Why did I gain weight?



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I am curious by what process someone would gain 13 pounds and lose body fat? Absent, a scale that is just plain wrong....

    If they left Team Natty they might?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    A different scale would equal a different reading...

    But you are losing inches which is great :smile:
  • BlackRose278
    BlackRose278 Posts: 37 Member
    OP, can you open your food diary, please?

    It is open to the public, at least I think it is.
  • BlackRose278
    BlackRose278 Posts: 37 Member
    When was your initial weigh in, that I'll assume was 13 pounds higher than today? Was it the same scale, the same time of day, the same level of clothing?

    Edited to say from reading other comments/replies the scale itself could be bad. Though you may have gained weight in 2-3 months, 13 pounds if you are losing inches & fat is probably not right.
    I actually just weighed myself today, and it says I gained 13 pounds. I honestly have no idea why, and I was hoping someone could help.

    I exercise almost every day, I do weight training twice a week, I go to martial arts twice a week, and I've been counting my calories. I've lost more than 10% of my body fat (originally 33.8, now between 23 and 22), and I've lost quite a few inches on my hips and thighs.

    Is it muscle, or something different? I'm very confused...

    My initial starting weight was 197lbs, and my lowest weight (after two grueling years) was 174.5lbs. It says that I went from that to 187lbs in the past few months. It's in the same area and I weigh myself at the same time with the same level of clothing. I've tried many electronic scales, and none of them worked or wore out in about a month.

    Honestly, I think nothing just works for me. It's been like this most of my life, and the antidepressants I was on up until three years ago has ruined my body. I don't know what to do anymore. I exercise constantly, I try to eat 1000-1400 calories a day, and nothing has worked. I have lost a LOT of body fat, but I have not gotten thinner nor lost any weight.
  • BlackRose278
    BlackRose278 Posts: 37 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I am curious by what process someone would gain 13 pounds and lose body fat? Absent, a scale that is just plain wrong....

    If they left Team Natty they might?

    I don't actually know what that is.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You should weigh at least weekly. It is easy to gain 13lbs in two months, but if you weigh regularly you will see it coming and be able to turn it around. I had a while when I measured body parts instead of weighing. I thought I was doing well but then I stepped on the scales and saw the second largest number I had ever seen.
  • hazcad
    hazcad Posts: 41 Member
    There's your problem! You're not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you're doing so your bodies storing calories rather than burning them. Track & weigh everything you eat and drink, go on Google and find a site where you can learn about and work out your BMR (basic metabolic rate) then work out how many calories based on that you should be eating and go from there.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I looked at your diary and it seems that the math is not adding up sometimes.

    For example, for Friday you enter 250 calories for 1/2 of a Roma Calzone. But, I just looked up the calories for that product / brand, and an entire one is 960 calories, so you are off by about 200 calories for just that meal. I saw a few other things during the week that seemed off to me as well.

    Also, are you measuring and weighing everything you are eating? Like, the 1/2 cup of vodka sauce -- are you using a measuring cup, or eyeballing it?
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    hazcad wrote: »
    There's your problem! You're not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you're doing so your bodies storing calories rather than burning them. Track & weigh everything you eat and drink, go on Google and find a site where you can learn about and work out your BMR (basic metabolic rate) then work out how many calories based on that you should be eating and go from there.

    lol. no.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Errors with your logging have been addressed.

    I'm not sure what you mean by saying digital scales have not 'worked' for you after a month or so I wondered if you realised they do require a change of battery every so often so this may be helpful to know. Head up too the same will apply when using digital kitchen scales to measure your food accurately in grams.
  • ndj1979 wrote: »
    I am curious by what process someone would gain 13 pounds and lose body fat? Absent, a scale that is just plain wrong....

    If they left Team Natty they might?

    I don't actually know what that is.

    They are saying if you took steroids this could easily be possible.

    I'm going to say looking at your diary that maybe you aren't paying close attention to the actual portions by weighing everything on a scale, possibly some non recorded absent minded eating? Almost everyone does it (myself included) and has a hard time identifying it. You also have a lot of things like potato chips, soda, etc, processed foods, no vegetables, and always low on protein intake, this isn't very healthy either though shouldnt have too much to do with the weight.

    Other questions which may help you identify problems besides that calzone being more calories than recorded that someone pointed out: are you actually weighing the butter you put on potatoes, cheese? Did you actually weigh 3oz and 1/2 cup of M&Ms? Home made lasagna needs every ingredient to be accounted for and weighed and then the portion percent determined at serving time, home made lasagna 250 calorie piece in my experience is next to impossible! Applebee's meals are notoriously high calorie and not portion size controlled. Whats a starbucks 1 pump 2 pump and how is anything starbucks only 50 calories? Many logging issues here, etc

    Also about the scale, others pointed out consistent positioning, body state, time of day and battery change, but another issue: since most have an error range of 1-2%, a 150lb person can weigh +/-3lbs on any different day. That could mean -3lbs 3 months back and +3lbs today, accounting for 6lbs even.
  • stylzemail
    stylzemail Posts: 33 Member
    Weight Training does cause weight gain but it's mostly muscle mass. What you can do is do this everyday religiously: Breakfast: un-cooked oatmeal oats , with apple juice added with raisins. Lunch -popcorn or sunflower seeds in shells. DINNER: Meat and vegetables (chicken, fish, turkey) or meat and salad. NO Bread or Cheese or noodles pasta. The oats be the carbs to fuel the muscles during the day, the popcorn is the fiber. Dinner is protein and vegetable enzymes. The carbs. Be low. As the calories low the body can't store any excess ... because there is nothing to store , it gets used up.
    The body goes into ketosis using it own fat storage , you slim down, to keep body weight at steady level you just add more carbs.foods.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Errors with your logging have been addressed.

    I'm not sure what you mean by saying digital scales have not 'worked' for you after a month or so I wondered if you realised they do require a change of battery every so often so this may be helpful to know. Head up too the same will apply when using digital kitchen scales to measure your food accurately in grams.

    I have had the same electronic scale with the original batteries for over 4 years now. I can't imagine every scale going bad that quickly. I used to have a mechanical scale, it's numbers were all over the place. My digital kitchen scale eats batteries... :/
  • hazcad
    hazcad Posts: 41 Member
    Ok maybe I haven't got it 100% right I admit but I'm no expert I'm still learning myself but the basics of it is she's not eating enough calories for the amount of exercise she's doing each week.