Stop snacking in the evening and light dinner ideas.

Hello, Does anyone have tips to help me stop snacking :smile:.
Also, does anyone have ideas for light dinners?


  • danasue56
    danasue56 Posts: 10 Member
    I really need help with snacking / drinking in the evening, too.
    I am finding some very satisfying and healthy home made soups. They can be filling and warm, which is a nice change from salads. I have had Vegetarian Split Pea and Minestrone'. They also freeze well if you make a large batch.
  • procrastinationqueen
    I find the evenings difficult too. I tend to be light on my calories during the day, and make sure to save up at least half my days calories for supper & night snack. I need quantity to feel satisfied, so I'll have a 5 oz chicken breast for supper, with homemade sweet potato baked fries and a heap of broccoli (for example). Then I may have a whole bag of popcorn (10 cups) for my snack at night. I consciously slow down my eating. If all else fails, I have a can of diet pop (gasp) because it gives me that "full" feeling I seem to still need.
  • boothekm1
    boothekm1 Posts: 60 Member
    I always try to save my calories for the evenings.

    I love making chicken alfredo or bang bang shrimp with zucchini noodles. For a lighter supper, I usually go for a turkey sandwich on white wheat bread (less than 200 calories) and some cheese grits (100 calories a pack).
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    YMMV, but I have found that getting at least 20 minutes of cardio or 40 of lifting, then having a protein-rich dinner really puts the kibosh on my evening appetite. Also, brushing your teeth may help - many are psychologically primed that you don't eat after that.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I prelog and put my planned evening snacks in and eat them whenever. Sometimes I feel full after dinner so wait, and other times I want to feel really full and eat the snacks as part of dinner. I top it off with 2 oz of scotch that I drink slowly around 9. I avoid wine as I love that too much. I like scotch, but one is satisfying and relaxing (136 cal). It also warms me up as I get cold at night.