


  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I do actually think it's a bit rude to re-heat fish in a tiny office (people have to share a space-respect it) but it doesn't happen very often and I just think to myself "that is stinking up the place." Then I carry on with my day. No fake retching or blatant finger pointing.

    I too am guilty of the five cheese rigatoni and do usually get the "that smells good what is it" response. So maybe there was something going on with the plastic or the non stop heat of the microwave.

    I have also smelled the Stouffers lasagna vomit smell!

    Today we had burnt coffee and one particular co worker went on and on about it. However, she goes on and on about everything so we tune her out.

    I am so sorry you had a rough day. It's hard to have a thick skin surrounded by that all day. Bring 'em all tuna fish sandwiches Monday.
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    I feel your pain. A couple of weeks ago, I reheated homemade seafood gumbo in the microwave at work, then carried it to my office to eat. When I came back to the breakroom to wash my bowl, someone had put a sign on the microwave, complete with pictures, that said the only acceptable fish for work are Swedish fish and goldfish crackers.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Bring a sandwich next time.

    Forget that. I'd go home and eat a big bowl of chili beans, a few hard boiled eggs, some popcorn, a little cabbage and a glass of milk, then go back to work the next day and turn the air in that office green. I'd then proceed to heat up the exact same Lean Cuisine meal from the day before, but at twice the recommended cooking time. Oops, looks like I burned it - pardon me while I heat these brussels sprouts and open my jar of kimchi! :D
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Your coworkers sound like a bunch of tools. They'll get used to the change eventually, though, just hang in there.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    Holy cow. I have a hard time believing, unless you caught the meal on fire that it stunk that bad. I have smoked out an entire office with the burnt popcorn walk of shame, but what asshats your coworkers must be.

    i doubt it smelled i think the coworkers were being overly dramatic just because she brought her own meal instead of eating the unhealthy chef prepared stuff
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    Just need to vent...

    At my job we have a chef who makes lunch for us. Buttery, fattening, unhealthy food. So I started bringing in Lean Cuisines for lunch. Today I made one and it made a stink in the office by accident. That was 30 minutes ago. Since then it has been non-stop teasing, screaming, dramatics about how the smell will kill someone. And now since people are coming back into lunch people are asking "do you smell that smell? It was her!" I mean they are acting like this is the end of the world and they are all going to die.

    It's just discouraging. I'm trying to eat something a bit healthier (albeit still processed), and while I understand the smell and immediately started to open doors and throw it out in the dumpster, it's just getting ridiculous.

    Any advice on rising above this teasing and picking apart? I am not losing my motivation to lose weight, but honestly I am sitting at my desk and thinking about just leaving.

    Just wondering if your co-workers are being mean or is this some light hearted teasing that's just gone to far? Is it possible they don't know you're upset and think you're taking the ribbing with good humor? Like, we have all taken the mick out of a co worker who does/says something we think is funny and sometimes it goes to far without people realizing yeah ok, enough is enough. They could think you are "in" on the joke if you know what I mean?
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    They're just jealous you have the willpower to make a healthy lifestyle change, and want to try to heckle you into keeping the same unhealthy lifestyle choices so they don't feel inferior.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    Laugh about how you must have gotten a defective lean cuisine (that one must have been made by the new guy), then tease them back. "Next time I'll bring fish!"

    If you laugh with them then you'll feel much better.
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    They're just jealous you have the willpower to make a healthy lifestyle change, and want to try to heckle you into keeping the same unhealthy lifestyle choices so they don't feel inferior.

    But it's Lean Cuisine.

  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    Happened in our office once. A girl reheated some sort of fish medley pasta bake from the night before.

    White fish, shell fish, tuna...

    Our office was huge, like a warehouse space, and the whole place absolutely reeked of fish in the worst possible way.

    "Pungent" doesnt even come close.

    It really qas quite disgusting and caused a bit of a reaction, while I dont blame anyone for that (it was awful) I really felt for her.

    Bless, she took it in good spirit. And never bought fish pasta bake again!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm just fascinated so many people take popcorn to work.

    I have to say, i'd be a spiteful *kitten* like others and deliberately bring smelly food. Yum eggs! Oooh curry. Yummy yummy in my tummy.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Curiosity is killing me. What on EARTH does Lean Cuisine make that got so stinky?

    Anything that contains artificial butter flavoring, curds and whey and/or freeze dried parmesan cheese.

    In other words, every entrée they make.

    I heat up lean cuisines at work all the time. No one complains; in fact, it makes most of them hungry.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    I make a courteous, one time, warning - "I'm about to microwave brussel sprouts." Or, "I'm putting broccoli and cauliflower in the microwave". I travel a lot and work in many different locations. When I know I'm going to be somewhere where the microwave is close to the showroom, and therefore customers, I either eat my lunch cold or order something.
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »

    Forget that. I'd go home and eat a big bowl of chili beans, a few hard boiled eggs, some popcorn, a little cabbage and a glass of milk, then go back to work the next day and turn the air in that office green. I'd then proceed to heat up the exact same Lean Cuisine meal from the day before, but at twice the recommended cooking time. Oops, looks like I burned it - pardon me while I heat these brussels sprouts and open my jar of kimchi! :D

    HAHA! LOL AnvilHead! I like brussels sprouts and I like your style! :smiley:
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Bring in fish next-that will give them something to complain about :D

    Actually just finished eating a Lean Cuisine and it didn't have an odor but the veggies I added to it did. Still going to eat veggies :)