Healthy Snacking

Can anyone recommend some healthy foods that are good snacks? I have a tendency to eat candy, sometimes popcorn. Thank you for any advice you can provide.


  • kell0440
    kell0440 Posts: 2 Member
    Veggies are always a good choice to snack on. I try to have a few to choice from in my lunch box so I don't get bored and reach for the candy.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Popcorn isn't bad and can be filling for fairly low calories. Fruits or vegetables can be a good snack. Pretzels and cheese. Jerky or eggs. Nuts/seeds, nut butters, yogurt. Those all provide some good vitamins or good fats. Candy doesn't have to be taken out of your diet completely, a diet should be viewed as overall context and not just a bite by bite basis. Mini candy bars are my best friend when it comes to staying on track!
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Popcorn, depending on how much butter and salt you put on it, is actually quite healthy. It's a whole grain and it's packed with fiber. Typical snacks for me include:

    Beef Jerky
    Dried Apricots
    Greek Yogurt + Honey
    Carrots + Hummus
    Chips + Guacamole
    Japanese Rice Crackers (not those crappy rice cakes you see in grocery stores)
    Cottage Cheese + Almond Butter+ Honey
    Nori (sushi roll-sized sheets, toasted over the stove)
    Popcorn (!)
    Toast + Jam
    Peanut Butter + Spoon

  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    Not really healthy in the sense that it provides and vitamins or nutrients but is pretty much no calories coming in at 5 calories per serving. Sugar free jello, you can make a giant bowl of it and not really have a significant impact on your calories.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I slice an apple as thin as I can and just have it on a plate...some apples don't oxidize. Opal apples are pretty new to market and don't brown. I've had one sliced for up to 3 days (usually in a baggie in my car) and it doesn't brown.

    Sugar free hot cocoa helps with those sweet cravings
    I also get sugar free werther caramels...super delicious and good flavor
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I leave fresh fruit sitting out in a bowl. Whether I eat it or not, it is the first thing I see when I'm looking for something to eat. I keep nuts around, but you have to be careful with those because a little goes a long way. Opt for dark chocolate over milk chocolate. There's nothing wrong with popcorn as long as you don't load it down with butter and salt, or sugar. Avoid the prepackaged stuff. I have one of those microwave popping bowls, but you can pop it in a paper bag, or an air popper, or even in a pan on top of the stove. And who says you have to go for traditional snack food? If you're looking for something sweet, there are plenty of vegetables that are sweet but not as loaded with sugar as snack foods.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat cheese, nuts, baby carrots - stuff like that.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I like those Chobani Greek yogurt flip things. Some are 200 calories and some are 100. They are high in protein so more filling. That's usually what I eat in the afternoon. In the evening I like popcorn.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    Nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews)
    Certain Crackers
  • KiraCharman
    KiraCharman Posts: 90 Member
    All are healthy options:
    Sunbites crisps are lush
    Veggies and dips (try to find low fat)
    Fibre one bars
    Weight watchers chocolate rolls, biscuits
    WATER is amazing at curbing an appetite

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