
ok, so the hubs brought home some P90X videos from work, mind you he's Army. I just, not 10 min. ago did the cardio video. We did it together and he said I was doing great, specially for my first time. My question is, should I be doing more than just the Cardio video? I don't eat much to begin with so I'm not to worried about that, but should I be doing the Yoga X or anything else along with the Cardio? My goal isn't to gain a lot of muscle, but just drop my body fat percentage from a 36 to at least a 24. Any thoughts, or tips would be great! Going to keep up the P90X Cardio till then :) Thanks all!


  • I've done a little bit of P90X. I actually find the workouts fun. If I were you I would do the videos. The whole workout is designed to target your whole body. It's made to confuse your muscles so you can tone them. I say what could it hurt. Eventually you'll get bored with just cardio so switch up your routine a bit.
  • hydrosmak
    hydrosmak Posts: 16
    I think it really helps to change things up a bit sometimes and not get into the same routine. Not to mention watching the same video everyday can get a little cumbersome. I would say in a week or two (maybe longer) when you have become acclimated with Cardio X, delve into Kempo X or Yoga X. Keep Cardio X in a rotation but add other videos into your routine.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    You can do the Lean version of P90X which is more cardio, but you still do strength training. Strength training is an important part of exercise. If all you do is cardio, you may lose the weight, but you may not be firm and toned...that'w where the strength training will help.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    ok, so the hubs brought home some P90X videos from work, mind you he's Army. I just, not 10 min. ago did the cardio video. We did it together and he said I was doing great, specially for my first time. My question is, should I be doing more than just the Cardio video? I don't eat much to begin with so I'm not to worried about that, but should I be doing the Yoga X or anything else along with the Cardio? My goal isn't to gain a lot of muscle, but just drop my body fat percentage from a 28 to at least a 20. Any thoughts, or tips would be great! Going to keep up the P90X Cardio till then :) Thanks all!

    Read the guide that comes with it. It has all the answers.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Lot of women think that by lifting weights they can gain muscle like a female bodybuilder which is simply not true. First, most women bodybuiilders use performance enhancers, steroids and take testostorone enhnacers. If you want to lose bodyfat, you need to tone your muscle. The more muscle you have the less fat your body can store. In a nutshell, you need to include resistence training for the muscle tone.
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    ok, so the hubs brought home some P90X videos from work, mind you he's Army. I just, not 10 min. ago did the cardio video. We did it together and he said I was doing great, specially for my first time. My question is, should I be doing more than just the Cardio video? I don't eat much to begin with so I'm not to worried about that, but should I be doing the Yoga X or anything else along with the Cardio? My goal isn't to gain a lot of muscle, but just drop my body fat percentage from a 28 to at least a 20. Any thoughts, or tips would be great! Going to keep up the P90X Cardio till then :) Thanks all!

    Read the guide that comes with it. It has all the answers.

    I don't have a guide else I would :(
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The DVD's come with a schedule that incorporates all of the videos. Most of the stuff on their isn't so much about building bulk as it is about toning, which goes a long ways towards lowering BMI. That being said, when I did the videos with my girlfriend, we exclusively did Cardio, Core, Ab Ripper X, and Plyometrics. She wasn't as comfortable with the other videos (except for Yoga). Try out the other three, and if you're comfortable with those branch out to the other videos. Yoga is great for flexibility and such, and shouldn't be overlooked, I just did because I hate yoga so we never did it.

    In 3 months she went down about 9% BMI through dieting, Wii fit by herself twice a week, and P90X 2-3 times a week with me.
  • deanmarino
    deanmarino Posts: 41 Member
    ok, so the hubs brought home some P90X videos from work, mind you he's Army. I just, not 10 min. ago did the cardio video. We did it together and he said I was doing great, specially for my first time. My question is, should I be doing more than just the Cardio video? I don't eat much to begin with so I'm not to worried about that, but should I be doing the Yoga X or anything else along with the Cardio? My goal isn't to gain a lot of muscle, but just drop my body fat percentage from a 36 to at least a 24. Any thoughts, or tips would be great! Going to keep up the P90X Cardio till then :) Thanks all!

    Keep pushing play and look at the lean version, you can always do the classic version which i recommend and just use the 12-15 rep rule to make you more lean versus the 8-10 reps to give you more mass. All of the cardio for P90X is great to use as part of the program or to supplement your other workouts.

    Remember to BRING IT!!!!!

    Keep Pushing Play!
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    Thanks for all the tips and help!!!! Def. going to keep them in mind!! I do do a separate yoga a couple times a week, and chase around a 3yr old and 1 yr old all day everyday. If that helps any. I'll do my best to not worry to much about the muscle issue then. Thanks all!! I really appreciate it!!
  • i didnt want to gain a ton of muscle either, so i decided on the lean method. so he sets it up like this

    weeks 1,2,3 which they call the adaptive and mastery phase

    day1~ core synergistics
    day2~ cardio x
    day 3~ shoulders & arms, ab ripper x
    day4~ yoga x
    day5~ legs & back, ab ripper x
    day6~ kenpo x
    day7~ rest or X stretch

    then on week four, your recovery phase

    day1~ yoga x
    day2~ core
    day3~ kenpo x
    day4~ x stretch
    day5~ cardio x
    day6~ yoga x
    day7~ rest or stretch

    hope that helps..... i got more if ya need it : )
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    Here's a guide I found online, maybe this would help??? http://www.finishwellfitness.com/skin/frontend/default/modern/documents/p90xfitnessguide.pdf

    I've never done P90X, but I would love to do it sometime!
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    i didnt want to gain a ton of muscle either, so i decided on the lean method. so he sets it up like this

    weeks 1,2,3 which they call the adaptive and mastery phase

    day1~ core synergistics
    day2~ cardio x
    day 3~ shoulders & arms, ab ripper x
    day4~ yoga x
    day5~ legs & back, ab ripper x
    day6~ kenpo x
    day7~ rest or X stretch

    then on week four, your recovery phase

    day1~ yoga x
    day2~ core
    day3~ kenpo x
    day4~ x stretch
    day5~ cardio x
    day6~ yoga x
    day7~ rest or stretch

    hope that helps..... i got more if ya need it : )

    OMG your a life saver! THANK YOU!