I eventually worked my way up to a full blown run. Within 5 months I completed my very 1st 5K. I also learned that running is all mental. The more you psych yourself out the more you will fail. Good music or being deep in thought are the best runs I've ever had.
  • dewassel
    I got a great tip from a runners world book. Run for 4 minutes and walk for 1 minute. Then when you can handle that run for 9 minutes and then walk for 1 minute. When I first started running I also walked for 1/4 mile and then ran for the next 3/4 of a mile and kept going until I got from 2 - 5 miles. Keep at it and you will be surprised at how your body will adapt !! Also a tip from the same book WALK is not a four letter word for runners. . . So don't see this as a set back :happy:

    I just started "running" this weekend. I ran for 2 minutes and walked for 1 and repeated 5 times. I was hoping for 10 repeats but I got worn out and walked the rest of the time. I couldn't begin to make 4 minutes as a beginner. On another note...I ran on saturday then worked on the weights and my legs are killing me today! Hopefully I will make it to the gym tomorrow.

    Also...get a good pair of running shoes. You can risk injury using regular sneakers. Good luck and keep me posted about your progress!!!
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    I learned to stop beating myself up because I couldn't run a 8 minute mile and starting enjoying what I was doing. So what that if couldn't run for 45 minutes straight. I ran as long as i could and then i walked. I was out there, I was getting my heart rate up and every time I went I did a little better. The heart rate monitor really helped me to start enjoying it more as I could see what my heart rate was at and know I was still burning calories even if I could still breath and talk. I learned that I didn't have to beat anyone's time, compare myself to anyone else (which is good for me as I am not at all competitive) or drop from exhaustion. If you can learn to relax about it, you will actually start to enjoy what you can do and feel proud of yourself.

    My only suggestion would be to get some great music on your mp3 or ipod, you hardly notice the time, if you can bop along to some of your favorite tunes. Just my two cents :smile:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I hate running. I am no good at it and it makes my foot hurt so I decided that running is NOT for all people, especially me. I discovered, training for a triathlon, that I did NOT compete in b/c I injured my foot RUNNING, that I really LOVE cycling. I had no idea that I LOVED it, but I was forced to try it b/c of the whole triathlon thing. My advice, find something that you love and do it instead of running. You should love what you do for exercise...and if you don't it is that much harder to make yourself do it!! I rode my bike 22 miles today and loved every minute it. I would have gone further, but I had to pick up my carpool. I have NEVER felt that way about running!!!!
  • missida
    missida Posts: 21
    Running and me have a love hate relationship. I love running races its fun you meet lots of people and you get a work out in. I have done 2 half's and a 5k. I walk run most of them. But at least you are out there. I broke up with running awhile back now I am starting slow again. I also advise the run walk method. Pretty soon you'll be running 30 minutes. HAVE fun!
  • dewassel
    Today I ran 1 minute walked 1 minute for 30 minutes and did 10 minutes on an incline. It's a start!!!
  • dewassel
    No running today but I did shovel 6 inches of snow!

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