Any people here who lost weight while having hypothyridsm?



  • scotthva5
    scotthva5 Posts: 9 Member
    I had been mildly hypo for for about 10 years before my doctor, my wife (she got tired of me moaning about muscle cramps) and dramatic weight increase -50 pounds in 2 years- forced me to start on levo about 3 years ago. Took about a year to get it just right -125mcg- but the weight stayed on. Since then I've lost about 30 pounds in the past 6 months by religiously documenting the food diary and a minimum of 30 minutes a day of stair stepper cardio and light weight training twice a week. It works! Eat less, exercise more and have a realistic attitude toward weight loss and fitness; it will not happen nearly as fast as you want it to. BTW, my doc says that hypothyroidism is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions in men today since a full thyroid workup is not routine for men.
  • Chatwidow
    Chatwidow Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    I have been borderline hypo for 5 years with a lifelong weight problem. I had gastric bypass surgery 4.5 years ago and lost 100 pounds and kept it off until the past year. About a year ago I started on synthroid and now thyroxine as my GP felt I had been borderline too long. I have gained 20 lbs while maintaining my food log and exercise regimen. Part of me feels better but part feels bloated and crappy. I have been working with an excellent endocrinologist but can't take the continuing weight gain. I am about to just stop the Meds for 3 months to see if the weight comes off. If it does then I'll know it's the thyroxine.
  • scotthva5
    scotthva5 Posts: 9 Member
    Chatwidow wrote: »
    ... I am about to just stop the Meds for 3 months to see if the weight comes off. If it does then I'll know it's the thyroxine.

    Please don't stop taking your meds without a serious consult with your endocrinologist or primary care. If they say "no deal" then listen to them. I know this from experience as my first experience with levo did not go well and quit on my own. Big mistake!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Chatwidow wrote: »
    I have been borderline hypo for 5 years with a lifelong weight problem. I had gastric bypass surgery 4.5 years ago and lost 100 pounds and kept it off until the past year. About a year ago I started on synthroid and now thyroxine as my GP felt I had been borderline too long. I have gained 20 lbs while maintaining my food log and exercise regimen. Part of me feels better but part feels bloated and crappy. I have been working with an excellent endocrinologist but can't take the continuing weight gain. I am about to just stop the Meds for 3 months to see if the weight comes off. If it does then I'll know it's the thyroxine.

    As @scotthva5 stated absolutely do not go off your routine unless you've discussed this with your physician. Levothyroxine is not a weight loss drug. This regulates output of your pituitary gland and can have major problems if you are making dramatic changes.

    Are you sticking to your enzyme regimen?

    Success in any hormone related issue lies in two major issues - weight management and establishing a routine. Hormones are free cycling and cannot maintain balance if you are overweight. If you have a gland not operating correctly you need to build up a routine and stick to this.
  • ginasfs67
    ginasfs67 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost almost 100 lbs in a year after a serious struggle with losing weight. I was 260 when I started and 165 at my lowest. My "secret" was a lifestyle change and some serious dedication. It wasn't easy by any means and there were times I wanted to give up, but I am so much happier now. It helps to have a good support system to keep you motivated. It's almost impossible to do it entirely on your own (at least that's how it was for me). I've gained some of it back through bad habits and a change in career, but I'm working on getting back down again.
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    Hashimotos disease here, I was diagnosed 12 years ago when I was 19. I successfully lost 56lbs in my 20s through diet and exercise- I ate a ton of soy and was on armour. Now I've lost 42lbs much more slowly, but only through dieting, haven't been to a gym yet- honestly, I think your happiness and quality of life has the biggest impact on metabolism and such- I used to work out 4 days a week and couldn't lose weight. But when I'm happy it falls off. I'm on naturthroid now, it really doesn't perform any better than armour IMO, but they are both better than synthroid, I had bad reactions to that.
  • beth4100
    beth4100 Posts: 14 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was only 15 days old. I was actually born without a thyroid. For years I struggled with my weight. When I was about 16 I reached my heaviest: 220lbs. I hated myself! I always tried to go on a diet but it never worked for me. When I was about 17 my aunt turned me on to weight watchers and it worked! I lost my for 80 lbs after a year and a half. I kept losing after that because I was now familiar with portion control. I stopped using weight watchers but when I went to college in 2011 I was determined to lose more weight. By that time I was 153 and at the end of 2012 I reached my lowest weight, 132!!! I couldn't have been happier.
    Unfortunately now some of that weight has come back and I'm back at 155. I'm doing what I can (but not my best) to go back down to 132.
    If I can do it, anyone can!
  • kaitybabez
    kaitybabez Posts: 2 Member
    I have no thyroid now. After getting it removed my weight went from 143lbs to 178lbs in the space of just a few months. 1.5 years on and I'm down to 156lbs so it was definitely possible for me!
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Check out the website: it has some really great advice on hypothyroidism. Women who have found a doc that will work with them (and not just medicate according to the blood tests) find that they seem to do much better and far more quickly. Natural desiccated thyroid (I am more fond of Acella / NP thyroid than Armour) seems to work better for me; Also, 7-keto DHEA helps me. I also take L-tyrosine. Finally, don't discount adrenal supplementation. There are many websites out there that sell desiccated adrenal / adrenal cortex. Both adrenal / adrenal cortex act on very different parts of your body - one acts on the hormones and the other acts on neurotransmitters. You have to start the desiccated thyroid very slowly - I found that one capsule (pure encaps) the first day was like a boat load of coffee and I was wired for almost 24 hours. The next day the symptoms were far less and by day 4 I was handling one capsule just fine and it seems to have really helped my mood and my cravings are less. One additional benefit is that I am backing off my HRT a little b/c with the adrenal supplementation, things are so much better.
  • Bubbelss
    Bubbelss Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidsm 6 years ago (was 22 atm). Since then, I've been taking L-tyrosine and Bisoprolol to control my blood pressure.
    After knee surgery a year and a half later (october) and obligated rest, I gained almost 8kilo's in 2 months...
    Next august, I was whining to my boyfriend that much about being "fat" (1m58, 68kg) that he said I should stop nagging and do something about it. Sounds cruel, but it was exactly what I needed!
    I started writing down everything I ate and got on the hometrainer 5 times a week for 60-90minutes per session.
    Lost the 8kilo's in half a year!

    Recently I've changed my job to a 100% desk job. My biggest fear is to gain all that weight again, so I go to the gym 3-4 a week (got really sick of looking at the same wall on my hometrainer lol). Since last week I combine this with one weekly spinning session.
    I still wright down everything I eat. On thursday evening I make a menu for the week that's coming up and I really try to stick to it. I do sin in the weekends, otherwise I'd never be able to hold on to it.

    So I'm at 57kg now (yay!!) and I totally freak out when I start to reach 60kg.
    I know I'll never be really thin (though 57kg sounds like it's not a lot, if you're only 1m58 you're still chubby :)) but I don't really care anymore.
    So yes, it's possible to lose weight! You just have to do a little more effort than people with a normal thyroid gland...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    Lost 63 pounds using MFP in 10-11 months starting in April 2015, at age 59-60, with long-term hypothyroidism that's well controlled with 175mcg daily levothyroxine, which I take religiously according to instructions (first thing in the AM, empty stomach, wait before eating, etc.). I'm now in the 120s at 5'5".

    As far as I could tell, it wasn't any more difficult for me to lose weight than it is for someone without a thyroid condition.
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    Yep, I have hypothroidism. I take Levothroxine since the mid 90's. I've lost 110 pounds, working at my last 20. I can't say it was much of an issue for me as my .175mcg dose has been the same for many years.

    Good Luck!