1 month in and no difference!!



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, if I'm converting to pounds correctly, you want to lose @ 15-20 pounds. When you don't have much weight to lose, you don't have much wiggle room, so progress will be slow and any weekly loss can be easily masked by fluctuations in water weight. So you can go 3 weeks or so not seeing any results and then see a pound drop off. You have to be super patient. Having said that, double check your logging. Try not to use "generic" or "homemade" entries you find in the database, as they were probably added by other users and are probably wrong. Use your scale for as much as you can, including packaged foods.

    You shouldn't have to eat less than 1200 cals unless you are super short or super sedentary. I had to become more active to buy myself a few more calories. I found increasing the protein and fiber in my diet helped me to feel full on fewer calories, so I could "fit in" a few more treats and nights out. Hang in there :)

    yes your conversion is correct.

    OP is about same starting weight as I was and I needed to lose 20lb to get to a BMI of 23.

    OP is considerably younger than me so may want to go to a slightly lower BMI.

    OP, I am slightly shorter than you and I ate net of 1460 when I was losing - I did lose slowly though at average of 1/2 lb per week, or around 1kg per month.
    You should not have to eat only 1200 - you are not super short and you are 24yrs old, I doubt you are super sedentary.

    But, as others have said, you do need to tighten your logging - so what you think you are eating is what you really are eating.

  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    Okay so to clarify I only want to lose 9lb, and I am currently around 161lb.. I don't mind about my BMI as even when I was my thinnest it said I was close to the top end of "normal" I think I must have heavy bones or something haha!! I just want to lose inches!

    So if my logging is slipping and I'm eating more than 1200 then this is the problem and I need to try to log less so that my actual calories is 1200.. but people are saying to increase my calories also? I'm so conflicted haha!

    I would happily lose just 1/2lb a week as my goal (dictated by a holiday) is the end of April.. but it frustrates me I seem to be losing absolutely nothing. Not 1/2lb.. 1/4lb, absolutely nada

    And like I say I'm so bloated and constipated it's making me feel awful physically as well as disheartened mentally
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Okay so to clarify I only want to lose 9lb, and I am currently around 161lb.. I don't mind about my BMI as even when I was my thinnest it said I was close to the top end of "normal" I think I must have heavy bones or something haha!! I just want to lose inches!

    So if my logging is slipping and I'm eating more than 1200 then this is the problem and I need to try to log less so that my actual calories is 1200.. but people are saying to increase my calories also? I'm so conflicted haha!

    I would happily lose just 1/2lb a week as my goal (dictated by a holiday) is the end of April.. but it frustrates me I seem to be losing absolutely nothing. Not 1/2lb.. 1/4lb, absolutely nada

    And like I say I'm so bloated and constipated it's making me feel awful physically as well as disheartened mentally

    sort out the pooping first...

    re-set your goal to lose 0.5lbs per week.

    weigh and measure EVERYTHING in grams and double check the entries you're using in the database.

    either weigh daily and get a trendweight app, or don't weigh more than fortnightly or monthly. i am trying to lose the last 10lbs so only weigh every couple of weeks as it's super frustrating watching the scales bounce around so much.
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    You should definitely consider adding probiotics (yoghurts, or there are some speciality drinks) to your diet. It helps a ton. There are days where I eat around 3000+ calories, and can't imagine not incorporating them in to my diet.

    As I've mentioned earlier though, make sure you log everything. 1300 calories should be good for you to lose weight, as long as you correctly weigh your ingredients etc.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    and i've also found that the scale wont really move if i drink mroe than one or 2 glasses of wine a week :sob:
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    and i've also found that the scale wont really move if i drink mroe than one or 2 glasses of wine a week :sob:

    That's so sad because sometimes I like to fit a glass of wine into my daily allowance as a treat on a weekend or something!! Oh the pain

    Thanks subcounter I will consider adding a probiotic
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    and i've also found that the scale wont really move if i drink mroe than one or 2 glasses of wine a week :sob:

    That's so sad because sometimes I like to fit a glass of wine into my daily allowance as a treat on a weekend or something!! Oh the pain

    i know, it just bloats me so i never weigh for a few days after a night out!
  • serenity469
    serenity469 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on an 8wk PT fitness challenge at the moment. I'm learning so much about my macronutrients and when to eat them. Nutrition is so important. However, my main point I wanted to say was, I've just done week 3 check in. So sore and following my program religiously, but have been a little confused about my weight going up and down. However, for the first time, because I have been made to do it as part of my challenge, I have to submit weekly photos and weekly measurements. I've never done this before, but can I say thank god I have, because all my measurements are coming down but my weight is up and down like a Yoyo. I know it's a combo of not drinking water consistently, muscle gain, bloated from that time of day, d calories have double from what I thought I should be on (1500) to 2300. Coming back down now.
    So my suggestion to you would be, measure and photos religiously every week. This will help with the motivation for when the weight is being difficult.
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    .... but I am taking measurements and at most I lose like 0.1 of an inch from one area and nothing from the others.. every week
    Which is pretty poor. And photo wise I look exactly the same to me
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    .... but I am taking measurements and at most I lose like 0.1 of an inch from one area and nothing from the others.. every week
    Which is pretty poor. And photo wise I look exactly the same to me

    You need consistency and patience right now! You're light already and don't have that much to lose so you won't see big changes week by week.
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi guys pretty upset as still struggling. Felt good for a while last week as my constipation had somehow relieved itself and felt lighter immediately. But I took measurements and photos yesterday, and the attached shoes my difference from one month ago (on the left) and now.. and it's absolutely nothing. Like 0.1 of an inch off my waist. I can't stand this anymore the so painful to continuously work so hard and put in so much time .. and not get any results
    Has anyone experienced this?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    have you seen a doctor about the constipation?
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    No I haven't seen a doctor as last week it seemed fixed it's only come back today. And everyone keeps saying that my body will take time to adjust to he high fibre which I've been trying to let it do..
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    I've recently tried to lose weight this past month yet somehow it seems I'm fluctuating around the same weight constantly. In fact I'm week 1 I lost 1.5kg and then have put it all back on since then.. I don't understand.

    My BMR is 1530, I've dropped my calorie intake to around 1100 daily, I've only been eating "clean" so fruit veg wholegrain, no refined sugar no alcohol.. and I've been doing a 600-700calorie cardio workout at the gym 2-3 times a week...

    What am I doing wrong here?? It's so frustrating to get on the scales every week after working so hard, saying no to that glass of wine my friends are all having, no to the chips people offer to split with me.. and it seems to be having no impact!

    In terms of measurements I've managed to lose only half an inch of my stomach and hips, and an inch from my waist (though that was all in week one).

    Eat your calories it is telling you before you exercise. Don't increase what you eat when it tells you that you have earned more with exercise. I spent 2 months at a plateau eating the calories plus what was earned. I changes to just eating the calories before exercise and lost 5 lbs in 5 days.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    youre not weighing your food correctly, and eating more than you think you are
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    To clarify.. I never eat back the calories that I work off at the gym
    So on a day when I do a cardio of 60 mins, I still just eat 1200 +100-200 from walking
    But I try not to eat that full amount and go under that net 1200 including walking because some days I go very over on weekends for example, and I need to try to even that out over the week
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    To clarify.. I never eat back the calories that I work off at the gym
    So on a day when I do a cardio of 60 mins, I still just eat 1200 +100-200 from walking
    But I try not to eat that full amount and go under that net 1200 including walking because some days I go very over on weekends for example, and I need to try to even that out over the week

    I've had a quick look in your diary, and you have items measured in grams, oz and cups... do you put everything on scales?
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    Yep measure everything in scales in grams and convert into calories online if I can't find the ingredient in grams on MFP, then work back in oz on MFP to get to the same calorie amount
  • joannalouise92
    joannalouise92 Posts: 49 Member
    I think then, as clearly I'm underestimating calories even when weighing, I'm going to have to aim for a lower net goal or maybe 1000
    I'll stop eating back my calories from walking too
    Just can't understand how gym sessions are having no impact especially when you combine it with the low calories (even if it's not as low as apparently it needs to be it's still pretty low)
    Don't you think that shows there's some issue ?
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    I think then, as clearly I'm underestimating calories even when weighing, I'm going to have to aim for a lower net goal or maybe 1000
    I'll stop eating back my calories from walking too
    Just can't understand how gym sessions are having no impact especially when you combine it with the low calories (even if it's not as low as apparently it needs to be it's still pretty low)
    Don't you think that shows there's some issue ?

    I think you are putting your body in starvation mode. The time between meals( no more than 3 hours EVER), when you eat (ie after workout equal carbs and protein grams and nothing 2 hours before cardio), fasted morning cardio before breakfast and so on may be causing problems.