Need motivation... Please Help !!!

Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
edited December 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone, I have not been on MFP for a long time just because I am making excuses. I honestly think they are good excuses, but know that they really aren't.

First off, I hurt my back early this year, got a few massages & went to see a chiro then I was fine & went back to working out. Mind you, I was doing a workout when I hurt myself. Secondly, I did it again a few months later, then I went to the ER as I could barely move. I then went through a few months of PT. I started to find my motivation when my PT let me do light workouts. When I released from PT, I started other workouts, using a lot of modification. Then low & behold I hurt myself again. I am afraid that if I start up again, I am going to hurt myself again. That is my main excuse. UGH !!!

Also, (a little TMI) I think I am going through "The Change" & I am thinking that is another reason for no motivation.

Trust me I know what it feels like to get my sweat on & the after burn. I had lost 50 pounds, now I have found them & they are being stubborn about being lost again.

I am currently a BeachBody coach, which means nothing other than the fact that I get discounts on my Shakeology. I am also using the BeachBody On Demand to do my workouts. I love it !!! But again, afraid to hurt myself.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Or any words of encouragement?



  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    My best advice is to buy a food scale and meal prep. These are the two things that have made a world of difference to me. I also pre-log my calories.

    Best of luck to you!
  • weightwatcher490
    weightwatcher490 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with the food scale- I use mine all the time. I also agree with prepping and pre-logging food. The removes the Willy nilly of what to eat, etc. it really creates a plan and takes out room for error. Good luck!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    The food part is not the hard part, it is the exercising. I am totally afraid to hurt my back again.
  • amac1072
    amac1072 Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm just afraid to get off the couch. :/
    I am the queen of excuses. Probably my favorite is the discomfort of my gut bouncing up and down when I'm on the elliptical. And there's always the less-inspired "too tired," "too late," "not tonight honey I have a headache..."
    You have a legitimate concern, but have you considered a low-impact routine? Something more back-friendly? I don't know what your injury is, but maybe strength training would help prevent further problems?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I did upgrade my BeachBody On Demand, hopefully that will motivate me to get moving.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    What were you doing when you hurt yourself? Same thing every time or completely different exercises?
  • PrettyBare
    PrettyBare Posts: 9 Member
    Hello...being afraid of getting hurt is always a fear that can block us from reaching our goals. I usually don't give advice but I think that you need something different. My advice is to get yourself a good, holistic, massage therapist that knows about injuries from exercise. She/He can help work those "injuries" out of your body and teach you exercises that will not only help you recover, but prevent other injuries from happening. I was a non-believer until I got a severe groin injury from weight lifting that I thought would NEVER heal and every time I tried to continue my routine, I would get injured again. My sister told me to "try" her massage therapist and it was the best decision I have made since I walked into her office. You may have to look around but make sure you find someone that you "click" with and I can assure you all this will be a distant memory. Godspeed to you. :)
  • tgcake
    tgcake Posts: 59 Member
    I think your excuse is quite legitimate; being hurt again can severely impact your life. I'd suggest talking to a PT and following the routine they set for you. When you think you can increase it, talk to them again. Or get a sports trainer, someone who has worked with injuries such as yours before. Ask them about the workouts you enjoy. Above all, stick to what they tell you; they'd know what you can, and can't do yet.

    It might be frustrating to have to go slow, but re-injuring your back would be far worse than losing weight more slowly.
  • lyssa1210
    lyssa1210 Posts: 96 Member
    I have been where you are and totally get it. Slow and easy to start sounds good like yoga. I have been doing yoga for 26 years and it truly helps me not fall apart at age 55 although now that I have gone through the "change" I find I have less energy. Would be happy to add you as a friend and we can support each other .
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    amac1072 wrote: »
    I'm just afraid to get off the couch. :/
    I am the queen of excuses. Probably my favorite is the discomfort of my gut bouncing up and down when I'm on the elliptical. And there's always the less-inspired "too tired," "too late," "not tonight honey I have a headache..."
    You have a legitimate concern, but have you considered a low-impact routine? Something more back-friendly? I don't know what your injury is, but maybe strength training would help prevent further problems?

    amac1072, excuses can hurt us more than help us. The struggle is real though. We can do this. :)
    lorrpb wrote: »
    What were you doing when you hurt yourself? Same thing every time or completely different exercises?

    Lorrpb, the first two times was doing PIYO, the last time was a very simple workout I found on YouTube.
    PrettyBare wrote: »
    Hello...being afraid of getting hurt is always a fear that can block us from reaching our goals. I usually don't give advice but I think that you need something different. My advice is to get yourself a good, holistic, massage therapist that knows about injuries from exercise. She/He can help work those "injuries" out of your body and teach you exercises that will not only help you recover, but prevent other injuries from happening. I was a non-believer until I got a severe groin injury from weight lifting that I thought would NEVER heal and every time I tried to continue my routine, I would get injured again. My sister told me to "try" her massage therapist and it was the best decision I have made since I walked into her office. You may have to look around but make sure you find someone that you "click" with and I can assure you all this will be a distant memory. Godspeed to you. :)

    PrettyBare, I will have to try that. Thank you... :)
    tgcake wrote: »
    I think your excuse is quite legitimate; being hurt again can severely impact your life. I'd suggest talking to a PT and following the routine they set for you. When you think you can increase it, talk to them again. Or get a sports trainer, someone who has worked with injuries such as yours before. Ask them about the workouts you enjoy. Above all, stick to what they tell you; they'd know what you can, and can't do yet.

    It might be frustrating to have to go slow, but re-injuring your back would be far worse than losing weight more slowly.

    tgcake, That is a great point. I will have to look into it. Thank you... :)
    lyssa1210 wrote: »
    I have been where you are and totally get it. Slow and easy to start sounds good like yoga. I have been doing yoga for 26 years and it truly helps me not fall apart at age 55 although now that I have gone through the "change" I find I have less energy. Would be happy to add you as a friend and we can support each other .

    lyssa1210, I am not the best @ yoga, but I do enjoy practicing it. Thank you & yes I would love to keep in contact & help support each other. I am not 100% sure I am going through "The Change" but am pretty confident that I am. LOL Going a doctor next month to properly diagnose & help me.

    Happy New Year ladies... Thank you so much for your encouragement, you have no idea how this is helping. Here is to a New Year & a better us.


  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I actually started working out last week & did my measurements on Saturday. I had a show Saturday nite ( I am a singer in a local cover band). Believe it or not, that is a lot of work. So I got two workouts done Saturday. I also worked out yesterday & I tell you what it was tough to push through, but I did it !!! I am ready to feel better about myself. Here is to a new year & a new me. Happy New Year to everybody!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I didn't check in with my workout from yesterday. I did a nice Yoga workout from BeachBody called Full Body Flow. I needed that after working so hard the last few days, plus thus this darn cold. LOL Tonite will be legs. I love working my legs. I hope everyone is having a great Friday !!!
  • katliv38
    katliv38 Posts: 5 Member

    jjtonic75: Hello, my name is Kathy. Thank you for letting me know about the Full Body Flow. I am trying to decide whether or not I want to commit to the on demand to Beach Body. This gives me another exercise to look into. Have you done Country Heat or Cize? I was able to try them last Sunday locally to where I live. I had never done them. I walked my dogs up and down my street or used the treadmill. Then, I discovered my walking dvd's by Lesile Samsone. So if you can't do what you have done before because of your back, try Country Heat.

    When I did the Beach Body exercises, I modified what the instructor did to my level. You could always do the same.
    Best of luck to you and your band.

    If you want to keep in touch, I am Katliv38 on MFP.
  • xmusic_lover211
    xmusic_lover211 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with Kathy about Country Heat or Cize. Both are super fun! Country Heat, in my opinion, is lower impact, so that might be a good one if you're worried about your back. They have good modifications that make it much less impact.