Protein Shakes??

I am curious, I have been on Herbalife (Just the shakes) and was wondering if anyone else uses these shakes or any other ones to help with weight loss.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I hate protein shakes and prefer to eat my calories - I feel much more satisfied that way.

    Shakes don't help with weight loss. You can drink them and still gain weight if you're consuming too many calories. They may help if you struggle to reach your protein target with real food - I occasionally add protein powder to yoghurt/baked things to bump up the protein content.
  • VetTech1374
    VetTech1374 Posts: 35 Member
    edited January 2017
    That is good to know!!
    I also don't always feel full even though I do add protein powder but I have learned to drink a lot more water to help with that and I try to eat every 3 hours.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    i drink a skinny girl chocolate brownie shake almost every day. either with my meal (because i love chocolate milk but can't have that many carbs) or as a meal replacement. it is working well for me. :smile:
  • natasha_hal1
    natasha_hal1 Posts: 30 Member
    I have tried the shake thing, but found it is so much more filling to eat actual food! I usually will have a shake in the morning time if I am on the go because I like to have a light breakfast, but I would never replace whole meals with it. I know they suggest replace two meals a day with a shake and then eat one real meal, but that is just crazy!
  • VT4Me
    VT4Me Posts: 4 Member
    I sometimes make my own with kale, berries, and protein powder. I think it helps boost nutrients and reduces internal inflammation.

  • Mamaij
    Mamaij Posts: 1 Member
    Where do you get that skinny girl brownie shake thing...I'll try Google too
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    I use the Ensure high protein nutritional shakes (occasionally) as a meal replacement, but not as a regular occurrence. For example, on Sunday mornings, I may have one for breakfast, then have lunch and dinner. Or may replace dinner with one if I have an appointment after work and wont be home until very late. This helps me from snacking on *junk*, then over-eating calories, instead of just skipping a meal, I would miss. But, I do not use it as a weight loss tool...just a sensible alternative to eating junk in a pinch, when I don't have time to eat a meal.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I like protein shakes, especially chocolate with some pb2 but I don't drink them specifically for weightloss, just a quick breakfast when I am short on time or a post workout protein treat. I still use whey protein regularly but rarely drink shakes anymore as I have found other ways to use it. I have also found other substitutes for a quick easy breakfast.
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    I have one mid morning and I make my own. It helps me get my protein for the day.