1200 calories + exercise... no results.



  • FaileBashere
    FaileBashere Posts: 27 Member
    4'11 Starting weight 175. Goal weight 115.

    I have been sticking to a 1200 calorie per day diet. I workout on the elliptical 45 minutes 5-6 times a week. In the beginning I lost some weight, but for almost a week now the scale won't budge. I do not ever eat back my workout calories (around 500). Is my body going into starvation mode from only netting 700 calories per day? I read on here most people don't eat back their workout calories. When I finish my MFP diary for the day it says what I'm doing is how to lose the most weight in 5 weeks. If I delete the exercise or add more hypothetical calories then end my diary for the day it says I'll lose over 5 pounds LESS every 5 weeks. I'm getting frustrated because Im putting in so much effort with no results and my friend who is not exercising is losing tons of weight. (20 lbs in a month)

    Please help! Should I keep doing what I'm doing and be patient or quit working out? I don't think I want to consume more calories just to be able to work out.

    wow I am in an incredibly similar boat. I am also 4'11", i weigh 164 and i'm aiming for 135lbs. Also been working out about 8 hours a week and doing the 1200 calorie diet (although haven't been as successful with it). I get confused as to how many calories I should actually be eating given i'm working out. But like I said, you're not alone!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Have your tried varying your workouts? You may have just hit a plateau. Are you doing the same intensity, time etc in your elliptical workout?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll lose. Women tend to retain water like crazy, and in my experience it's even worse when I skip a period.

    After that, just log as accurately as possible and trust the science. Do you weigh your food? If not, I don't really suggest eating your exercise calories back, but if you are, definitely eat back at least half.
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    this may be more simple than you think, and I apologize if someone has already mentioned it...two thoughts, one you aren't eating enough and your body is hoarding every calorie it can, basically you have gone into starvation mode. Secondly, you may be dropping weight in terms of fat but adding muscle, so its a wash (this week). Try taking measurements so see if you are losing inches...
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    Not worthy, I hang my head in shame. lol
  • guessjr94
    guessjr94 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there.. I'm in the exact same boat as you. I'm net 1200 and do three hour cardio sessions a week that I don't log or eat back and the scales (or my measurements) won't budge. I weigh everything, I easily drink over a gallon of water a day... it's pretty frustrating. If you find something that works, let me know!
    I'm putting mine down to the fact I haven't been able to poop properly for a couple weeks (despite eating 25g fibre on average per day) and that I skippped a period so maybe it's my hormones playing up.. who knows!! I guess I'm gonna have to wait and see

    an obvious alternative occurs to me.......

    You know, you can skip a period with birth control right? I skip mine every so often. That is what I took from her statement.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Maxematics wrote: »
    Hi there.. I'm in the exact same boat as you. I'm net 1200 and do three hour cardio sessions a week that I don't log or eat back and the scales (or my measurements) won't budge. I weigh everything, I easily drink over a gallon of water a day... it's pretty frustrating. If you find something that works, let me know!
    I'm putting mine down to the fact I haven't been able to poop properly for a couple weeks (despite eating 25g fibre on average per day) and that I skippped a period so maybe it's my hormones playing up.. who knows!! I guess I'm gonna have to wait and see

    an obvious alternative occurs to me.......

    LOL. I would hope that most people have enough brains to take a pregnancy test if they miss a period before declaring it due to hormones. Ever since I lost weight and got below 25% BF I've had times where I missed a period completely or had it come extremely early or late. I damn well knew pregnancy couldn't be a possibility.

    Nope. Just saw a post about a week ago asking for advice because she was vomiting for 3 days. Turns out she was preggers...

    OP - open your diary. Are you weighing your entries with a digital scale?
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited January 2017
    4'11 Starting weight 175. Goal weight 115.

    I have been sticking to a 1200 calorie per day diet. I workout on the elliptical 45 minutes 5-6 times a week. In the beginning I lost some weight, but for almost a week now the scale won't budge. I do not ever eat back my workout calories (around 500). Is my body going into starvation mode from only netting 700 calories per day? I read on here most people don't eat back their workout calories. When I finish my MFP diary for the day it says what I'm doing is how to lose the most weight in 5 weeks. If I delete the exercise or add more hypothetical calories then end my diary for the day it says I'll lose over 5 pounds LESS every 5 weeks. I'm getting frustrated because Im putting in so much effort with no results and my friend who is not exercising is losing tons of weight. (20 lbs in a month)

    Please help! Should I keep doing what I'm doing and be patient or quit working out? I don't think I want to consume more calories just to be able to work out.

    No you are not going into "starvation mode". Please remove that term from your brain. :|

    Make certain that you are being honest with your logging. That is by far the biggest reason that people don't lose. And give it more time. A week is nothing really. Also, are you consuming a lot of salty snacks? That will cause you to retain water like crazy. It's my worst failing.

    And 500 calories for 45 min on the eliptical is probably twice what you are actually burning.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    this may be more simple than you think, and I apologize if someone has already mentioned it...two thoughts, one you aren't eating enough and your body is hoarding every calorie it can, basically you have gone into starvation mode. Secondly, you may be dropping weight in terms of fat but adding muscle, so its a wash (this week). Try taking measurements so see if you are losing inches...

    Please no.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes8
    KaleidoscopeEyes8 Posts: 30 Member
    Definitely add some strength training in, and try mixing up your workouts in general. Your body can somewhat get used to doing the same exercise over and over and eventually it needs more to see the same results you saw in the beginning. In general, though, strength training is needed to help maintain weight loss in the long run, and helps you burn more calories while at rest.

    And like someone else said, don't judge solely by the scale; weight is fluid and mine has been known to change by 4 pounds in one day, just due to water retention and the like. Track your measurements and go by how your clothes feel; you might actually be getting good results that are just not reflected in your weight.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    The science and trends behind weight loss are so tricky -- eat this time...eat that time...small meals...calories are all that matters. AHH. It makes my head hurt honestly.

    So I won't give you all that. I will give you what worked for me. I was stuck at a certain weight for a long time, and I was doing Zumba and Spin 3-4 times a week.

    What made the scale start moving again was weight training. I kept my cardio, but added 2 sessions with a personal trainer a week. It took about a month after I started to make the change, but it definitely started going down at the rate MFP said it would.

    What's even better is that the shape of my body improved. I lost INCHES moreso than pounds, which made my clothes fit better. You might want to start measuring inches too, I heard it's easier to see results that way.
  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    Oh and if you look at my page, it only says 3 lbs lost -- I put on some holiday weight (I still workout, but I also have a bingeing problem) -- I lost around 9 lbs just from adding weight training, and more importantly I went down a whole dress size -- 12 to 10.