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I am SOO hungry all the time.



  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    I would up your protein, protein makes you fuller for longer. I love snacks and have a sweet tooth so make sure I have calories for a mid morning protein bar (pretty much a chocolate bar, I'm not saying it's healthy), mid afternoon maybe a small chocolate (100cals) or raspberries, and after dinner I allow myself a 150 cal sweet snack like skinny cow mint chocolate chip lolly. My other meals after well calorie controlled so it works.

    Favourite snacks between 1 and 200 cals:
    Melba toast and cheese spread
    Peanut butter in yoghurt with cocoa powder
    Skinny cow mint chocolate chip
    Promax mint chocolate protein bar
    Coconut collaborative mini chocolate pots
    Ombar raw chocolate
    Graze chocolate cherry tart
    Graze fudge cookie

    Ice lollys and diet Fanta are low calorie says to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    Hope this helps

    I have been trying out diet coke lately; I don't want to have it daily (I'm not really a soda person), but sometimes it works!! Not so much, other times. Like today :(
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories?
    are you hungry or is it appetite?
    or are you thirsty?

    I know that last two seem odd but those things can be mistaken for hunger.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I'm not an expert, does anyone think OP's chosen/stated calorie burn for steps is awfully high?
  • dancinon2
    dancinon2 Posts: 5 Member
    I struggle with afternoon snacking too! Lately I've found it helpful when the urge strikes to first have a vitamin type drink (I like Advocare's Fruit Punch Spark) with a fiber supplement stirred in. I don't sell it so I'm not trying to push it but if you are unfamiliar, it is a non-carbonated, 15 calorie, caffeine drink with lots of vitamin B which helps with mood. The fiber helps with snacking until dinner. I just use the grocery store generic brand of unflavored Metamucil - can't even tell it is in there.

    My favorite snack right now is Dannon Light and Fit Greek vanilla yogurt with 2 Tbs peanut butter powder stirred into it.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    I try to drink water between meals and when I first feel hungry; it's weird actually, at first I think I feel hungry and then I just start thinking that I am hungry and feel hungrier. I don't know how to control it. If I could, I would!
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    it's weird how personal satiety is, but i need fats to feel satisfied. i'm over my recommended fat macro pretty frequently. i can eat 2 poached eggs on toast and still be pretty hungry right after, but if i add some extra fat with a half avocado i'm super full and happy.
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    mou_254 wrote: »
    Also, most of what I eat count as carbs, I think. And so far, they are not helping that much with satiety.

    Are you eating protein? That helps a ton with feeling fuller longer, as well as not losing muscle mass along with your fat. If you're still feeling hungry after eating a salad, eat a salad with a grilled chicken breast.

    Best of luck you!
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    Looking at your food diary, I'm seeing you rarely have anything logged before 1 pm except occasionally some tea. If you're hungry all the time, you might want to try eating some solids for breakfast, even just a banana an egg or something some like that.
    You also have your goal set to netting 1500 calories which looks like it would be 2 lb/week for you (based off my stats; I'm a year older and 15 pounds lighter than you), but you are regularly netting 300-1000 calories below that, which is likely contributing. Yesterday, according to your diary, you ate just under 1300 calories, but burned 905 calories on top of your maintenance caloric burn, which you say is about 2100 calories. Therefore, you burned a total of around 3000 calories, but only consumed 1300. Doing this every once in a while isn't a major concern, but overall, you should eat more, especially if you're actually hungry, and not just eating because you're bored or have a compulsive need to.
    It's difficult to look at the macros you're eating, because they're wrong. Based on your macros for today, you should have been ~1700 over your goal, but your diary says you're 200 under. Make sure that the nutritional info for the food you're eating is correct, and then look to see what kind of balance you're eating.
    As far as snacks throughout the day, nuts are quick and easy and have fats, since you're concerned about not eating enough. Hard boiled eggs are good too. I usually snack on what I don't finish of my lunch, so it's usually baby carrots or a cheese stick, and I keep instant oatmeal in my desk in case I'm hungry enough to risk being caught eating at the microwave in the break stairwell.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    It's really difficult finding Indian food accurately logged in mfp actually(I live in India); on top of that, I live in a hostel, so although I weigh my food, I cannot accurately write down the recipe. I'm moving to an apartment next month and I'm gonna cook for myself (total novice), but I guess that will make the tracking a lot easier (and better).
  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    Echoing lots of great advice here - try to start at least a mental, if not physical list of foods you eat that satisfy you. Try to reflect after meals/snacks - did this make me feel full? Do I feel satiated? Discovering these foods and incorporating them into your calorie intake will help you feel full and be successful. :)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited January 2017
    reneec257 wrote: »
    reneec257 wrote: »
    If you don't eat enough carbs, you will always be hungry.

    Some people find that carbohydrates promote satiety, others find they don't make much of an impact or they even make them hungrier. I love carbohydrates and eat a lot of them, but if I eat some fruit (especially dried fruit) by itself, it just unleashes my hunger.

    If I had to choose between overeating dates or having a controlled portion of dark chocolate (which I find very satisfying), I would choose the dark chocolate every single time. Why? Because maintaining a calorie balance is a key to maintaining weight loss (overeating will result in weight gain) and I find the dark chocolate to be much more satisfying.

    That isn't to say I won't enjoy dates or peaches as part of a larger meal or snack, but overeating is what led to my weight gain in the first place. Why would that be healthier for me than a reasonable portion of candy or cake?

    Most people that are overweight cannot eat just a reasonable portion of candy or cake, that is why they are overweight. It is better to learn to eat healthier foods than put yourself in a situation where you end up eating more than a reasonable amount. This forum is for opinions, not to bash other people's opinions....

    While I agree that it's good to learn to eat healthier foods, people are overweight because they consume more calories than they burn.

    I personally am overweight because of salty things like potato chips and crackers, not sweets.

    Also a few studies show that restricting foods can cause SOME people to binge/overeat on them later. With all the restrictive "diets" out there and so many people failing its good sometimes to remind folks that they don't have to be overly restrictive.

    Sometimes people think moderation means buying a family size bag of chips and bringing it home and then trying not to go back for more. Personally that doesn't work for me. Moderation for me means buying 1 single serving of chips to have with my sandwich or having whatever food when I go out to eat.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    I have lost 11lbs in the last 4 weeks, but I attributed that to the water weight that people initially lose when they try to clean up their diet.
  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    mou_254 wrote: »
    I think where I struggle the most is with eating fats; I am scared of them for no good reason.

    Can anybody please suggest some quick, low calorie snacks? I feel especially hungry at office between 5-6pm, I think. I am 23, by the way.

    String cheese, Greek yogurt, 100 calorie packs of almonds, a rice cake with a wedge of Laughing Cow light cheese are some of my favorite snacks.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    reneec257 wrote: »
    reneec257 wrote: »
    If you don't eat enough carbs, you will always be hungry.

    Some people find that carbohydrates promote satiety, others find they don't make much of an impact or they even make them hungrier. I love carbohydrates and eat a lot of them, but if I eat some fruit (especially dried fruit) by itself, it just unleashes my hunger.

    If I had to choose between overeating dates or having a controlled portion of dark chocolate (which I find very satisfying), I would choose the dark chocolate every single time. Why? Because maintaining a calorie balance is a key to maintaining weight loss (overeating will result in weight gain) and I find the dark chocolate to be much more satisfying.

    That isn't to say I won't enjoy dates or peaches as part of a larger meal or snack, but overeating is what led to my weight gain in the first place. Why would that be healthier for me than a reasonable portion of candy or cake?

    Most people that are overweight cannot eat just a reasonable portion of candy or cake, that is why they are overweight. It is better to learn to eat healthier foods than put yourself in a situation where you end up eating more than a reasonable amount. This forum is for opinions, not to bash other people's opinions....

    While I agree that it's good to learn to eat healthier foods, people are overweight because they consume more calories than they burn.

    I personally am overweight because of salty things like potato chips and crackers, not sweets.

    Also a few studies show that restricting foods can cause SOME people to binge/overeat on them later. With all the restrictive "diets" out there and so many people failing its good sometimes to remind folks that they don't have to be overly restrictive.

    Sometimes people think moderation means buying a family size bag of chips and bringing it home and then trying not to go back for more. Personally that doesn't work for me. Moderation for me means buying 1 single serving of chips to have with my sandwich or having whatever food when I go out to eat.

    I agree with this: an important part of moderation is understanding what purchasing/food storage plans make it easier for us to stay on plan. Moderation doesn't necessarily mean that someone is always okay with having big containers of favorite foods around (although it can mean that for some people).
  • DSNStratos
    DSNStratos Posts: 8 Member
    My two cents: you need to rethink the feelings of hunger as long as you're eating a good balance of protein/fat/carbs in an organized plan. Hunger is inevitable when cutting weight, embrace it, know that you're doing great on your plan, and check the clock -- the next meal is never that far away. Cut up fresh veggies are a great work snack...and a clementine has fewer than 50 cals. A tablespoon of "real" NSA peanut or almond butter will also help - 100 cal. Spread the almond butter on apple slices, even better... 200 cals - maybe that's two snacks. I bring the one tbsp with me, not the jar - too tempting.
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    For me.... and i'm a 400lb er.... i'm finding it 10x easier this time eating my allocation of fat/protein but only around 50% - 60% of my carbs....

    Plus its certain kind of carbs that are better for slower digestion than others.... u need to experiment with different foods to find what works

    I'm finding it easier though keeping the sugar lower
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    edited January 2017

    Most people that are overweight cannot eat just a reasonable portion of candy or cake, that is why they are overweight. It is better to learn to eat healthier foods than put yourself in a situation where you end up eating more than a reasonable amount. This forum is for opinions, not to bash other people's opinions....


    Just wanted to say...I am overweight and I don't eat candy or cake. Moderation and portion control can be incorporated into any lifestyle where true food addiction isn't an issue. Being overweight and candy and cake are not necessarily the connection.

    But for the OP, I personally find that the incorporating a sensible balance of protein, healthy fat and carbs into every meal keeps me from starving and also reduces cravings. I eyeball the "zone" way of eating - I try to have a serving of lean protein the size of a deck of cards and fill the rest of my plate with vegetables and complex carbohydrates. I add a little butter, olive oil, nuts or cheese for fat.

    Some of my favorite go to snacks and mini meals -
    a small apple and one ounce of cheddar
    Half a baked sweet potato with half a cup of cottage cheese
    a handful of almonds or walnuts and veggie sticks

    All have that combo of protein and carbs. I hope that helps!

  • ianb64
    ianb64 Posts: 2 Member
    If you are anything like me, carbs make you hungrier. I love fruit but have reduced my daily intake significantly to just berries on some days. Greens, protein, and healthy fats are the way to go for me.
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm not sure if you have it where you are, but I have a couple of ryvita with flora spread and marmite for a snack.

    Yogurt with bits of fruit in is good (especially the extra thick ones you can get now as they're higher protein).

    I find anything more crunchy makes me feel like I've had more to eat LOL So carrots, or a couple of breakfast biscuits, mini cheddars, small portion of nuts.

    I had a friend who swore by two hardboiled eggs. Low cals but high in protein, so I see where she was coming from, but for me I'd have had to have one with something else not just two whole hard boiled eggs.

    Edit: I forgot, she also used to have tinned tuna as a snack, usually with something in it like chopped gherkin or a squeeze of lemon....I'm a vegetarian so I forgot about that one LOL
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Just throwing this out there, it may work for you, may not.

    I have found my "best" meals (satiety, appealing and satisfying) are ones where my protein/carbs are balanced (I don't worry too much about fat). For me, that means that if I have a meal with 30 g of carbs, my protein needs to be at 15 g or higher. When my protein grams are at least half or more of my carb grams, it is a winner meal for me.

    So, I suggest always pairing your fruit with a protein. (Like an apple and cheese stick) You may find that by balancing your meals better you have an easier time with not feeling as hungry.