MFP & pregnancy

Has anyone used this app while they were pregnant? Do you have suggestions? I am 30 weeks pregnant and have not been making good food choices & really want to make wiser choices now that I'm in my 3rd trimester. I also want to lose weight AFTER baby much easier ( I was about 20 lbs overweight before I got pregnant). Any help / motivation / advice is appreciated.


  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I would not feel comfortable counting calories while pregnant or in the first month postpartum. Instead, you could keep a food diary in photo format. Also, make eating a priority. Eat slowly and intentionally.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    I would count macros and discuss them with my doctor and what would be a reasonable balance.

    You want to keep GOOD fats, GOOD Carbs and lean protien in your diet. Pregnancy is a challenge due to the things you must do to keep your baby safe (ie no deli meat)

    Monitoring/Counting (not restricting) calories is okay. Maybe just focus on making good choices(Easier said than done... believe me I know)

    There are also tests that you can do to determine your caloric needs. just focus on satisfying them with good diet.

  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Yep, I wouldn't stop just because I was pregnant. Join us on the "fit, fabulous & pregnant" group. I'd link it but can't from my phone.
  • MagneticGanymede
    MagneticGanymede Posts: 180 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm planning on logging calories and macros when I'm pregnant! Specifically to help me reach a protein goal. I struggle to eat enough protein and know it's especially important during pregnancy. For me it would be so helpful to keep track of it. The group mentioned above is probably a great place to get good info. I will look for it when i get my bfp. :) Congrats on your pregnancy @CarlySkelton
  • Dee_D33
    Dee_D33 Posts: 106 Member
    I haven't, but I don't see a problem with it as long as you're getting the amount of calories needed for your age, weight, and how far along you are (can be determined online @ ) and NOT eating at a deficit. If I were you I'd probably only keep track of my macros and nutrients to make sure I'm getting what I need, rather than focusing on the calories. Since each pregnancy is different, as always it's important to talk to your doctor first and they'll tell you what the best plan of action would be. :)
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    i used to be a doula, a breastfeeding & childbirth educator and i would just like to say that i don't like the idea. while you are pregnant, YES you do need to make good choices with food, and if you want to log your food to keep up with what you are eating, that is fine, but set your daily calorie goal for like 3000 so that you never "go over" and see that red number every day. that is NOT healthy for you mentally while pregnant. so many women are worried about losing weight after baby - you need to be concerned with your pregnancy, your baby's health, THEN after you give birth, you can worry about losing. pregnancy and breastfeeding is NOT the time to lose weight or watch your weight.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    i used to be a doula, a breastfeeding & childbirth educator and i would just like to say that i don't like the idea. while you are pregnant, YES you do need to make good choices with food, and if you want to log your food to keep up with what you are eating, that is fine, but set your daily calorie goal for like 3000 so that you never "go over" and see that red number every day. that is NOT healthy for you mentally while pregnant. so many women are worried about losing weight after baby - you need to be concerned with your pregnancy, your baby's health, THEN after you give birth, you can worry about losing. pregnancy and breastfeeding is NOT the time to lose weight or watch your weight.

    I 100% agree with this. Not to scare some, but I actually gained an additional 10 pounds while breast feeding (on top of the pregnancy weight) I was producing 50oz a day and I was so hungry and tired I just ate what I could put my hands on to fill my never ending hollow leg. Never once did I feel ashamed (until going back to work). My baby's nutrition was paramount. The only caveat is if your doctor tells you that you your health is in trouble and you need to lose.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm still logging. I've been on here logging for almost 560 days now and have lost 65 lbs, don't really want to stop logging now... I'm only 5 weeks 4 days right now, eating maintenance, plus extra some days. I think it's great to keep track of your food, as long as you don't get too hung up on the calorie side of it. I don't want to gain more than I have to, but I'm not going to torture myself either.

    Fwiw, I think I read somewhere that in third trimester you should add around 500 calories to your maintenance amount.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    yes tmoneyag99 - i was FAMISHED while breastfeeding. i could NOT get full. i was producing so much milk.
    DRINK ALOT of milk, water, juice WHILE NURSING to replenish fluids and eat a balanced diet. you might not lose while breastfeeding (some women do) but making milk is harder than pregnancy.