Your exercise routines- females 5'5 & 140 lbs

think48 Posts: 366 Member
edited 12:09AM in Fitness and Exercise
Curious as to other women who are around my size, what your exercise routines are? I generally run on the treadmill a couple times a week and do general weight training circuits. I tried spin last week and loved it, but it is not at a time that is conducive to my work. Anyways, just thought I'd ask! :)


  • jan2b
    jan2b Posts: 5
    I'm also trying to figure out what my exercise should be. I am currently learning to play tennis, I go swimming in the sea when the weather permits and walk on the beach or hills on a weekend. Last Saturday I played table tennis for the first time and that logged up a lot more calories burned than I expected.

    I'd love to see what others might suggest as I have no "routine" I just try and do something interesting a few times a week......
    female, 5' 4" 119lbs.
  • campb2ti
    campb2ti Posts: 104 Member
    Bump! I'm 5'4 and 152 lbs and getting tired of my current routine, interested in what others post!
  • I'm 5'4" and 135lbs, and I spend a LOT of time running. A lot. I need something else to add in to my routine, but exercise DVD's have a tendency to just bore me (I quit JM's 30 Day Shred because I got so bored with the workout, before I'd even finished level one!). I'm supposed to alternate between a running/abs and arms day and a "circuit" day, but I always wind up skipping the circuit and just running every day.

    I've definitely hit a plateau, and I think I need to mix it up in order to get over it.
  • KA29
    KA29 Posts: 54
    2x a week I hit the gym for 40 min. One day I will do upper body for about 20 min, then cardio (bike or elliptical mainly) then the next day lower body for about 20 min then cardio.
    2x a week I take my 13 month old son for a 45-60 min walk in the morning, then try to do 15 min of strength and LOTS of house work to burn extra calories. Or a workout DVD.
    Sometimes I then hit the gym on a weekend an do whatever I feel like for about 45 min. That all depends on if we can find a sitter for our little one since the gym doesn't have daycare.
  • jan2b
    jan2b Posts: 5
    I'm one for doing a bit of everything. Recently I've gone horse riding, badminton, bowling, yoga, salsa classes and even trained for a womens rugby team for the last 2 months of the season. I hope to go back to that in September......

    The summer is always a harder time to find classes to do in my town, so I'll do a bit of anything I come across. Mix it up a bit!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm 5'5" and around 142. I run a few times a week, but I mixed it up the last 9 months or so with a spin class, and Zumba. I love both. Last week I tried a cardio sculpt circuit class (2 minute circuits of hardcore squats, arms, abs, planks, etc. for 45 minutes), and that KILLED me (in a good way). I've done yoga in the past, and loved it -- nothing hurt when I was doing yoga once a week.

    You might even try just working out at a different time of day 1 or 2 days a week. On the days when I had to change my times (for work, or kids, or just missing the alarm), I felt like it gave me a boost for the week.

    Good luck!!

    P.S. Can some of you also tell me your age and target weight? I've seen lots of 5'5" women (and even taller ones) who want to get down to the 120's, and I think that's a bit extreme. Then again, I've never been a tiny build person, so I would look sick at that weight. Anybody?
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm 5'5" and around 142. I run a few times a week, but I mixed it up the last 9 months or so with a spin class, and Zumba. I love both. Last week I tried a cardio sculpt circuit class (2 minute circuits of hardcore squats, arms, abs, planks, etc. for 45 minutes), and that KILLED me (in a good way). I've done yoga in the past, and loved it -- nothing hurt when I was doing yoga once a week.

    You might even try just working out at a different time of day 1 or 2 days a week. On the days when I had to change my times (for work, or kids, or just missing the alarm), I felt like it gave me a boost for the week.

    Good luck!!

    P.S. Can some of you also tell me your age and target weight? I've seen lots of 5'5" women (and even taller ones) who want to get down to the 120's, and I think that's a bit extreme. Then again, I've never been a tiny build person, so I would look sick at that weight. Anybody?

    Thanks! :) Good idea about changing the time. Never thought about that. I've been doing mornings, but a couple evening runs might be good. I really wish I could do some classes, but I work 8-5 and then have to pick up the kids and go home to cook dinner. By the time they are in bed it's 8:30 and no classes are being offered that late. :( Oh well.

    My ultimate goal is 128, but I'll "take" 132. haha! I was 128 when I got married (pre kids) and I think that was perfect. But....after 2 kids I know my body is composed differently, so I'll be happy in the lower 130s. Ultimately, I just want to get my body fat down, and try to get my BMI down to the low 20s also.
  • 5'6" I'm 133 now, and fluctuate between 131-135, depending mostly on the week of the month!

    I've been trying to walk or elliptical 3x /week for 30 mins. to stay closer to 130, especially now that I'm in my 40's.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE yoga, but don't like to do it at home or from DVD's. I really need an instructor, and unfortunately some are better than others.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 5'5, 39 years old, and just a hair above 130#.

    I run 3-4 times a week, minimum typically 3-6 miles, and have been doing EA Active Sports 2 with 5# weights. I'm getting into using "real" weights at the gym now, and hopping on the exercise bike or arc trainer when I'm there. I can't stand running on the treadmill since running outside, but some days Mother Nature isn't cooperative.

    My original goal was 135, and I've lost 4.5 since then. There's still some more fluff that could come off, but I don't think that's a matter of weight loss, just fat loss and muscle building. I only have a 100 calorie deficit a day now, so while I'm not quite on maintenance, I'm not really trying to lose any more than a quarter of a pound a week, either. That said, I've been aiming for a half pound a week loss the past month, and lost 4.5 pounds.

    I'm smaller now at 130 lbs with decent muscle tone than I was at 120 lbs when I didn't exercise like a fiend.
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