
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    2) Accepting birthday cake. Usually once a week or so...that adds up!

    lol, I accept the cupcake and then when the child leaves, I throw it away. If I didn't, I would be 300 pounds because not only are there weekly birthdays in my class but former students like to bring me one too. I know that's horrible but what do you do?
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I recently graduated and am currently facing the worst job market in decades in my province. There have been over 1000 lay offs in the public school district, so it is difficult to even get a job subbing. Icruelly hope that soon my struggle will saying no the bday cake in my class (I am so weak when it comes to cake) and facing the stress and hard work I know you all put in. You are all very special people to do what you do. I can't wait until I am in your positions. :)

  • niclan724
    niclan724 Posts: 49 Member
    I've been teaching high school Spanish for 11 yrs now, and it is STRESSFUL!!! I actually eat better throughout the schoolyear, though, because of the schedule. I make sure to eat breakfast before I leave and bring my lunch and snacks with me. Exercise is harder to stick with, though, because of the sheer exhaustion from the job. I will usually take a 15min catnap right after I get home and then I'm ready to go. The past year I realized that I absolutely HAVE to do some sort of exercise each school day, it's the only way I can unwind from the day. I either do Insanity or hop on the treadmill. Both are lifesavers.....

    Oh, and I try to get in all of my water during the day as well....keeps me energized!
  • Well I just finished student teaching last semester and while I was there I was on a diet and did P90X. I also did band so I was there before school and after school a lot. At the school I intershipped we had a competition between departments such as MATH, ENGLISH, HISTORY, MUSIC, ETC and we competed to see who could lose more weight and exercise more etc. etc... It was fun and we had a weigh in every week with the nurse. Luckily that helped me push myself to lose weight. We came in second but it was fun and cool since all the teachers were being supportive. I had a refrigerator in my office so we packed our food and bought Sarah lee (45 calorie) bread, along with fruits, deli meat, and healthy snacks. When students gave us some food fe holidays and stuff we kept it, but either threw it away without them knowing or took it home and gave it to our families who are blessed with fast motabolisms. I'd get home late around 7pm but I would workout right after that. And then get ready for the next that night. Sometimes I woke up early and workout out then. Try eating small meals all day by making them snacks! Hope this helps!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I just retired from teaching. The main thin I found was to stay away from the workrooms. There was always left over or new treats from some generous soul who did not want them at home. I never ate school lunch, packed a specific snack for morning and afternoon break, and obviously brought lunch from home. Our weight-room was open before school each day, but I found walking the track so much more social (and avoided students -except during track season)
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone, this is going to be 6th year teaching in the fall and I totally agree with all of you that I do great exercising and healthy eating during the summer and awful during the school year. We have had some tough issues with my school the past two years which has made eating right and exercising even worse. I'm hoping for a better year this year so I can focus on my health as well. Good luck everyone.
  • mescla
    mescla Posts: 56
    Totally, i gave up the lounge 5 plus years ago!
  • mescla
    mescla Posts: 56
    Im not teaching anymore. I am a counselor though on a intermediate & high school campus. I gave up school lunches 5 years ago, way too much carbs for me. I don't even eat in the teachers lounge. I bring my lunch and watch what i eat. The biggest problem is when other counselors bring snack and put it on the community table. When we stress ourselves, we just start eating whatever is there through out the day. I got good at weaning myself from this half way through the year and won't even go there when we start up in two weeks. Food is a big part of the culture here in Hawaii. Its almost as though, if you don't even, you are considered antisocial. I just bring my own...
  • Hey all, hope everyone is enjoying the break :glasses:

    I'm going into my 4th year teaching and the summers work great for me to shed excess pounds! I love being able to get my workout in first thing in the morning and cooking fresh meals, cutting up veggies, etc that we don't have the time to do daily during the work year.
    Last year was the first year I actually gained weight during the year, it was so freaking stressful, I started drinking moreso than ever to deal with the stress. Drinking always led to fatty food choices and of course dessert. The working out wasn't a problem, I would either go first thing before school and I have to be there at 7, so I would have to get up around 430ish to get it done! Or I would go directly after work and the gym is less crowded then, so that was cool.
    As far as the work treats, there was always potluck for this or that or someones first I would avoid the lounge and just refuse it, then I started getting he treats and hold on to it to give to the kids or another faculty member! I can count on 2 hands the number of times I've eaten out for lunch in the past few years, I always brown bag it. Even for inservice, when others are off to go eat lunch, I will eat my lunch and then take a walk around campus.
  • vivie72
    vivie72 Posts: 127 Member

    I actually find it easier to stay on track during the school year than during breaks. During school I know that I only have certain windows when I can work out so I do it, but in the summer there is always time to procrastinate. Additionally, during school I am not hanging around a fridge and snacks.


    I agree...I try to keep healthy snacks in my desk. I eat either oatmeal or a light english muffin with PB on the way in at 6:45. I change into my workout clothes before I leave work so that I don't have an excuse not to go to the gym, which is on the way home. The only thing better about being home is I can make my lunch at my leisure. I bring my lunch every single day. I make it the night before.

    I have been teaching 15 years...10 years in 8th grade social studies.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I taught high school Biology for 5 years but left the classroom last year to work in the administration. I still have the same breaks and summers off still, but have another challenge. I'm at a private boarding school which has a cafeteria with YUMMY FOOD!!!!! I eat breakfast when I get in and eat lunch at noon. I don't eat dinner there, but I can smell it being prepared. I smell food cooking all day! I walk over to the cafeteria hall to get water and sometimes tea during the day, and maybe a piece of fruit, but I stay away (or at least try to) from the desserts. I love the campus, it's really pretty, and I like to walk around campus. The students are awesome, and the staff is great, and I just love being there. I went there as a student in the 80's and love being back there!
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Ten years teaching 6th grade math in a middle school. Love every day of my job!!!

    I actually find it easier to stay on track during the school year than during breaks. During school I know that I only have certain windows when I can work out so I do it, but in the summer there is always time to procrastinate. Additionally, during school I am not hanging around a fridge and snacks. I order a salad from the cafeteria every day and keep protein bars in my classroom for when I need a snack. Can't wait to hear from everyone else!


    That is so me during the breaks I am hungry, unpredictable, and scattered...During the school year I am a on schedule so much that my students will get my snacks out lol...I have to be or I will stress eat which means over eating... Does anyone else hate staff meetings its like an eating fest of chips and sodas...Uhh nice to know other teachers struggle!! :smile:
  • ahober
    ahober Posts: 1
    I have been teaching for 19 years. Mostly in Kindergarten and First grade however, moved to 5th three years ago. I definitely do better during the summer break. I can get a morning run in or workout video sometime during the day. During the school year, I am too exhausted to work out or get up early on the weekdays. I don't know about your schools, but my staff room always has food on the table and I have very little will power. It's easier to stay away from snacking at home. Started 30 day shred yesterday, we'll see if I can make a difference before heading back to work.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I have been teaching and coaching for 23 years. I do MUCH better during the school year when I am on a routine. My planning period is at 10:00, which is perfect for a Shakeology break and lunch is at 1:00. I will eat a snack at 3:30 before football practice and it all falls in place.

    I do exercise and seem to be more active during the summer, but I tend not to be as disciplined nutritionally during the summer. I travel 3 weeks out of the summer visiting my parents, in-laws and then we take a family vacation so it is a little more dificult when travelling.
  • jluter925
    jluter925 Posts: 11 Member
    I am in my 5th year teaching and I know that the summer is easier for me to lose weight than during the school year. I wanted to join now so that I can have a good grasp of this before the school year started:smile::smile: If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them as well and good luck to us all on this journey!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I find it easier to control my eating, or to at least eat more consistently, during the school year as there is a set schedule; I had a real hard time this past year exercising though because I was taking 3 courses each semester to finish my master's. I prefer working out in the morning, but found myself so exhausted after class and study time that I just couldn't do it. For the upcoming year, I am moving into a somewhat administrative role in a new school. The first thing I did when I decided to take control of my life and body was to drive from the new school to all the gyms in the area to find the closest one, and then I joined. I'm moving to middle school, which has the earliest start time in my district, so I will have to work out in the afternoon. I am getting myself used to that schedule by not working out this summer until at least 11am; I don't want to lose my whole summer day, but I don't want to get used to the morning workout and then feel sluggish halfway through the day when school starts and I can't. I plan to bring my clothes to work with me and head straight to the gym because if I go home first, I will NOT leave again.

    My best suggestion is to find a routine you can live with and make your eating and workout habits a priority. If you are finding that additional responsibilities are impeding on your YOU time, then find a way to fix it or adjust your routine, but don't let those things be an excuse to stop caring for yourself first.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I will be starting my 5th year teaching, and my 3rd year teaching HS English to freshmen in August. I always pack a lunch, but think the school breakfasts were part of my downfall last year. I was health conscious as far as adapting a much more whole foods/clean eating approach to my kitchen and quitting smoking...however, I really lacked in the exercise department. Even though I am pretty active, not working out regularly paired with other things packed some pounds on me!
    My one big health tip is that I keep a Pur water pitcher and refillable bottles in my room. I also pack healthy snacks like a piece of fruit and nuts...but darn, to those kids like to eat my apples!
    I am enjoying my break, but also like routine. I have been getting up early (between 6 and 7) every day to take advantage of the cooler temps outside and get a jump start on my day. I am hoping this will make my transition back to the work schedule (we have to be logged on/in our classrooms at 7:00 AM) easier. I had been working out first thing in the morning, but found that exercising after school seemed to curb my hunger in the evenings. I am contemplating doing c25k Tues, Thurs, and Sat AM, and then a 20 - 30 min cardio every day around 3:30. Another possibility to mix things up is to do pilates/yoga videos in the afternoons on the days I do the c25k.
    I am considering a pedometer...any recommendations?
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I've been in education in some form since 1998, but only officially employed as a school psychologist/school counselor for the last 8 years. The stress in insane.

    Two things that have helped me: avoiding the teachers lounge where the free junk food is donated and participating with other teachers in our own version of the biggest loser. I'm new to the exercise game, but my commitments so far have been made to classes and routines I can keep during the school year. Maybeyou all can help me keep that in line.
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    It been 15 yrs in high school for me now. I have to kindly accept the goodies the kids bring in, yes the high school kids do this in small schools. Then I later give them to my children or just toss them quietly. I try not to be in the workroom when there is food. School lunch is such a bad example to kids about nutrition. Corn chips count as a vegi! I brown bag it for & my children.

    I wish i knew the answer to the stress thing. Every year I think I've got it figured out then....always something. It's hard to schedule workouts with all the sponsorships and tutoring and my kids activities too. That is my goal for this year to find another couple teachers to be workout buddies & we are gonna drag each other to the gym!!
  • hasturm
    hasturm Posts: 10 Member
    I recently graduated and am currently facing the worst job market in decades in my province. There have been over 1000 lay offs in the public school district, so it is difficult to even get a job subbing. Icruelly hope that soon my struggle will saying no the bday cake in my class (I am so weak when it comes to cake) and facing the stress and hard work I know you all put in. You are all very special people to do what you do. I can't wait until I am in your positions. :)


    Melodie, The job market is the same down here in Seattle. Not a single position I'm qualified for open in the 14 districts nearest to me. I'm working at a private school for peanuts...don't get discouraged about the market; so many of us recent grads are in the same position. Don't get stale, and keep checking those district sites!