Constipated for weeks - but good diet

I have been eating healthy for about a month. I eat fruit veg meat fish eggs brown rice quinoa sweet potato.. etc. I haven't really been seeing any noticeable difference in my body measurements and I definitely haven't budged anything on the scales.. my problem is I haven't been able to poop properly for over two weeks now. It's really getting me down that every day I wake up and go to the toilet feel like I really need to, try really really hard.. and all for the tiniest little pebble. It's draining!!
People say 1. You're not eating enough fibre - well on an average day (take the last two days diary entries) I have between 20-40g fibre. 2. You're not drinking enough water - I drink 2-3L (70-100oz) of water a day AND at least 6 cups of green tea on top. 3. Try to excersise - I've been doing more edcersises in this past month than I have in years, 3 cardio workouts a week

What can I do about this? I'm taking aloe Vera juice and magnesium (250mg as recommended daily dose) and still nothing!

Also I did skip my period by skipping my week off the contraceptive pill, so wonder if it could be to do with this? But like I say is been weeks!


  • CoachBrafford
    CoachBrafford Posts: 27 Member
    What about your fat intake? What is it? Fat in most forms is either used or lost by our bodies.
    If that is not the case then you are working out too much and not eating enough... the period skipping could be a sign of that.
    Add 300 calories to 500 to your diet and focus on extra fats (oils, butter, organic meat fat) and see if it helps.
    Good luck and i hope that helps
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    I eat a portion of meat/fish every night, sometimes with an additional egg. The problem is I'm trying to lose weight.. so I can't afford to add 300 calories of fat to a diet. Is there any supplement I can take? I have tried to swap around some of my food so I can add in 100cal of nut butter so maybe that might help
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I eat a portion of meat/fish every night, sometimes with an additional egg. The problem is I'm trying to lose weight.. so I can't afford to add 300 calories of fat to a diet. Is there any supplement I can take? I have tried to swap around some of my food so I can add in 100cal of nut butter so maybe that might help

    how many calories are you eating? unless you're only on a deficit of 0.5lb per week you definitely have scope to increase your cals.
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    How can I increase my fat with healthy foods? Please don't suggest avocado as I hate the stuff haha
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How can I increase my fat with healthy foods? Please don't suggest avocado as I hate the stuff haha

    oil, nuts, seeds, nut butter, full fat dairy, fattier cuts of meat, more eggs
  • beepman1966
    beepman1966 Posts: 7 Member
    I've had to deal with that too. One theory is that our body is trying to hold on to the food that we eat because we are burning more calories than we consume. Stool softener helps.
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    Oh I've also started eating 100/150 sometimes 200 cal worth of almonds
  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    There are so many 'experts' on here but few doctors. I know of several ways to get things moving but I'm not a doctor! I once had these symptoms and it transpired I had acute appendicitis. Not suggesting there is anything wrong, but why not have a medical check up and take professional advice on the best approach...
    Rgds, David
  • Funnylittlenut
    Funnylittlenut Posts: 72 Member
    If it continues, do see a doctor. I personally have IBS, and very little helps. My issue is a combination of food intolerances and spastic muscles. There are exercises and massages you can do to help relax your muscles in the area if you think that could be an issue. If you think it could be an IBS-related food intolerance, the list of possible trigger foods can be found online if you search for 'FODMAPs'.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Have you tried taking more magnesium?

    Or drinking coffee?
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    I really don't like coffee unfortunately .. and well I don't want to take any more magnesium as the bottle tells me not to exceed 250mg per day (which is what I'm taking).. it's very frustrating and making me feel ill
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited January 2017
    Oh I've also started eating 100/150 sometimes 200 cal worth of almonds

    Salad dressing made with 20gms of olive oil = 180cals would be better than the nuts for your current issue or use the olive oil or another good liquid/solid fat in another way...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I really don't like coffee unfortunately .. and well I don't want to take any more magnesium as the bottle tells me not to exceed 250mg per day (which is what I'm taking).. it's very frustrating and making me feel ill

    redbull does the same thing!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I eat a portion of meat/fish every night, sometimes with an additional egg. The problem is I'm trying to lose weight.. so I can't afford to add 300 calories of fat to a diet. Is there any supplement I can take? I have tried to swap around some of my food so I can add in 100cal of nut butter so maybe that might help
    You don't have to add 300 calories of fat. Just allocate any amount of calories to fat. Nut butter is great!
    How can I increase my fat with healthy foods? Please don't suggest avocado as I hate the stuff haha
    No foods are healthy - your overall diet can be more or less healthy. I don't like avocados either. Eat any fat containing food you want. I use milk, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, butter, oil - for cooking (not deep frying) and salads.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I really don't like coffee unfortunately .. and well I don't want to take any more magnesium as the bottle tells me not to exceed 250mg per day (which is what I'm taking).. it's very frustrating and making me feel ill

    A side effect of too much magnesium can be the opposite problem to the one you have... Which could be a good thing. If you do some research you might find higher doses are recommended and not harmful, some magnesium is also more absorbable/available than others.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    When I had this ahppening a few months back I started eating kiwifruit daily. Was not easy to pass but after three days I was well on my way to normal toilet visits again. Water was hte essential part but you have that one covered
    Some fruits are said to be better than others in this repsect - kiwifruit, prunes and apricots very good for the digestive system
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    Yeah I try to eat two dates and a kiwi fruit a day. As well as a pear and some raspberries as they're all high in fibre .. yet still I struggle
    I'll consider going to the doctor if this doesn't get better in the next day or so as it's becoming unbearable
  • mausbop
    mausbop Posts: 554 Member
    I can only advise you what worked for me, I tried all the suggestions above for months but I was never really regular.
    What really worked for me is chug down 2 big glasses of water right after waking up. Give it a try, it can't hurt :)