New to low carb. Is this normal

Hi! On my first week of calorie restrictions plus low carb (vegetarian) at the suggestion of my endocrinologist. 2016 was a rough year for my waistline. Fell on ice and hurt my shoulder and elbow that limited my worjouts, then in April I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It ended very well- had a thyroidectomy in May that got it all, but I struggled with energy levels for a few months until I fired my endocrinologist and carefully self adjusted my meds to where I was feeling a bit less like a dishrag. In September I had a hysterectomy and was fired from my job the week after I notified my employer of my surgery date. My Obgyn didn't let me off post op restrictions until Jan 1st. So needless to say, I found my old weight and it brought friends as I sat on my butt for 3.5 months while stress eating and having dining out be my main source of social activity....
I started going to the gym (running, strength training, or yoga) 6 days and cutting calories on Jan 1st. I saw a new endocrinologist last week (Love her, thank goodness) and she said I'm probably not going to have a lot of success losing weight between the hysterectomy and the thyroidectomy without going low carb. So I moaned and groaned all weekend, then Monday got down to work. I'm doing low carb, but not ketogenic though as I get used to this alteration in my diet I will try to knock it back a bit more. I've been vegetarian for half my life, and got into a high carb habit because carbs are fast, shelf stable, cheap, and oh so delicious. I detest eggs. The texture and the smell. But I'm eating them... Or rather... Swallowing without chewing...
This week my weight loss has been quite rapid. I'm not unhappy about it, but I'm not sure it's healthy. Yesterday I did not eat enough calories because I ate a late breakfast with friends, went to the gym at lunch time to run and do a little strength training and then had a ton of calories left for dinner. I ran out of steam half way through eating what I planned out to eat. Appetite goes *poof*. Finally went to bed for a bit and then downed a couple yogurts when I woke up. I have never had my appetite just vanish like that unless sick or really intensely depressed. I'm used to being hungry and miserable constantly at 1200 calories. I'm also needing to drink way more. I know I'm not ketogenic- my carb intake isn't *that* low... but I seem to be having a lot of the symptoms of it.


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Someone from this group may be able to help answer your questions:
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    You could possibly be going into keto. From what I hear is it differs for everyone. Usually people stay under 20g of carbs but there's some people who claim to go up to 50g or 70g while remaining in keto, exercise also plays a part in this also. If you eat your carbs prior to exercise and deplete your glycogen stores then that might be a possibility of it happening. Regardless I wouldn't worry about the rapid weight loss, when you start a diet especially low carb you lose quite a bit of water weight at first so I'm sure nothing unhealthy is happening.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I am diabetic and hypo and in a similar situation. I have been trying to reduce my carbs since the first and the weeks that I reduce white carbs greatly I find the same thing. I have been coming in at around 1200 calories and not than hungry. The more gluten I eat the more hungry I become.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    For those who stick with low carb, the loss of appetite is pretty common. Not everyone experiences it but it is a definite plus that helps us stick with it.

    I would just go with it unless you end up with too many days at very low calories. A few days here and there at 1000 calories doesn't hurt, just like a few days at 2000 is okay too. ;) it doesn't always last forever. Most experience at least a few months of low appetite. Even when appetite goes back up, without carb cravings the appetite is manageable (for those who experience carb cravings).

    Good luck. Do check out the linked group. Really nice bunch!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    If you're in ketosis, loss of appetite is totally normal. Matter of fact, a lot of keto'ers gravitate toward periods of fasting both for the weight loss and other health benefits. Those folks find fasting a breeze thanks to lack of appetite.

    Make sure your endocrinologist knows you're in ketosis and can suggest appropriate electrolyte replacement (sodium, potassium, magnesium are the big ones).

    Good luck!
  • blairf83
    blairf83 Posts: 33 Member
    I have been guzzling powerade zero like nobody's business. I usually drink one a day to help with muscle cramps and headaches. I'm on my second bottle of it already today though.
  • jdwils14
    jdwils14 Posts: 154 Member
    edited January 2017
    I would say it is the fat that is playing its part on your hunger levels. Fats are harder to metabolize than are carbohydrates, and that leads to less of the "hunger hormone" called grehlin being produced as often. Grehlin is a signal to the brain that says "eat something!"

    If you want to find out if you are in ketosis, you can test for that the same way you test for blood glucose levels. Novamax offers starter kits online, and they can supply you with ketone strips that measure that. The strips are pretty pricey, about $2 per strip (compared with about $0.15 a strip for blood glucose. So, you will need to educate yourself on how to use them to avoid wasting money.

    If you are drinking more water, be sure to keep up with potassium and sodium. Overwhelming the body with water can flush important electrolytes from the body. I keep carbs around 100g, so I am nowhere close to ketogenic, but it allows me to have potatoes which are chock full of potassium. Potassium and sodium work hand in hand to regulate water in the body. Sodium likes to retain it, while potassium helps with urination. Plus....potatoes are delicious with just about any fatty food :-)