Harry Potter book weight-loss challenge!



  • emylou00
    emylou00 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2017
    I LOVE this idea! I have 40-50lb to lose so if I may I'll count half pounds otherwise I'll be stuck somewhere in GoF or OotP and never know how/if/when Voldemort is defeated!!

    Start date - 17/01/2017
    Start Weight - 13stone 7lb (189lb)
    PS Goal - 13stone 3.5lb (185.5lb)

    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Lose 3.5lbs from your start date.

    Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 4lbs from the completion of the PS challenge.

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 11.
    [ ] Lose 5.5lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge.

    Goblet of Fire has 636 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15.
    [ ] Lose 7.5lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge.

    Order of the Phoenix has 766 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 19.
    [ ] Lose 9.5lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge.

    Half-Blood Prince has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 6.5lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge.

    Deathly Hallows also has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 6.5lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I hope you don't mind me joining very late but as I'm going to the Harry Potter studio tour in a few months and am re-reading the books in preparation, I can't resist.

    Start Date will be 1st Jan 2017
    Start Weight: 210lbs
    PS Goal = 203 (aiming for 14th Feb)

    PS: 210-7 = 203
    CoS: 203-8 = 195
    PoA: 195-11 = 184
    GoF: 184-15 = 169
    OotP:169-19 = 150
    HbP: 150-13 = 137

    Alas, I don't think I'll ever find out what happens as atm I won't lose a DH (I don't think! My initial goal is higher.)

    On the off chance I go for it though,
    DH: 137-13 = 124
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm starting the Philosopher's Stone challenge from today - 7lbs loss to go.(22/11/16)
    SW: 152.2lbs(22/11/16)
    • PS Challenge goal weight: 145.2lbs
    • CS Challenge goal weight: 137.2lbs
    • POA Challenge goal weight: 126.2lbs
    • GOF Challenge goal weight: 111.2lbs (only because this is the nearest one to my goal weight)

    Philosopher's stone challenge
    Week 1(24/11/16)-152.2lbs(0lbs)(7lbs left to go)
    Week 2(01/12/16)-150.2lbs(-2lbs)(5lbs left to go)
    Week 3(08/12/16)-151lbs(+0.8lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 4(15/12/16)-151lbs(0lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 5(22/12/16)-150.6lbs(-0.4lbs)(5.4lbs left to go)
    Week 6(29/12/16)-151lbs(+0.4lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 7(05/01/17)-150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)(5.6lbs left to go)
    Week 8(12/01/17)-149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)

    Week 9(19/01/17)-149.4lbs(0lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)
  • MrsOwlBear
    MrsOwlBear Posts: 14 Member
    I am also starting this challenge! I LOVE to read, and I have been reading and re-reading Harry Potter since I was 11 years old. (Crushed that I never got a letter, FYI)

    Starting Weight:

    PS Goal: 243lbs
    CoS Goal: 235lbs
    PoA Goal: 224lbs
    GoF Goal: 210lbs
    OOTP Goal: 191lbs
    HBP Goal: 178
    DH Goal: 165lbs (EXACTLY MY GOAL WEIGHT - it's a sign from the book gods-)
  • riverpond25
    riverpond25 Posts: 309 Member
    SW: 220 (1.7.2017)
    CW: 219.2

    1/14- 213.6
    1/21- 219.2

    ..... Severely heading in the wrong direction -_-

    PS Challenge goal weight: 213
    CS Challenge goal weight: 205
    POA Challenge goal weight: 194
    GOF Challenge goal weight: 179
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Lose 7lbs from your 29 Dec 2016.
    • 29 Dec 2016 - SW: 272. Goal - 265.
    • 1 Jan 2017 – 273.8 (Oops. Wrong Direction!)
    • 8 Jan 2017 – 268.8 (3.2 lbs. lost)
    • 15 Jan 2017 – 269.4 (+.6 Total Lost 2.6)
    • 22 Jan 2017 – 267.4 (-2 Total Lost 4.6)
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    edited January 2017
    I think this is a wonderful idea!

    Breaks it up to make it look so easy.

    Starting today 1/17/2017

    Starting weight 250
    Goal weight 175 Then reevaluate

    PS Goal 243 lbs.
    COS Goal 235 lbs.
    POA Goal 224 lbs.
    GOF Goal 209 lbs.
    OOF Goal 190 lbs. Onederland!
    HBP Goal 177 lbs.
    DH Goal 175 (or less- will evaluate)

    I will be battling dementors (my disability)- but my Patronis is strong. And we all know the cure for dementors..... as long as I log it :)
  • Heyheather2711
    Heyheather2711 Posts: 17 Member
    I want to join, but I don't exactly understand the rules, could someone explain it to me please? I love Harry Potter, I am currently listening to audiobook of the series, and I amonk six
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    SW: 216
    CW: 209.6
    PS Goal: 209

    Very close to my Philosopher's Stone goal! By next week I should have surpassed it. I was going to say 'fingers crossed' but it will have nothing to do with luck and all to do with hard work and dedication.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!


    (CoS Goal: 201 - PoA Goal: 190 - GoF Goal: 175 - OotP Goal: 156 - HBP Goal: 143
    Reevaluate here as this is close to my goal weight
    DH Goal: 130)
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    My progress posting marker.

    Philosopher's Stone: Need to get to 229 for goal.
    12/4: 236.5
    blah blah...
    1/16: 235.6.....6.6 to go!
    1/23: 234.4...5.4 (getting there)!

    Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. Need to get to 221.

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 11.
    [ ] Lose 11lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge. Need to get to 210.

    Goblet of Fire has 636 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15.
    [ ] Lose 15lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge. Need to get to 195.

    Order of the Phoenix has 766 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 19.
    [ ] Lose 19lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge. Need to get to 176.

    Half-Blood Prince has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge. Need to get to 163.

    Deathly Hallows also has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge. eed to get to 150.

    Have never figured it out before. Completing this will get me 20 pounds away from goal :) What will I do then?!?!? Start over LOL
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I want to join, but I don't exactly understand the rules, could someone explain it to me please? I love Harry Potter, I am currently listening to audiobook of the series, and I amonk six

    Basically it's a series of mini targets worked out by adding the total number pages in each book together.
  • Changeat50
    Changeat50 Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2017
    Since I am beginning with the first Harry Potter - the US version - has 309 pages. I would assume that is to have a 12 pound loss before moving onto the next book. As the first book, is my favorite - I hope I don't linger long - LOL

    Current weight 203.2 January 24, 2017
  • KatieBaack
    KatieBaack Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2017
    Totally need to start this! Though I feel like I should use the US page #'s since I'm in the US. I'm only aiming to lose 35lbs, so I'm adding numbers together till I get to a single digit number. If I didn't I'd never get to the end!

    Starting 1/24/17
    SW: 210

    Sorcerer's Stone has 309 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from your start date. (207lbs)

    Chamber of Secrets has 341 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the SS challenge. (199lbs)

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 435 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge. (196lbs)

    Goblet of Fire has 743 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 14, added again: 5.
    [ ] Lose 5lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge. (191lbs)

    Order of the Phoenix has 870 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15, added again: 6.
    [ ] Lose 6lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge. (185lbs)

    Half-Blood Prince has 652 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13, added again: 4.
    [ ] Lose 4lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge. (181lbs)

    Deathly Hallows also has 759 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 21, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge. (178lbs)

    Then I'll only have 3 left! LOVE this idea! Feel free to add me if anyone needs help with motivation (goodness knows I could use some :smiley: )
  • EternalSnow627_
    EternalSnow627_ Posts: 85 Member
    Starting Philosopher's stone challenge
    SW. 252
    GW: 245
  • lynzsedore
    lynzsedore Posts: 7 Member
    I love this...I'm in...philosophers stone 7 lbs
    SW 166.2
    GW 159.2
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm starting the Philosopher's Stone challenge from today - 7lbs loss to go.(22/11/16)
    SW: 152.2lbs(22/11/16)
    • PS Challenge goal weight: 145.2lbs
    • CS Challenge goal weight: 137.2lbs
    • POA Challenge goal weight: 126.2lbs
    • GOF Challenge goal weight: 111.2lbs (only because this is the nearest one to my goal weight)
    Philosopher's stone challenge
    Week 1(24/11/16)-152.2lbs(0lbs)(7lbs left to go)
    Week 2(01/12/16)-150.2lbs(-2lbs)(5lbs left to go)
    Week 3(08/12/16)-151lbs(+0.8lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 4(15/12/16)-151lbs(0lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 5(22/12/16)-150.6lbs(-0.4lbs)(5.4lbs left to go)
    Week 6(29/12/16)-151lbs(+0.4lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 7(05/01/17)-150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)(5.6lbs left to go)
    Week 8(12/01/17)-149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)
    Week 9(19/01/17)-149.4lbs(0lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)

    Week 10(26/01/17)-147.8lbs(-1.6lbs)(2.6lbs left to go)
  • tolkienite
    tolkienite Posts: 204 Member
    edited January 2017
    Update at the end of the week rather than the beginning because I lost the thread :neutral:

    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [x] 144lbs by Monday 23rd January.

    Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [x] 143lbs by Tuesday 31st January.

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 11.
    [x] 142lbs by Saturday 11th February.

    Goblet of Fire has 636 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15.
    [ ] 141lbs by Sunday 26th February.

    Order of the Phoenix has 766 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 19.
    [ ] 140lbs by Friday 17th March.

    Half-Blood Prince has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] 139lbs by Monday 3rd April.

    Deathly Hallows also has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] 138lbs by Sunday 16th April.

    The Tales of Beedle the Bard has 180 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 9.
    [ ] 137lbs by Tuesday 25th April.

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay has 304 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] 136lbs by Tuesday 2nd May.

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has 352 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 10.
    [ ] 135lbs by Friday 12th May.
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Lose 7lbs from your 29 Dec 2016.
    • 29 Dec 2016 - SW: 272. Goal - 265.
    • 1 Jan 2017 – 273.8 (Oops. Wrong Direction!)
    • 8 Jan 2017 – 268.8 (3.2 lbs. lost)
    • 15 Jan 2017 – 269.4 (+.6 Total Lost 2.6)
    • 22 Jan 2017 – 267.4 (-2 Total Lost 4.6)
    • 29 Jan 2017 – 266.6 (-.8 Total Lost 5.4)
  • KatieBaack
    KatieBaack Posts: 97 Member
    Starting 1/24/17
    SW: 210

    Sorcerer's Stone has 309 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from your start date. (207lbs)
    -1/24/17 - 210
    -1/31/17 - 208.2 - only 1.2 left to go!

    Chamber of Secrets has 341 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the SS challenge. (199lbs)

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 435 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge. (196lbs)

    Goblet of Fire has 743 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 14, added again: 5.
    [ ] Lose 5lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge. (191lbs)

    Order of the Phoenix has 870 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15, added again: 6.
    [ ] Lose 6lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge. (185lbs)

    Half-Blood Prince has 652 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13, added again: 4.
    [ ] Lose 4lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge. (181lbs)

    Deathly Hallows also has 759 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 21, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge. (178lbs)
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    edited January 2017
    My progress posting marker.

    Philosopher's Stone: Need to get to 229 for goal.
    12/4: 236.5
    blah blah...
    1/23: 234.4...5.4 (getting there)!
    1/30: 237....oh good grief! Thats it...time for drastic measures! 8 pounds to go :(

    Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge. Need to get to 221.

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 11.
    [ ] Lose 11lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge. Need to get to 210.

    Goblet of Fire has 636 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15.
    [ ] Lose 15lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge. Need to get to 195.

    Order of the Phoenix has 766 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 19.
    [ ] Lose 19lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge. Need to get to 176.

    Half-Blood Prince has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge. Need to get to 163.

    Deathly Hallows also has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge. Need to get to 150.

    The Tales of Beedle the Bard has 180 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 9.
    [ ] Get to 141 for goal

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay has 304 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Get to 134 for goal.

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has 352 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 10.
    [ ] Technically this is 124...too low for me I think...if I make 130 I will be happy :)

    I like the idea of adding other Potter universe books to keep me going to goal! Thanks @tolkienite !

  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    As it's the first of the month, here's am update based on this morning's weigh in.

    Start Date will be 1st Jan 2017
    Start Weight: 210lbs

    PS: 210-7 = 203 Achieved 1/2/17
    CoS: 203-8 = 195 aiming for 15/3/17
    PoA: 195-11 = 184
    GoF: 184-15 = 169
    OotP:169-19 = 150
    HbP: 150-13 = 137
    DH: 137-13 = 124
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    This is amazing. I am sad I am just now finding it!

    If I go from 1/1, my starting weight was 201.3. So... with my current weight of 193.6 I have completed the PS challenge! YESS I am rewarding myself by going to Universal this weekend and treating myself to butterbeer, strawberry peanut butter icecream, and all the cornish pasties!

    Next goal: CoS goal weight: 186.3

  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    SW: 216
    PS Goal: 209 - COMPLETE
    CoS Goal: 201 - 6 more to go
    CW: 207

    Have a wonderful week everyone!


    (PoA Goal: 190 - GoF Goal: 175 - OotP Goal: 156 - HBP Goal: 143
    Reevaluate here as this is close to my goal weight
    DH Goal: 130)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm starting the Philosopher's Stone challenge from today - 7lbs loss to go.(22/11/16)
    SW: 152.2lbs(22/11/16)
    • PS Challenge goal weight: 145.2lbs
    • CS Challenge goal weight: 137.2lbs
    • POA Challenge goal weight: 126.2lbs
    • GOF Challenge goal weight: 111.2lbs (only because this is the nearest one to my goal weight)

    Philosopher's stone challenge
    Week 1(24/11/16)-152.2lbs(0lbs)(7lbs left to go)
    Week 2(01/12/16)-150.2lbs(-2lbs)(5lbs left to go)
    Week 3(08/12/16)-151lbs(+0.8lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 4(15/12/16)-151lbs(0lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 5(22/12/16)-150.6lbs(-0.4lbs)(5.4lbs left to go)
    Week 6(29/12/16)-151lbs(+0.4lbs)(5.8lbs left to go)
    Week 7(05/01/17)-150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)(5.6lbs left to go)
    Week 8(12/01/17)-149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)
    Week 9(19/01/17)-149.4lbs(0lbs)(4.2lbs left to go)
    Week 10(26/01/17)-147.8lbs(-1.6lbs)(2.6lbs left to go)

    Week 11(02/02/17)-147.8lbs(0lbs)(2.6lbs left to go)
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Tacos make everything better...

  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think this is the best challenge I've ever seen! LOL I am IN!

    PS: 340.2 - 7= 333.2
    CoS: 333.2 - 8= 325.2
    PoA: 325.2 - 11= 314.2
    GoF: 314.2 - 15= 299.2
    OotP: 299.2 - 19= 280.2
    HbP: 280.2 - 13= 267.2
    DH: 267.2 - 13= 254.2
    TBB: 254.2 - 9= 245.2
    FB: 245.2 - 7= 238.2
    HPCC: 238.2 - 10= 228.2

    Current LOSS: 10.2lbs

    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    Lose 7lbs from your start date.

    Chamber of Secrets has 251 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the PS challenge.

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 317 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 11.
    [ ] Lose 11lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge.

    Goblet of Fire has 636 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15.
    [ ] Lose 15lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge.

    Order of the Phoenix has 766 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 19.
    [ ] Lose 19lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge.

    Half-Blood Prince has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge.

    Deathly Hallows also has 607 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13.
    [ ] Lose 13lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge.

    The Tales of Beedle the Bard has 180 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 9.
    [ ] Lose 9lbs from the completion of the DH challenge.

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay has 304 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Lose 7lbs from the completion of the TBB challenge.

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has 352 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 10.
    [ ] Lose 10lbs from the completion of the FBB challenge.
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Philosopher's Stone has 223 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 7.
    [ ] Lose 7lbs from your 29 Dec 2016.
    • 29 Dec 2016 - SW: 272. Goal - 265.
    • 1 Jan 2017 – 273.8 (Oops. Wrong Direction!)
    • 8 Jan 2017 – 268.8 (3.2 lbs. lost)
    • 15 Jan 2017 – 269.4 (+.6 Total Lost 2.6)
    • 22 Jan 2017 – 267.4 (-2 Total Lost 4.6)
    • 29 Jan 2017 – 266.6 (-.8 Total Lost 5.4)
    • 5 Feb 2017 – 266.0 (-.6 Total Lost 6)
  • repertoire
    repertoire Posts: 53 Member
    PS: 340.2 - 7= 333.2
    CoS: 333.2 - 8= 325.2
    PoA: 325.2 - 11= 314.2
    GoF: 314.2 - 15= 299.2
    OotP: 299.2 - 19= 280.2
    HbP: 280.2 - 13= 267.2
    DH: 267.2 - 13= 254.2
    TBB: 254.2 - 9= 245.2
    FB: 245.2 - 7= 238.2
    HPCC: 238.2 - 10= 228.2

    Current LOSS: 12.2lbs
  • KatieBaack
    KatieBaack Posts: 97 Member
    tarting 1/24/17
    SW: 210

    Sorcerer's Stone has 309 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [X] Lose 3lbs from your start date. (207lbs)
    -1/24/17 - 210
    -1/31/17 - 208.2 - only 1.2 left to go!
    -2/7/17 - 205.6 - whoop whoop! Extra 1.4 there! Waiting to start CoS until a friend catches up :-) will adjust that goal once we start it!

    Chamber of Secrets has 341 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 8.
    [ ] Lose 8lbs from the completion of the SS challenge. (199lbs)

    Prisoner of Azkaban has 435 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 12, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the CoS challenge. (196lbs)

    Goblet of Fire has 743 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 14, added again: 5.
    [ ] Lose 5lbs from the completion of the PoA challenge. (191lbs)

    Order of the Phoenix has 870 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 15, added again: 6.
    [ ] Lose 6lbs from the completion of the GoF challenge. (185lbs)

    Half-Blood Prince has 652 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 13, added again: 4.
    [ ] Lose 4lbs from the completion of the OotP challenge. (181lbs)

    Deathly Hallows also has 759 pages. Added together, these numbers equal 21, added again: 3.
    [ ] Lose 3lbs from the completion of the HBP challenge. (178lbs)